Friday, April 30, 2004

Of Love and Laughter

The house is full of loud noise, people doing several things at once and here I sit with a set of earphones and my portable cd player. The music is "Celtic Devotion" by Oliver Schroer. It is good to hear so much noise in this house again. All three of my children under one roof for the moment. I smile. I am blessed beyond words. Soon enough the house will be quiet again. One son will drive off tomorrow back to his home in Quincy, Calif. The kid brother and my youngest will take themselves off to do what needs doing so their work week will start off right or be relaxing with a video game. The hubby will be snoozing in his chair and I will be puttering around doing household chores, seeing to email or hopefully writing. My daughter will be cleaning house after her two whirlwinds aka children. For the moment, this moment, I bask in the noise that is beyond the office where this computer sits. I did a good job. I brought up three wonderful children, gave them a sense of belonging and of right and wrong. I gave my kid brother the support and love he so much needed when the bottom of his world fell out one night 16 years ago and I had to come home and tell a 16 year old boy his mother was not coming home ever again. All our lives changed that night, certainly not for the better, but we're all stronger and those of us who aren't... I hope that by now they have found themselves.

The night is clear and warm, the stars are bright, the music is soft in my ears and I could dance under the heavens..perhaps I will before I turn to my slumber and my dreams...

On this eve of Beltane I wish you all Hope, Renewal and Promise...
May music dance through your soul...
May Laughter and Love be the shining star the guides you
Through this sometimes weary world....
Blessed Be...
And My Honored Knight...
Come dance with me...

Thursday, April 29, 2004

Catch Me If You Can

The Day has slipped through my fingers like water. I got an early enough start on work. My mother-in-law called to see how we were. We talked for ages. I then called another couple we are rather fond of to check on them. They just got home from a visit to England. Oh yes, let me not forget to mention the usual various calls from my daughter who seems to think she must call me every single time the status of their apartment hunting changes. By the time I glanced at the clock in the livingroom I figured I had a few moments to myself before my hair appointment. I sauntered into the office and sat down at my desk, glanced at the monitor, swore, dashed out, scooped up my purse as I went and beat it down the dirt road to hopefully make it to the hair dresser's. I did and for once she wasn't running behind schedule.

Let me pause here a minute and backtrack. I have come to the conclusion, one, I not only live in a zoo, but two, I live in the twilight zone. There is not one clock in this house that runs on the exact same time, right down to the cellphones, all 3 of them. You can go from room to room, from vcr to vcr and you won't find the same time anywhere. By the way, I have one in the masterbath that's stuck on 12:30. I think a new battery is in order. I'll put it on the " Honey Do " list. There is a reason for each of these clocks being at the time they are on... I won't list them, trust me, let me spare your conscious mind. Besides, I don't want you to get sucked into this twilight zone... it's almost like a weasel getting sucked into a jet engine. Would you believe I have been after the hubby to change the clock in the office. By the time he got around to it, Daylight Savings Time had rolled around again. I don't wear a watch, despise them. I will consent to wear one if I have to be on a time schedule with appointments pending.

At the moment, I find myself with a few moments to jot down this blog while getting into Yahoo Groups to authorize a message or two for posting to Camelot's email list. I may even drop a line or two in myself. Then it's off to that movie I've missed out on so far. Nope, we didn't go last night. I was just too tired and my stomach was killing me, nerves is my guess. Tums are a wonder drug. So, third time is the charm, right GQS? ~grin~ The movie is Mel Gibson's latest, " Passion of the Christ ". My hubby is Catholic so he is curious, as I am. I am not Catholic however, I am Wiccan. My spiritual take has always been, 'all roads lead to the Divine'. I am more curious from a writer's viewpoint to see what has everyone talking so. I am also curious as to the graphic content I am hearing so much about. Late dinner afterward.

I get my grandbabies tomorrow, so my day is accounted for. My granddaughter is 7 and my grandson is 3. When we went to Vegas, I bought my grandson a broad sword and shield. I also bought a set for the granddaughter out of self defense. We'll see how it turns out tomorrow. The toys, needless to say, are going home with them.

On Saturday I am off to the Renaissance & Celtic Faire for the day. The weather is suppose to be grand as well. Another full day of knights and ladies, jousts, plays and good food. I am looking forward to it. Maybe I'll find that elusive Muse!!

Intertwined in all this is work and more work. My cup runneth over and is flooding the floor. I just hope I don't slip in it.... Oh! And my granddaughter and South Park is another blog for another day... ~eye roll~

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Do Mushrooms Melt?

It's been one of those days. Today should have been a Monday. Everybody's calling, wanting a piece of me. There's work on my desk that's a small molehill. My contractors are demanding, my vendors are whining and I want off the friggin' merry-go-round, thankyouverymuch.

Yesterday my husband and my youngest son got into it and I shouldn't be surprised, they were due. it's like clock work, about every six months. In turn, my hubby decided to snap at me as well. Surprisingly, I didn't blow my own headbolt. I don't mind the arguments, I just don't care for the sarcasm. I don't need it. Call it a shut down for my own survival. I let him rant and cuss and stomp off. He took himself off to the back forty to mow the long grass, might as well be constructive in his temper tantrum, hm? The youngest got into his car and went driving. He's not stupid, I'm not worried. He just needed to get out and away before he did or said something disrespectful. Needless to say the young man came home, the hubby came into the house, they made it good. I got after the youngest, nicely...isn't he lucky? The hubby apologised for getting angry and messing up our dinner and movie date for the evening with a promise we'll do it tonight. Right now, I don't care. I'm numb. I haven't a creative bone in my body. I'm plugged into my cd player and listening to Martina McBride's Greatest Hits. I need something.... I just don't know what.

On another front, I just read GQS', my twin-soul-sister, latest blog entry. She made me smile. I'm glad it worked out. She found validation and it will all work out for the best. I could have told her that...wait.. ~grin~ I think I did.

All in all, my life is good. Sometimes, I feel like something is missing.. I could list what I think that is.. what I know it is.. what will it serve? We can't have everything our little ole hearts desire, not without a price and at this point in my life, the price for that bit of self satisfaction is not worth the rest of my life. Right now, I'd just settle for a bit of inspiration for my various muses...what I can't have in reality, I can find satisfaction in and through my imagination...

I need to find some time for roleplay in channel. I have a commitment there. It's just that I fall asleep so early lately and get up even earlier or my sleep is broken up with this or that. Something is making me restless and I need to deal with it. In other words, I need to get a grip, but how do you get a grip when your handle on life just broke? ~grin~

Sunday, April 25, 2004

Someone Hand Me A Shovel

Personally, I don't think I am the stereotype mother-in-law, then again, that's my opinion. I have only one son-in-law and thank the heavens it's enough. Basically, he's a good person. I call him Fertilizer Boy and shall hence forth be referred to as " FB". Why do I call him FB you might ask. I'll tell you. Since my daughter married him, there are times I have wanted to bury him in my rose bushes and use him for fertilizer. My mantra where he is concerned seems to be, " He's young. He'll grow up. We're all a product of our enviroment. There's still a chance". Of course, there is the fact that my daughter has to sleep with him (Gee, I sound like my mother about now) and I don't. She set her sights on him from high school. Several years and one daughter later, she married him. Like I said, he's a good person. He loves my granddaughter as if she was his own flesh and blood. He does look after the kids, my daughter has CFS and a host of other illnesses. In her own words, she's a poster child for medical problems. She's trying to learn to live with it, he's trying to live with it and I'm trying to stay out of it. Now and then though, I want to go "POW" straight to the moon. Oh, let me add here, my daughter is not blameless in all this and she does get an earful from me when I do need to say something.

Example: They live from check to check and scrape by. He went back to school on the GI bill and on his VA disability. Sometime over Thanksgiving, his brother (the one home from Iraq) gave him $1,000.00 to spend on himself. We don't know what the exact conversation was that took place between the brothers, but it ended up with FB getting a check for $1000.00. He didn't mention it to my daughter. She found the check when his wallet fell out of his pants and came open. Long story short, he bought himself a laptop AND borrowed an extra $300.00 from a friend to get it. The friend is suppose to get his money back via some rebates FB has coming to him. FB has wanted this laptop, he didn't really need it. Who needs a laptop really when you come right down to it? My daughter wanted him to have one but told him it had to wait until they could afford it. So much for that. Oh, did I mention that after she found out about the check, FB told her she couldn't tell me about it or his dad? Why? Because if they got into a financial emergency, I wouldn't help them out if I knew about it. Damn skippy. At least he kinda knows me.

Needless to say, my daughter advised FB that if and when my granddaughter's sperm donor ever coughed up child support, he wasn't seeing any of it, period...well at least a $1000.00 of it. She recently got some money from the county in relation to collections. True to her word, he didn't see any of it. He isn't happy. He also isn't happy that she didn't tell him when she got the checks. She reminded him that he didn't tell her about his check. Stalemate.

Example 2: When they lived here with us, he was a slob. They had to move out. They moved in with his parents. She was deemed the slob and could do no right. They got into fight one night and his father got in her face and yelled at her to shut up. FB let him. Then FB took their son and locked themselves into his parents room and wouldn't let her take their son with her when she came over to my house for the next night or two. When I came for her, his father made it abundantly clear that she wasn't taking the boy anywhere. It was a good thing I was on his property. His mother proceeded to tell me what an awful slob my daughter was and how my daughter spent money like it was water and was ruining her son financially. Not exacftly those words, but it meant the same thing. Needless to say, I told her what I experienced with their son and then we left, minus the baby, called the sheriff dept and found out her options. Like always, they worked things out, especially when he figured out that he was not going to get custody of his son. They always manage to work it out.

Example 3: FB is flunking a couple of hard college classes. Who's fault is it? His wife's. She always has him doing things. Well yeah. However in her defense, she tells him over and over to let her know that he has homework and she will make sure he has the time alone to get it done. Recently she found out that he could be doing extra credit to help pass. He's known it for awhile now. He hasn't done it yet. Why? Her fault. She has him doing things. He's known for many days, if not weeks now. No excuse. He rather play on the Playstation.

He can be an irritating little chit in a friendly sort of way. He buys me gnomes for my garden. I think gnomes are cliche. I accept them in the spirit they are given, with humor and friendship. He helps buy cards or presents for me and his input is pretty good. He loves his children and takes care of them as much, if not more, than their own mother does sometimes because of her illnesses. He stands by my daughter even though she tries his patience and his nerves.

My daughter is no angel. She can't even begin to claim sainthood. She could keep house better. She could do alot of things better when she's feeling up to par. She knows it too. There are more examples but I won't even go into them. Why is she still with him? She sees the good things. She sees the possibilities. I applaud her and I listen when she needs an ear to chew on. This is her life to work out, not mine. I've been there, gotten the t-shirt and shredded the damn thing, moved on.

As for me, I like my sanity, what little I have left. I stay out of it. I don't even offer advise. Most times when I think about FB, I still want that shovel.

Saturday, April 24, 2004

The Small Things Mom Forgot To Mention

....or was it intentional? I've noticed there are a lot of little things Mom forgot to tell me about and now that I am a mother myself, I'm beginning to think it was intentional. I think it's all part of that "just you wait" mentality. It's all part of the Mother's Curse, I believe. I'm referring to children in case I've lost anyone. Things like...

My daughter has a family of her own now and since she moved back up into the same town as I am, she calls everyday. Okay, let's be honest here, she calls many times a day. Sometimes I wonder why she called at all at certain times. When she doesn't call, I worry. Something surely has to be wrong, right? Now if I could just get her down to one or two phone calls a day Maybe that's why I take vacations and only leave the room info with my kid brother and I turn off my cellphone.

My oldest son is also married, celebrates his first anniversary next month. He is one of the sweetest young men I know. He's thoughtful, kind, respectful and clumsy. If there is any way for an accident to happen, he'll find it. I usually get a phone call from him to say hi and find how are things are and then casually tries to slip in the latest accident of his. I use to worry about his happiness, but since he met his new wife, that is no longer an issue. I have no concerns where she/they are concerned. I don't get calls often from him. He is doing all the things a young person needs to do to get his new life on a good path and I don't mind that.

My youngest son seems to finally be getting his life together. He got out of a bad relationship about a year or so ago, moved back home and finally got his old job back. He's more mature and responsible these days. He's still a loving pain in the arse. I find ways to get even. I live to get even. He finds ways to irritate, lives for it, so things balance out.

The reason I went through all of that was to show they do have lives of their own, that keep them busy so why is it their timing sucks? Is it inbred in their DNA? I noticed it from the time their awareness kicked in... the " time to mess with Mommy" awareness. You know.. those times like... no one needs me until I head off to the bathroom because nature demands it type of thing or when I think I've finally carved out that time for a private relaxing bubblebath I've always wanted and EVERY-friggin-one needs a moment of your time just as you sink into that warm water piled high with bubbles.

I lived with the blissful ignorance that ONE day all that would stop. They would grow up, move out, get a life, a husband, a girlfriend, a wife and leave me in peace to have that bubblebath or just some quiet time to relax. Mom, in her sly " just you wait" silence, merely grinned inside. She knew, dammit, what I have finally come to realize, IT NEVER ENDS. Well, not until I shed these mortal clothes for another chapter beyond this world of reality and that just plain sucks. There are things here I want to enjoy...alone.

I catch myself muttering to myself, " If I knew then what I know now, I'd never have had kids. " Yeah, right. it's all blind. You live in the moment and in a period of weakness, at some point, you decide to seal your fate and have..children. Life is never the same again. Life as you once knew it is never the same again. I've decided that I was a Marine in a former life... I've learned to adapt, overcome, improvise. Semper Fi.

And I am doomed... because I wouldn't change a damn thing. When I want privacy and peace, I'm now in a position to run away from home.... hey.. maybe we do regress to our childhood.. maybe it's my turn now to give them a taste of what they've given me all these years....

On second thought... I'll just send them the Mother's Curse. Let their children deal out my justice, after all, it will at least be, oh, shall we say, three-fold?

Thursday, April 22, 2004

Life's little.."Wake Up and Smell the Coffee"

I'm home and thankful to be so. Since I have been journalling the trip to Las Vegas, I guess it is only fitting that I finish it out, so here we go....

We decided to travel up Nevada for the trip home instead of reversing our path back up Calif. Truthfully, the hubby didn't want to chance crossing the Mohave and getting another ticket. Aside from that aspect, we wanted to see how that route was for the planned trip next year. The route was nice. To some it would seem boring but I found it less stressful....until we hit an area where there were high winds and sand storms. We were scooting right along when we came up behind a flatbed 18 wheeler hauling a M1 Brady tank, probaby on its way to Fallon. Did I mention the road is just a two-way? At any rate, the way ahead was clear, so hubby makes to pass. Halfway around the 18 wheeler, out of the sandstorm, with no headlights on, looms a white 18 wheeler, coming straight for us. At that moment, I truly believed I had met Death. There was no way I could see of us avoiding a collison of some sort, with us coming out of it, not at all. Somehow, and I am convinced of this, through Divine Grace, my mother's spirit, the expertise of my ex-deputy sheriff hubby and as much help as those 2 truckers could have provided under the conditions, I am alive today to be able to sit here and type this.

In retrospect, facing Death was not like seeing my whole life flash before my eyes. That little window of a scene moved in slow motion until the moment we actually moved past the tank's 18 wheeler and back into our rightful lane, then everything seemed to catch up to speed and returned my consciousness back to the fast pace it had left for just those few moments in time.

This leasson, whatever it might have been for me or my hubby or the tank 18 wheeler's driver, I KNOW there was one in it for that driver of the white 18 wheeler... drive through a sandstorm with your lights never know whose life you could save. I hope he got it. I know that if the hubby had seen even a hint of headlights coming from the south bound lane, he would never have attempted to pass.

When we got home and I related the incident to my kid brother, he said something to me that has given me something else to think about when I have a moment to spare. He said, " Did you ever give thought to why it was a white 18 wheeler? Of all the colors there are, what were the odds of this one being white? " I don't believe in coincidence. Everything always happens for a reason, even if we don't grasp it and maybe never will. In my lifetime of travel on the road (and believe me there has been plenty) the number of white 18 wheelers I have seen, I could count on one hand and have leftovers. Go figure.

All and all, despite the tribulations, we had a good time. It was nice. It was enjoyable. I look forward to my return trip next year. Tuesday, we simply relaxed, did nothing, became mushrooms, sleeping when we wanted to, eating when our body demanded it..and Life.. including trials... is worth living.

Monday, April 19, 2004

Eye Candy for Dessert

oh my..oh my.. oh my...we just got back from seeing the Tournament of Kings at the Excalibur Hotel here in Vegas. I got us front row tickets. Now, dinner was running late because they were short staffed. By the time I started to eat, I had a mouthful of cornish hen when young... well muscle toned men entered the arena in nothing more than black tights and well, basically a thong... thought I was gonna choke. It was something my soul sis forgot to mention, thankyouverymuch. Other than that, we kicked up the noise and encouraged the others in our section.

All in all, we didn't do anything super special for our anniversay, but we spent it together and it's a nice gentle, loving atmosphere we're currently sharing... so, I'm out of here. More from the grove tomorrow

Sunday, April 18, 2004

The Comedy of Errors

Ever had one of those days when just one itty bitty thing goes wrong and it's all a downward spiral from there? Where shall I start?

I went to bed Saturday morning after I sent my last entry. I even went to sleep. The alarm clock went off a few minutes later. The hubby was not ready to get up yet. We got up and moving by 6am. What time we left the homestead is a whole different ball of wax. The hubby couldn't find his wallet. We finally found it and got out of Dodge about an hour later. Got halfway there and I called home. Yep, just as I thought, hubby forgot to pack my make-up case. Now, some might be thinking, why didn't I just do it. We do things a certain way... he packs the truck. I stay out of his way. At any rate, oh well to the make-up case.

Somewhere along one of the highways we were on, there was a horrific accident. One 18-wheeler and one compact car. I'm not sure what happened exactly, but I do know no one in that compact could have survived.

The Mohave Desert is quite larger than I figured. It's also flat. Hubby got a speeding ticket. Cop said he clocked hubby doing 95 in a 65. That would be quite correct. Good thing we found his wallet. Btw, did I mention, I was not leaving home without the wallet. Good thing too. He hasn't gotten a ticket in 7 years. Hot damn, Momma gets a new outfit equivalent to the price of one speeding ticket. He barely managed to avoid any more. Needless to say, we checked in around 8:00-8:30pm. We had to go out and buy a few things and pick up something to eat. By 11:00pm, I took an ibuprofen, 600mg and crashed.

I woke up this morning in time to watch the sun come up then dozed on the couch until about noon. That was nice for a change. We headed over to the Excalibur to pick up our tickets for " The Tournament of Kings" tomorrow night. We also roamed around and bought a few things to take back. We bought the grandkids swords and shields. Yea, verily, I say unto you, their mother is going to loved me for it...NOT. Then we took the tram over to the Luxor and roamed around there. Hubby has convinced me to to do the 3D thing of the Haunted House and maybe even the ride there, kinda like the Star Wars ride in theatre they have at Disneyland, at the Luxor tomorrow. He wants to do the 3D thing of NASCAR. I told him to go ahead, I'd puke if I did it with him.

We saw Penn and Teller tonight at the Rio. It was cool. Although I didn't like the part of putting the cute bunny in the wood chipper. Yes, I know it didn't really happen. It's always the short quiet ones that have a warped mind. Gotta love it.

Other than not managing to get into 2 car accidents, we're doing good and relaxing. We'll definitely come back. This time share was a good investment.

Saturday, April 17, 2004

Elusive Morpheus

Apparently I am not going to be allowed to sleep until we're on the road today. If our calculations are right, if I know my hubby, we'll be in Vegas in 8 hours commencing at 6am, that also includes a small stop to top off the gas tank. It will have to do. Once awake, the hubby has to drive. He may even drive the whole trip. We don't have anything planned for tonight so he can rest his back in the whirlpool tub once we check in.

So, why am I not asleep this early? My toothache. I think an internet friend of mine is on the right track. Since the tooth in question has had a root canal and I am guilty of crunching ice, mainly on that side, I think I overly stressed it. It wasn't hurting during the day but after a late dinner(and yes, E, I ate on the opposite side) and a hastily thrown together suitcase, I settled down to sleep and no such luck.

I am not going to let something as small as a toothache keep me from enjoying the next four days in Vegas. I am not a gambler and for this trip, not much for sight-seeing either. These next four days are for de-stressing, vegging and hopefully being creative before I am launched into our new working season. I am all right with that. The past three months have been stressful in making ends meet. Hm. Maybe I am not putting that right. It has been stressful worrying about the next month. Yet, some part part of me has always had faith that the Lady's Grace would be there. She hasn't let me down yet. Oh, I've had to work at it, nothing comes without a price, but.... I think the worst of it is over, at least financially. I do not care for roller coaster rides. I do not care for the " ant and grasshopper " analogy. So, this year, I make sure it doesn't happen again. The business shows signs of doing quite well this year and if I can incorporate the word " organization" into my hubby's vocab, I may even get to keep my sanity... wait... I forgot about the children... ok... how about a small piece of my sanity then? That sounds reasonable.

This early in the morning, all kinds of thoughts meander through my gray matter. Yes, I now have possession of " The Cell ". That's another blog for another day. Suffice it to say, I have a twin soul sister, Griffen QuickSilver, who lives miles away from me, several states away and yet, we have a hard time knowing where one stops and the other begins. We share much between us and with a few other ladies. Ahhh, now there's another topic for another blog, this relationship I have with some ladies. I am constantly amazed by it. I just have never had girlfriends I could count on, even if they are miles and miles away.

Ever had thoughts you wanted to put to paper and said to yourself, " Oh, it'll keep until later ", until later arrives and *poof* they no longer exist and you mentally kick yourself for not writing them down sooner? Well, that's me. So, hopefully, this journal will pick up some of those thoughts and if anyone gleans something from it, huzzah! If not, well, in and out. Do not repeat.

Hmmm, seems Morpheus is knocking, but you know something? His timing sucks. The alarm clock is going to go off in about 15 minutes, talk about a quickie if I consent.... then again.. maybe 15 minutes is better than nothing....

Laters gators!

Friday, April 16, 2004

I've decided to move my blogging here from another site. Why? Because my soul sister decided to start hers here and another sister has her's already here. I might as well jump in here too, heaven help the general population!