Thursday, March 31, 2005

Once Upon A Time......

....there were two shrooms in the Grove that got sick at the same time which gives free license for those in the Grove to run amok. While the Troll and the Sprout are basking in quiet glee (they don't have me on their tail to get things done), the four-legged critters are truly amok. In brief forays into other parts of the Grove, I have found shredded bathroom tissue looking like flotsam on my livingroom floor. There are slippers missing also. I daresay if I were to venture outside into the backyard, I will find them. The kids will be checking on this place while we're on vacation, feeding the animals and such, however, I am a bit concerned how the four-legged children will take absence. Is that going to stop me from going on vacation? Hell no. They'll get over it.

My house is a disaster area and I am still pondering how that came about. I mean, there are four adults here, even if three of them are male. I am feeling less like a wet weasel pulled backwards through chickenwire and more like just a weak beraggled weasel. *grin* The good news is the hubby and I are on the mend. I am hoping to be back up to par or close to it by the weekend, better now than next week.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~

May Mrs. Terry Schiavo rest in peace. At least the rhetoric will now die down or so we can hope. I am listening to the news and I am appalled. I was listening to the attorney for Michael Schiavo who said that Terry's brother was asked to leave so the hospice personnel could do an evaluation and her brother created a bit of a fuss... yet, I just heard a reporter at the hospice for a major news station misreport what Michael's attorney said. This reporter said that Terry's brother was with Terry a few minutes before she died and was asked to leave Terry's room and he made a fuss. Geez, people, if you're going to report, do it right. Reminds me of a game we use to pay as kids where we stood in a line and the person at the top of the line whispered something to the person next to them and so on and so on until the last person speaks aloud what they heard and it is not nearly the same thing that started out.

Watching this scenario play out, I am stuck by the venom that has poured out of God loving people. I can understand and respect anyone who has strong opinions, however, my respect erodes when those strong opinions turn into nasty, nasty vindictive adjectives. Regardless of agreeing or not with his decisions, Mr. Schiavo has conducted himself in a dignified manner. He hasn't made any threats to anyone's life, he hasn't cast nasty names on anyone who has disagreed with him. I think that speaks volumes.

I am sickened by people's lack of respect, lack of consideration for anyone else in that hospice and all because they have an agenda and their agenda must be heard at any cost. How much rest can dying people get with horns blowing, drums beating and people shouting. Some say this wasn't a circus. When the rights and respect of others who are terminally ill and have the right to die in peace are foregone simply because of the need to draw attention, something is seriously wrong, smacks me of narrow-mindedness and definitely strikes me as a circus.

I have this last thing say on this subject for the time being:

Terry's brother has just quoted Jesus on the cross: " Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do."

That door swings both ways.

Monday, March 28, 2005

Weekend In The Grove

Wow. It was a busy weekend here. Friday I had the babies and they were all excited about showing off there creative talents via egg dye. It was fun to watch. Pookie being quite creative in her use of the colors and Topper just plopping eggs into any bowl and every bowl of color. When he got done, he wanted to help sis which caused a wail of protest to insue. Grandpa handled it as any good diplomat can. Consequently, Topper's eggs quite interesting.

One would think I would figure it out by now. Pookie had a bit of a cough. Did that stop me from snuggling with her? Nuh-uh. Now, I'm paying the Piper. Damn Piper. Someone ought to take that sucker out and drown him. Who's brilliant idea was it to have a piper in the first place? At any rate, I went to bed with a raspy sore throat, had a rough evening and woke up feeling like a wet weasel that's been pulled through chicken wire backwards. Apparently everyone over in my Daughter's household is sick as well. Thank heavens for spring break. As for me, I'll be doing whatever I need to do to get better. I do not wish to spend my vacation time laid up. The hubby is feeling like I am.

Bowling was awful. I was not on my game at all. I did do progressively better. I managed to break 100 for the last two games. I kept ending up with splits, which was okay because it gave me an opportunity to work on nailing those. I didn't do too badly. However, this Sunday was the men's day. I got trounced soundly and the other three did great. Mr. Mushy missed a 200 by one pin. He was so mad at himself for that. He did manage to turkey in one game. The boys fell under the curse of the " Double X " *snicker* just couldn't snag that last one. Gotta learn to breathe in and breathe out, grasshopper. Half the fun is listening to Troll and Sprout pick on each other. The language got a little adult so I almost had to smack Sprout up the side of his head. The alley had a lot of children yesterday even though we were at the other end of the alley. Those two can get loud when they get started. Other than that, Sunday was pretty quiet. Sprout went off to his room to be a vid-iot, Troll commandeered the big screen to be a couch spud vid-iot. I opened the laptop and kinda hung out for a bit online. Mr Mushy was working on a Honey-Do, namely putting some drawers together for the master bathroom.

So, that was the weekend in the Grove.

Today is definitely a Monday. Already the hubby has had to deal with the wench from hell manufacturer. She IS NOT happy with him or the way he wants to handle business, but she really doesn't have much of a choice. If she circumvents (and she could try) us, Mr. Mushy is truly going to accept that as a reason not to do business with her. She constantly insists he go down to her office to discuss the matter and there is nothing to discuss. We know how this business has to be handled and like it or not, it has to be done this way. There is nothing she can say to him or discuss with him that she can't discuss over the phone. She's not happy about that either, that Mr Mushy won't go down there. Tough. I have reason to believe that she thinks I run the business, hence, if she can get him down to her office and away from me.... I merely help with the bookkeeping and the paperwork. I also still have this nagging feeling that she thinks we're stiffing her, that we're getting paid just not turning around and paying her, which has no utter foundation to speak of. We still haven't made contact with the company that involves that $14,000. I don't expect there to be any problems, but hey, with Mercury in retrograde, one does not take anything as rote. Where's the chocolate? Yeah, yeah, I don't stuff my face with it, but just thinking about it makes me feel better.

Oh, by and by, have I mentioned that over vacation time Troll is going to shave his head? He's going bald on top, thanks to father's genetics. So, he got a wild hair one day and thought about shaving his head just for grins and giggles. He's talking about doing it before he goes back to work so he can tell all his staff that he not only lost his arse at Vegas, but his hair too. I don't know where he gets it from. *snicker*.

Good thoughts and prayers go out for Tuesday and Wednesday. It's a scary thing. If his son is anything to go by, his dad will come through it just fine. I loathe waiting rooms. *hugs*

Well, this beraggled weasel aka wilting shroom, is feeling worse. I think I need to go lie down for a bit and have something hot to drink for the sore throat, heating ointment for my sore knees.. gads, growing old is a bitch.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Take Your Pick

To All my Christian friends I say: " Christos Anesti". In Greek, that means, " Christ is Risen".

I know this may be confusing for those of you that recognize my spiritual path lies elsewhere. Short and sweet, I was raised with basic Christian values, even had a spiritual experience that remains with me today. However, I find my comfort in other explanations and ways. All roads lead to Rome. I can intermingle wisdom and Truth, as I see it. Mostly, I just see things in a different light. I also acknowledge and respect all faiths and beliefs so long as I am afforded the same.

Michael Jackson:

Okay. Now he claims conspiracy? Likens himself in the same league as Nelson Madala, Muhammed Ali and Jack Jackson to name a few? Can we say, ego? Give me a break. There is no conspiracy in this case, just poor judgment and a messed up childhood. Jackson always did thrive on drama. Oh, and I think he should not be wearing those medals he's collected. If you didn't earn them, you don't deserve to wear them. They represent something to someone, they are NOT a fashion statement. Geez, talk about insensitivity. The bottom line, Mr Jackson? No matter what you feel is right, does not make it right. Sleeping in the same room with children that aren't yours, is wrong and if you were anyone else they would have hung you up to dry eons ago. Now, you're merely a middle-aged man who never became socialized. I sincerely hopes the DA wins his case, because you need a wake-up call. You need to grow up and quit living in the bizarre world you've chosen for yourself.

The Right To Life-ers, and All Others Involved:

There are other people in that hospice that deserve the respect of consideration. They are there to die in dignity and in peace and quiet, WHICH they are not getting because of 9 days of steady beating on a drum(s) and constant noise. Now there are people throwing themselves on the ground and yelling? You all say you respect life, what about the other lives in that hospice? What about THEIR rights?

I am not impressed with the Catholic priests I've seen out there either. They are not even trying to sway the others to think about the other people staying in the hospice. They are so single -mindedly focused on Terry, to hell with anyone else.

And for the Schindlers: You opened this can of worms. It could have been avoided. I don't blame you for doing what you thought you had to do, but in retrospect do any of you ever wonder about the circus you've turned her life into? It's a little late to say you're not going to give interviews anymore, isn't it? A little too late if you ask me. You opened this can of worms, you now will have to live with what you've sown. I hope you think it was worth it in the end.

It constantly amazes me how some pro-lifers can preach their views, then think nothing of taking a life to prove it. Pro-Life? Give me a break. Can we say, oxymoron?

The Catholic Faith/The Vatican:

I have to wonder... 1) The Catholic dogma believes that suffering brings one closer to God. The Pope apparently is suffering. So, for those who believe Ms Schiavo is suffering, how close is she?
2) Calling people 'torturers'.. well, you should know, eh? Your forebearers were quite experienced in that area. One really should tend to one's own glass house instead of throwing stones. 3) I believe before the year is out, if not sooner, there will be the need to select a new Pope.

A VP of the NRA:


I am a believer in the right to have guns, just not any type of gun. I believe there are some types that should not be allowed on our streets, let alone manufactured UNLESS it is for the benefit of our Armed Forces. We are trying to keep these weapons out of the hands of our children, not give them easier access. Geez. Under what rock did they find this one?

Pill Popping Society:

This society is moving in such a fast track, it has become a " Give it a pill and move along" society, " Take a pill, it will fix everything"... yeah. Will someone please enlighten me as to whose brilliant conclusion it is that our children are better off on anti-depressants? Do we move in such a fast track and can not be bothered to take the time to actually sit down, talk with our children, let alone figure out what is wrong with them? We're so tied up in making money, either because we have to for economic reasons, we want new toys or because of the misguided idea that our children need to have more than we had..Everything has its price and we're sacrificing our children on the alter of mo' money. Apparently, the anti-depressants are making our children more depressed, gee, go figure.

Child Molesters and the Law:

We need a better way to track these people. I know, let's insert a microchip under their skin before they leave prison. What? It's a violation of their rights? They forfeited their rights when they committed a crime against a child and since the system can't seem to track them, let's let them do it for us. Hello, Onstar, I'd like to know.....

Children are our most precious gifts, we should be doing more to protect them. I find it so interesting that bills, such as protecting our children get tied up in Captial Hill but they sure as hell can call a special session to pass a law to try and save a woman who is in vegetative state. Go figure.

Tom Delay:

The House Speaker misses the point entirely. His father may have been dependent on machines to sustain his life. The point being his father did not wish to be kept alive that way. Just because Ms Schiavo's only needs were nutrition, the point is, through court adjudication, it was determined she did not want to live that way. Hypocrite or thick headedness strikes me as good adjectives. Ms. Schiavo had 15 years to improve in, it didn't happen. Nothing was going to change that, not even good intentions or wishful hope.

Now that I've blogged a mouthful *grin* I shall give you all respite.. at least for now.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Mirror, Mirror

The Vatican:

Can someone please explain to me the definition of "natural"? The Catholic Church believes one should die "naturally". Pardon me, but isn't that what she's doing now? Her body can not take in water and food on its own so she was sustained by artificial means. If one removes those artificial means, isn't her body back to its natural state? You can't have your cake and eat it too, as Marie Antoinette found out to her detriment. Here's another case of the foundation of the Catholic Church trembling. They take what they feel is right and condemn everything else. Oh and please spare me, I am so sure that her soul will suffer damnation or anything else anywhere for a decision placed with and carried out by someone other than herself.

Mr Mushy spoke with a health care nurse, also a Catholic, who made a valid point. This type of situation happens, unfortunately, every day. So she can't understand why this is being made into such a big deal. Indeed.

I find it sad that spiritual advisors are in disagreement within themselves over this matter. How long will it take before It gnaws its own foot off to save itself?

Jeb Bush:

As an elected official, it is his duty to uphold the laws, which includes the courts, not allow his own personal feelings or beliefs color his decisions. This case has run the gauntlet of legal options and yet, he still continues to dig, probe and cast about for creative ways to circumvent what he does not want to acknowledge, the courts going against what he believes. Enough is enough already. Quit giving her parents false hopes. That is cruel.

Advance Directives:

Mr Mushy filled out a new advance directive before undergoing surgery for colon cancer. It has two parts, one is his wishes in regards to sustaining life and the second is naming a primary caregiver if he can not speak for himself. I am that person. I keep a copy in my purse. Like most people, I haven't filled out one and I need to.

Mrs. Schiavo did not have one. This three ring circus would never have happened if she had. Kudos to the Florida Legislature for not passing that law that says food and water will be administered in the event that no written wishes by the patient are present.

Who knows a person more intimately than a spouse? I would say this to all religious persons. In the absence of a spouse proving to be unfit to be a primary caregiver or guardian, two people took vows to join their lives together. These vows include: " What God has joined together, let no man put asunder. " In other words, let the spouse make the decision, right or wrong in the eyes of others, and that spouse will answer to the Divine.


Shame on you all! Despite denials, you can't pull the wool over the eyes of the people. This had political agenda written all over it. If you wanted legislation to demand a feeding tube be reinserted, then you should have said so. Instead you chose to cloak your meaning in broader terms so you could get it passed, hoping the courts would take your intent. The courts and laws of our country must rise above such strong arm tactics and it seems they understand this even if you all don't. You singled out one woman, what of the many others who go through this same thing? This case is no more complex or sad than any other. You all poked your nose in where it shouldn't have gone. This was a family issue and when they couldn't agree, the courts of the state had to step in. When that wasn't good enough, someone pushed a button somewhere and got it tracked on the federal level, where it had no right to be, with the unspoken belief the end would be met as you all wanted it. Well as we all know that didn't happen.

It's hard to believe that it isn't all about political agenda when it is constantly touted that religion needs to be brought back into individual lives and the politicians are pushing it at every turn. Maybe religious, spiritualness need to be reintroduced into the family nucleus once more, but that's not Big Brother's job, they're job is to watch over and safeguard, not dictate.

Mrs. Schiavo's Parents:

My heart goes out to you. There is no feeling like feeling helpless and watching your child die. You are commended for your dedication and doing all you can do. Now it is time to let go so she can move on. The decisions do not lie in your hands, you have to accept that. Your son-in-law has done nothing to prove that he is an unfit guardian or an unfit husband.

In my eyes he is to be respected and admired for standing up for what he truly believes is his wife's wishes. Why would he do this otherwise? There is no money in it for him, he could simply divorce her to get on with his life and no one would think the worst of him for it. To me, this is a final symbol of love and respect he can give her. This is not an easy matter for him also I am sure. It is a decision he will have to live with for the rest of his life. As a mate, we depend on our spouse to look after our best interests when we no longer can. There's no doubt in my mind he is doing exactly just that.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005


Have I been plain enough how much I detest Mercury in Retrograde? Where's the chocolate? Isn't that suppose to be good for shot nerves? If I could pull them out and show them to you, you'd see how shot they are. Today has been nerve wracking to say the least. I am completely frustrated with Mr. Mushy and at the moment, the more he leaves me alone, the better I shall begin to feel. At the moment, I won't go into it. Maybe later. Because of this, everything just seems to scrape along my nerves today. I think it's a good day to go into hiding and stay there. Put that pith helmet on, hug my stuffed bunny and pull my blankie over my head until the sun comes up tomorrow. Oh gods, now I hear Annie singing in my head. Make it stop!

Last night during dinner I had a great, in depth conversation with Sprout about current events. It lasted a good long time. We don't get to do that very often so when the opportunity arises, I never pass it up.

This morning started off well enough, maybe that should have been a clue, hm? Needless to say, every male in the house is currently tiptoing around and or avoiding me. Thank you. Maybe by this evening I'll feel human again. Right now, I could easily embrace Medusa.

Monday, March 21, 2005

Quote For The Day

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.
- William Morrow

A Tisket, A Tasket...

Welcome to the ramblings of a demented shroom. 3 weeks of Mercury in retrograde. All ready it's making itself known, but I am getting ahead of myself. Where to start....

Terri Schiavo:

Has Congress overstepped its bounds? Is its newest legislation unconstitutional? I say yes to both. How many other circumstances, how many other people are out there facing or having faced these types of circumstances? How many times has Congress used its perceived rights and stepped in? Give me a break. What I am wondering is, who had such a powerful button to push to get Congress to this point? At first, I believed it was motivated by political platform. After all, the Democratic majority voted for this, but I can hardly blame them. They are outnumbered, it was going to pass anyway. Let it through and let the Republicans hang themselves. Maybe they weren't thinking like that, but I can't dismiss the possibility. The President has made no bones about his belief system or what he hopes to achieve in his last term as President. There are no illusions in my mind about his wishes to bring Divinity back into public eye. I do not fault him for what he sees as his missions. The problem being that we're such a diverse republic, there has to be an easy acceptable middle road to walk. I digress.

No matter how many angles I look at this situation from, I can't get away from the fact that Congress had no right to step into this fray. It had already run its course on the state level. It had been through the courts including the State Supreme Court, which refused to get involved. So, I come back to, who had a powerful enough finger to poke into this mess?

Without the written word by the patient, we must take into consideration, whether we like it or not, no matter how painful, any and all details left behind. There is no dispute that I can find by anyone ( as well as adjudicated in a court of law) that Mrs. Schiavo had said on numerous occasions that she did not wish to live in such a state. There is no disputing a very in your face fact that Mrs Schiavo's brain cortex no longer exists, that there is no cognitive function.

I feel for her parents. I know what it is to look for hope when there is truly none. I know what it is not to want to let go someone so dear, so precious. I know what it is to see things that we fool ourselves is truly there.

Life is indeed precious and should not be taken lightly. I do agree with President Bush, one should always err in light of life, but where we differ is that, there has to be a determination of what life is. Is it a beat of the heart, a breath? Or is it those things and others? Is there a chance that a person can once more return to living conscious level as we live it today? There is a difference between a coma and being vegetative. Science has shown there is no possible way Mrs Schiavo will return to the vivid aware living woman she once was and given her words spoken to others, she deserves to maintain her dignity and die as the situation will allow.

This legislation was made just for Mrs. Schiavo. What is this? What made her so special? Or was it political grandstanding?

What was once a situation about an unfortunate woman has now turned into a circus about politicians and their use of power. Truly unfortunate.

Oh, in case anyone is wondering, I'm a registered Republician. Regardless, I vote and stand by my personal convictions, not political party lines.

Michael Jackson:

Hmmm, are all these seemingly physical problems a manifestation of a worried, bothered mind? How many more times is he going to arrive late and be cut slack?

Protecting Our Children:

It is truly unfortunate that our children will not know the joys of freedom we enjoyed growing up. The world is truly a far more dangerous place today, then it was back then. Our children are being kidnapped and killed right from under our noses as we sleep. Our children can not ride their bikes, or walk to the store or be left at a bus stop by themselves. Parents today simply must not bury their heads in the sand and ignore the very real possibilities that face our growing children. While we can not and should not live our lives in fear, we should not thumb our noses at it as well. We need to have in place what ever safe guards we need to to insure the well being of our children. Nothing and no place is sacred, just ask Mr. Lunsford.

The War In Iraq:

Yesterday on my way into town to finish up getting Easter gifts for the grandbabies, I saw a peaceful voicing, wanting our troops returned home. I have no hassle with them. They have the right to voice their feelings. Some of the signs though had me shaking my head. One of them read, " Peace begins at home ". Uh, duh. However, unless we want nations to band together (whether out of domination and or fear), to turn and attack our homeland, we had better be willing to defend, help institute freedom wherever we can. We are infidels in the eyes of some. Nothing short of our deaths will make them happy. Can we say, Twin Towers? If there are people out there that think we can hold terrorism at bay merely at our shores, delude themselves.

I hate war. It's a waste of human life and everyone loses. Unless all the evil minded, egotistical, narrow minded people out there who would enslave, destroy, others to fufill their own agenda are eliminated from the world's population, I fear we're stuck with war. I think as the years roll by, collectively as a human race, we evolve. We are working our way into peaceful existance but that Xanadu is a long time way way off, I fear.

On The Grove Front:

We went bowling Sunday and had a good time. I haven't tallied my average yet. However, my game is improving. I break a hundred at least for every game. Unless, I'm being stupid and bowl a fourth game I shouldn't. I am suffering for that decision today. Mr Mushy gracefully fell on his tush just after he threw his ball down the lane. Damn, that was a pretty fall. At least it wasn't his knees.

If anyone has heard, Sacramento got so much hail on Saturday that it had to be carted off in dump trucks. We got a part of that. Weird.

Got the tickets for The Tournament of Kings at the Excalibur in Vegas. Will be securing our rental car this week. Can hardly wait.

Mercury's Tickles:

For two months our business held $14,000.00 plus from a company we do business with because the amount owed us seemed excessive. 3 times we checked and rechecked with the project manager regarding this money and we were repeatedly told the money was our commission( may I also point out that I felt she was being rude). So, based on this, although we were still confused, we released the funds for use. Shortly thereafter, the old project manager who handled this project, returned to the company. We had concerns and confusion about another project ( the funds were returned to us because there was no outstanding account) we asked that the company in question to lolok into the matter. Now it's being put forth that OOPS, somebody at their end made a very bad mistake and the $14,000.00 is actually not ours to keep. I want to smack someone. And my other irritation? It not only took two months to be able to release these funds, but another two weeks or so before the old returned project manager could go through all the paperwork for two projects to determine what was owed back to the company, but nevermind that, he wants his answer from our end what is owed back, today. We got the fax from him late this past Friday. Geez. Take your sweet time going through everything, but give us back our money NOW. I'm still trying to sort it all out. ARUGH.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Mercury's Little Tickle

It seems like everytime I attempt to get on the net, the storm stirs up. Wonderful. Makes me wonder if I should attempt to even go bowling tomorrow morning. I might find myself down the alley. So, in order to save my computer from a death by lightning. I'm once more out of here.

You scored as Spring. You are SPRING. Ever optimistic, you readily greet each day with an open mind, and with gladness in your heart knowing that even should life share its dimness with you, the sun -will- come out.









What Season Are You?
created with

Got Aspirin?

Mercury in retrograde. This is not going to be pretty, children. Mercury has been pulling its wagons and surrounding the Grove for a week now. It's been toying with me, lying in wait. I want the spare pith helmet, a shovel, a deep pre-dug foxhole and my blankie, thankyouverymuch.

Earlier in the week, Mr Mushy tripped going down the dark hall...over a dog. He didn't hurt himself so I don't count that as his third. Small little things have been annoying me, just little things, things that make the corner of my lip curl in a small snarl is all. This morning I wanted to work from my livingroom desk and use the laptop. I have an extended phone line draped through my house so I can use the dedicated phone line for my computer. This usually is not a problem. What did I do? I forgot the phone line was there, tripped and hit my knees. Yeah.

Last night I get a call from my daughter. I can tell from her voice something is wrong. Apparently she and FB got into it over Pookie washing her hair. Let's just say this was a stupid issue to argue over. Daughter wanted to talk to Troll presumedly to ask him to take Pookie to her dance. FB has a rotten temper and when he is in a not so pleasant mood, he likes to snip at his children, which daughter does not allow. Well, Troll was at work, not that that was even a consideration. I told Daughter in no uncertain terms she needed to chill out. She needed to give FB a chance to take his daughter to this dance and behave himself, after all, FB has a choice here, he can either be an ass or he can give his daughter a night out she will remember. Besides, knowing FB as well as I do, I knew damn well he was going to behave. There were going to be too many parents and too many staff members there for him to be an ass. Pookie definitely would be in tears if FB decided to be an ass. So, I knew good and well he would be on his best behavior besides, I also knew FB has been looking forward to this night too. He was looking forward to taking his daughter out to a dance. I wasn't letting Daughter ruin that for either of them so I told her she needed to back off her misguided, well intentions. If FB got out of hand and runined this for Pookie, I'd rip his balls off myself the next day, that is if Daughter hadn't beaten me to it by serving them up on a platter already. She agreed. Darn kids.

I got off the phone, extremely upset with both of them, who were both yelling in the background and in my ear, mind you, for trying to ruin this for Pookie and making it all about them, which it wasn't. I hung up, looked at Mr. Mushy and whined, developing a headache in the process. I told him I was going to go put on my muumuu, my blue fuzzy slippers and take a damn nap, which I did. I called later and found out that Daughter and FB had calmed down and Pookie, though her feet hurt a little, had a good time. As it should be, end of story.

I suspect my blogs will continue to hold " Mercury's Little Tickle" in the days to come. I sincerely hope they are mild.

Where is that aspirin bottle?

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Happy St. Paddy's Day


"Bless me Father, for I have sinned. I have been with a loose woman."

The priest asks, "Is that you, little Tommy Shaughnessy?"

"Yes, Father, it is."

"And, who was the woman you were with?"

"I can't be tellin' you, Father. I don't want to ruin her reputation."

"Well, Tommy, I'm sure to find out sooner or later, so you may as well
tell me now. Was it Brenda O'Malley?"

"I cannot say."
"Was it Patricia Kelly?"

I'll never tell."

"Was it Liz Shannon?"

"I'm sorry, but I can't name her."

"Was it Cathy Morgan?"

"My lips are sealed."

"Was it Fiona McDonald, then?"

"Please, Father, I cannot tell you."

The priest sighs in frustration. "You're a steadfast lad, Tommy
Shaughnessy, and I admire that. But you've sinned, and you must atone.

You cannot attend church mass for three months. Be off with you now."

Tommy walks back to his pew. His friend Sean slides over and whispers,
"What'd you get?"

"Three month's vacation and five good leads"


Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Annnnd So It Begins

Last week the phone rang at Daughter's and FB's home. FB answered. It was Skylar for Pookie. FB handed over the phone. Skylar and Pookie talked for a bit and then Pookie hung up. Pookie was talking with FB and FB alluded to Skylar being a female. Nuh-uh. Wrong. Skylar, it turns out, is a boy. Needless to say, FB's jaw dropped and I think he's still trying to recover. Pookie is 8, get use to it, Dad. *snicker*. Speaking of Pookie and her Dad, Pookie has been very excited. This Friday is her first Daddy/Daughter Dance. She's tripping on air and it just tickles me pink. As much as FB gets stuck on my radar and I want to pull out my shovel, I have to be thankful for the fact that he has always treated Pookie like his very own. In fact, I don't think he thinks of her any other way. Maybe, that keeps him from getting the back of my shovel to the back of his head.

In the meantime, I would take Topper for the evening, but this weather keeps switching and I think I'm coming down with a cold. I'm doing everything I can to head it off.

We've come back from two turn around trips to Sacramento in the early morning in the past two weeks. Mr Mushy's ears are doing much better and the infection is clearing up. I am NOT looking forward to next month after returning from Vegas. We have 3 trips to Sacramento to make, two of which, we can not delay.

OH! I found my own bowling ball, finally. Boy did it need cleaning up. Took it bowling last Sunday and did real good. I out bowled Troll and Sprout. *snicker* Hubby out bowled me two of the three, darn it. That last game was tight though, he won by 2 pins. Sundays are turning out to be day since both Troll and Sprout are home. I had to get use to my 8 pound ball again. The alley's balls were all too heavy for me, it was all I could do not to get pulled down the alley when I threw them. LOL. By the third game, my 8 pounder and I were becoming old friends again. I should do much better this Sunday. I really need to see if something can be done about the name 'terri' etched on my ball. hehe. I got it in lieu of a cash payment owed me about 20 years ago.

One more panel to stitch on my new livingroom curtains and the tabs to sew and I'm all set. They're looking pretty good even if I do say so myself. I have a gardening plot to finish planning for the side of the house, which includes a small waterfall and pond. I have to figure out where Pookie and I are going to grow our sun flowers, tomatoes and strawberries this year. I have tons of cans to gather and recycle, more renovating and organizing to do. LOWE'S is coming! They are hoping to be ready for business by the holidays this year. Yea! That means I don't have to travel to Chico, I hope. Even if I do, at least I can have the store down there ship stuff to this store where I can pick it up instead of having to figure out how to haul it from down there. We have decided to install wooden floors instead of wall to wall carpet in the house. The bedrooms will still have carpet however. Eh, this should be fun....not.

Hubby continues to go to his therapy meetings every Monday night. I'm not sure what's being accomplished but I'd like to believe I'm seeing something positive occurring. He is starting to talk to me a little more about what he is experiencing. Not much, but a little. There doesn't seem to be as many nightmares of late either and his heart seems to be behaving. He is still puzzled and frustrated in not knowing why he can't seem to get past his Nam experience, especially when he knows men who have seemingly for all intents and purposes, done so. When he asked me about it.. the only answer I could give him was that from my own experiences, there is something unresolved in his own mind about it all...maybe some sort of acknowledgment or something. He sees the group therapist twice a month on an one-to-one basis also. Apparently Mr Mushy was an little unnerved at his first meeting. The therapist's office is a blatant reminder of Vietnam. I asked hubby if he asked the therapist why the therapist did that. Hubby said he did, in a round about way. Answer: To either make one feel more comfortable or to make one feel uncomfortable. Smart man. Jury is still out but I think I might like him.

There are personal, intimate issues I want to discuss with hubby, but the timeline around here hasn't lent itself to it yet. I recognize everything is tied in with everything else, so it may be that these issues will have to take a backseat to other ones first. I just have to trust my instincts here because I have nothing else to go by. It wouldn't be the first time I've flown by the seat of my pants. I'm getting rather good at that. Human complexities. Interesting.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Rebellion In The Grove

Oh yesssssss. Yesterday was a lovely day in the Grove and there sat the Shroom, stuck at her desk looking upon a computer monitor all the while enjoying the view out her back door. The oak trees are blooming (and yes for you gloomy gusses, the pollen is up), the wild flowers are dancing in the gentle winds and the sun is nice and warm. WHO WANTS TO SIT BEHIND A DESK AND WORK???!! *twitch*

I looked across the room at Mr Mushy who was working very hard on getting some work done and asked if he was doing anything that wouldn't keep for another day. I must have sounded desperate. He turned around, looked at me and asked me if I wanted to go shopping. I wanted to get out of the house. I could feel the walls closing in. Usually when I feel this way I simply go outside and putter for a bit. I needed something more than that. There was this disturbing urge to smash something.

There is something quite satisfying about hurtling an eight pound ball down a long alley and watching it gleefully take out upright pins. There's something satisfying about hearing those pins thrash against each other and even slam up against a wall before disappearing from view. We went bowling. We had a good time together, the bowling alley was empty or pretty much so. We bowled three games, I got progressively better, Mr Mushy didn't do too badly for his first two (having trounced me for those 2 games) and did terribly for his last (yes, I trounced him back REAL good).

Poor hubby. The night before last he was helping me with dinner, I was making tacos. He does the prep work on the veggies for me. We like working together in the kitchen. We work, drink a little wine and talk. Nice. Except that on this occasion, he tried to add a slice of his finger to the diced tomatoes. Since he is on daily doses of aspirin and blood pressure meds, when he does something like that, it takes forever to get the bleeding to stop. However, we got it under control. That's one. Yesterday, while bowling, he slipped and hit both his knees just before he threw his ball. Ouch. That's two. I am silently wondering what 3 will be. It always happens in threes. Sprout is cringing because he declares that Mr Mushy starts something like this, it makes its rounds within the family. Everyone usually ends having incidents of three. We'll see.

I never realized how much stress one puts on their knees when bowling. Then again, it could just be me since I'm still recovering from knee injuries. I woke up this morning with both knees extremely stiff and sore, a little aspirin should take care of it. I don't have time to slow down today. There is grocery shopping to do, a BBQ chicken dinner to prepare( menu: BBQ chicken, mashed potatoes and corn on the cob, homemade spice cake for dessert), a door handle and dead bolt to buy AND the grandbabies to play with. I'm also hand sewing new curtains for the livingroom. The men are rolling their eyes at the pattern on the material. They can bite me. They need to learn to step outside of their comfy box. I like it. I do have a sewing machine but there's something about hand sewing that I find soothing and enjoy. I usually work on it in the evenings when it's just the hubby and I sitting around in the evenings, watching tv together. I'm still perfecting my small stitching. It's like cooking, it relaxes me. When the kids were little it was hard to find time to enjoy those kinds of things. There was always so much to do elsewhere. Now I can take pleasure in it.

No time for rebellion today, but just wait... Sunday is looming nearby and I plan on beating the men in the family at the bowling alley. *grin*

Thursday, March 10, 2005

A Test from Live Journal

I have a Live Journal and this test used names from my Friends List. LOL. Thought I'd share. Because I couldn't get the html to work right, you can find the test here, but you need to have a Live Journal for it to work.
our LJ Harem
LJ Username
Punishment Tool of Choice
You restrain your slaves by
Prefered form of service
Secondary favorite service
Number of slaves in Harem 453
Bodyguard who makes sure nobody touches your slaves miscellaneum
Favorite slave who is in charge of the others miscellaneum
Bratty slave who needs constant dicipline tyralor
Is not in your harem but secretly wants to be tyralor
Devotion and obedience level of your harem - 46%

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

It's All In The Norms

You know, I was just rereading my last entry and it got me to thinking... yeah, yeah.. I hear the collective Ut-Ohs in my ear.

My home state of Hawaii ( my adopted one is Calif. I've lived here most of my life but I was born and have lived in Hawaii some) doesn't view people as overweight. There's no stigma to it. I mean we have the slim and sleek and we have the fuller sizes and everyone in between as well and we all manage to co-habitate well enough. All women are beautiful, no matter their size. We have those who can show off a lava-lava and those can look absolutely gorgeous in a muumuu and let me tell you, muumuus do not come cheap in Hawaii. I swear they can make any woman look and feel beautiful. We wear them for everyday use. We wear them for special occasions. They're part of our daily structure as well as our history/ancestral culture. I have seen very full sized women look gorgeous and men flocking to them. Actually, I was quite amused when I first went back home to live. I wasn't use to that. Here in California, sleek and slim is propagated. It simply amazes me how cultures/societies look at things so differently. I have found it is the visitors to Hawaii that assert the difference, but once (if at all possible) someone can immerse themselves in the local culture, they find things are different.

Over there, if you can't find clothes that fit your size, wear a muumuu. I prefer the muumuu actually, especially in the tropics. They're much more comfortable, not to mention spacious. There's an airy feeling that makes one feel free and for those that are consciously aware of their bodies, the muumuu gives one the ability to blend in and not be so damn conscious.

Hawaiian people take everything seriously, but the key is priority. Everything has its place. Some if it is just very low on the list. Some things are far more important than others. The only thing that keeps me from wanting to live there all the time is the change of seasons. Life's Wheel always turns, I just like to see it do it.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Achilles Heel? Or Is It Merely A Tendon?

I was speaking with someone very dear to me earlier this evening. I was listening to his frustration, one I truly understand, mind you, and in his frustration his words just struck me as mean. Now, I know this person well enough to understand he isn't mean spirited. In fact, he's one of the most loyal, caring, people in my little world. Like I said, frustration was being vented. The framework of the conversation is what touched my Achilles heel... or maybe it is merely my Achilles tendon these days. I'll explain.

I have battled weight all my life. At some point I weighed in at nearly 300 pounds. Do I hear a collective gasp from the masses? Actually around 285, but close enough it might as well have been 300 pounds. I am graced with the ability of not looking what I weigh. Many people in my life who know me well, would never have guessed that I weighed that. That's not to say I didn't look overweight, I know I did. I just didn't look to be that much overweight.

Where did the weight come from? It came from genetics, from mental health issues, from physical issues. I'm not getting into any of the causes in depth here. I don't feel like getting on my soapbox and it would probably end up that way. I was merely sitting here going over silently, mentally, the conversation I had earlier.

The one thing I want people to understand and I realize not everyone will, is that there are reasons why people are extremely overweight. I mean think about it, who in their right mind wants to be extremely overweight and miserable? Who wants to listen or overhear someone calling them ugly names or making fun of them? Who wants to be huffing and puffing, not be able to sit in a normal chair or a booth like everyone else? Who wants to go to a store and not find something attractive to wear in their size? It's not a pretty place to be in and I can't think of anyone who consciously wishes it.

That said, people need to take responsibility for their life. Whether they choose to smoke like chimneys or eat themselves into a heart attack and an early death. No matter how overweight they are, they must realize they have to function in the world like everyone else. The world does not have to make exceptions or conform to their state of being. Being overweight is no excuse for being lazy. The world owes you nothing and you owe the world everything. When you find excuses for not being all you can be, you place the burden responsibility for a job, for chores or anything else, on someone else's shoulders. Someone else has to pick up where you leave things. It means someone else is overworked or overly stressed.

Not all overweight people are like this. There are attractive overweight people in this world that do their share and then some. There is a reason why people live to eat instead of eating to live.

I never expected the world to conform to my needs or desires. I simply needed to carve my own niche in it. Even at my heaviest I carried 50 pounds of chicken feed, worked in the garden, I walked even when I was huffing and puffing and my feet hurt like hell. I never once complained or whined. I have always been blessed. There have been more people in my life who have loved me, found me attractive and desirable than those who have simply passed through with an ugly, mean word or two. Unfortunately I was once married to a man who found it easier to draw attention to my weight by calling me names rather than appreciating what he did have. His brother found self amusement in throwing not only little weight adjectives my way but racial remarks as well and they weren't pretty and meant to be humiliating although when called on the carpet about it, he would smile and and say he was just teasing. Yeah. Right. A little man with nothing but little words to offer.

So, what started me on my downward slide of weight gain? Age for one thing. I can't eat what I use to and I don't convince myself I can. Getting a consciousness that says eating is not about diets and deprivation, it's about good choices, healthy portions and doing things. I hate exercise. I don't do it, but I do work around the homestead. I get out, bend over and pull weeds. I tend my garden, I sweep, I clean, in other words, I find something to do, no matter how big or how small. In the house, I am up doing some small chore during a commercial if I am watching TV. It could be anything from filling the dishwasher, to the fixing the coffee pot, to wiping down a counter or filling a feed bowl for a pet. I simply move. You would be surprised how much that alone helps. I do love to weight train, depending on what it entails, but I haven't been able to do so in awhile (read into that that Mr Mushy has STUFF stacked all over the weight machine center). Secondly, I don't concern myself with a scale. Once a month I weigh in, good or bad. It's been good for a while now. I don't go to fast food places or very very seldom do I frequent them. Mostly because my stomach won't tolerate them. I do go to a restaurant and have a burger and fries now and then. I do not exist on 'rabbit food' nor do I consciously diet. I do watch my portions. I do make conscious choices of food.

If I have learned anything at all, it's that it takes a long time to rethink eating habits. Eating habits are a part of your lifestyle. To change something you've done for a long time requires patience and continuous efforts and when you do fall back into old habits, you simply consciously get up and regroup again. Sooner or later, you do change if you want it badly enough.

More importantly, you have to love yourself. You have to believe that you are a viable, warm, loving human being with a right to live your life and have something worthwhile to give. And those people out there that put you down? Well, they're part of the problem, not the solution. If you're carrying your share of the load, then ignore the littleness that flies out of their mouth. Apparently, the only way they can feel like someone or feel justified or feel any sort of control over their own lives is by making you feel small and worthless.

In the eyes of the Divine, you're everything but....

Happenings In The Grove

Well, I'm feeling, overall, much better. I'm still battling headaches. I've had them all my life since I was a teenager. Some years are worse than others. Mine seem to be manifesting over the past couple of months, more than likely, stress related. Eh. Two aspirin and suck it up, my motto. *grin*. They'll go away.

Pookie got her report card. Yowza. The girl is doing good. We're proud of her. We're always proud of her, just more so.

Topper is doing good, keeping 'things' in their proper place. I can't believe that boy is 4 already.

All animals in the Grove have been spayed/neutered. Thank the Lady.

I think everyone here is looking forward to Vegas, a change of pace and scenery. Troll and Topper have never been to Vegas before so this should be a treat.

Mr Mushy's physical health seems to be okay. There's nothing to report on that front. His mental health, well, that's hard for me to figure. He doesn't share a whole lot. Now and then I get some information, some shared piece of history but for the most part, he plays it close to his chest. Interestingly enough, some wee part ( and I do mean wee) of me is---feels hurt, no maybe, left out would better describe it. He can speak with these men but the one person he loves the most, trusts the most, and he can't even feel free or safe enough to talk with me. Now that's one wee part of me speaking. The majority knows and understands why he can't and I've developed the patience of Job. I also am the eternal optimist that feels at some point, all this therapy will draw us closer. Marriage on some social 'normal' level is work. One like mine, is a helluva lot of work, on both our parts...definitely worth it.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Bristling From The Grove

I just got finished reading this morning's news on Italian reporter Giuliana Sgrena. Her ego astounds me. For her to think that the U.S. finds her such a threat that they would target her is so, so.. damn out in left field, it's laughable. Girl, you aren't even a fish worth worrying about and why in sam hell would the U.S. even consider such a thing? Just because our policy of not negotiating with terrorists is well known? This affects her how? We don't even negotiate for our own people. We have our reasons. We don't have to like it and we don't.

Secondly, who in their right mind would listen to their captors? They're anti-American anyway so anything they have to say should count for diddly squat.

Thirdly, of course she didn't see any lights or arms waving, they all were too busy celebrating in the car at her release. Heaven only knows what that all entailed. If there was celebrating going on, then who was paying attention to the road? And just because someone yells out they're Italian, the troops should take their word for it? Oh, and how fast does an Italian view as a 'regular speed'?

Lastly, they came hurtling down a combat zone, an area known for its suicide car bombers, ignoring all warnings to slow down and stop. Were warnings given? I don't doubt it. These troops deal with this all the time. There have been too many people dying because of these death cars.

Fear motivated decisions, whether they were in that car or out of it.

The true sadness to this incident is that a man, Nicola Calipari, gave his life to save another. It was a noble deed, a deed that demands sorrow, respect and honor by all nationalities.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Are We There Yet?

Stars in Heaven, is it April yet? You can't begin to understand my wanton desire, no, NEED, to go away from here. Vegas is full of action, lights and people, but I can hide. Oh yes, we shrooms do that well. I would like to just stock the kitchen with food and wine and just....melt. Alas, while I will get some of that in, most of the 5 days will be filled with running around. ALTHOUGH the boys understand that I do not and will not live by a watch while I am there. The only exception is going to the Excalibur for the Tournament of Kings. Eh, Mordred is a bit cheesy but the spirit of fun is a good time. The last time the hubby and I went, we roused up our whole section. I got a kick out of that.

It's the first Friday of the month which means Mr Mushy has a VFW meeting, Troll is working until midnight and Sprout is out of here to spend the night gaming online with a friend. That leaves me with the house to myself which is good because I'm still not feeling up to par. Looks like the babies are not coming over this weekend. I'll have to make it up to them next weekend. So, how am I going to spend my evening? Curled up on the sofa, soaking in the heat from a fire in the fireplace, nursing a ginger ale and watching a bit of tv between sleeping. I would try and promise myself some much needed online time, but frankly, I can't. I can hardly keep my eyes open as it is.

So, you all out there have a good Friday night. Enjoy and stay out of trouble.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Grove Happenings

Well, the unexpected and unknown medical appointment for the hubby turned out to be his long needed and awaited appointment for the ENT (Ears, Nose and Throat)Dept in Sacramento which will be Monday morning. It's going to be one of those, Let's hurry up and do this and get back because he has group meeting Monday night and given the circumstances, he needs to attend that Monday night meeting. The last time they threw an unknown medical appointment at us, it was for the cancer. It's hard not to borrow trouble. Thank you, Skya.

Pookie has her first dental appointment tomorrow. She needs a filling. I remember how her mother was with her first dental appointment so I am glad it's not me going in with Pookie. Poor baby. Oh yeah, and some little boy kicked my girl behind the knee and she's been limping for almost a week now. She's got a bit of a bruise and her muscles back there knotted up. She's getting better though. Dang boys.

I think I'm coming down with something. I'm feeling awful and my stomach is trying to tell me it doesn't like me at the moment. I'm trying not to toss my cookies. I hate doing that. Ugh. I've had a migraine headache off and on for the last couple of days too. I'm idly wondering if it's a form of the stress manifesting itself, one of those, if you're not going to take care of yourself, I'm going to force you to do it sort of things.

This post is going to be short because I'm in dire need of locating a can of ginger ale.

Take Care People.

Innocent Until Proven Guilty

Now I knew when Michael Jackson's trial began there would not be a day without some sort of news to share. This country stands for innocence until proven otherwise. I can't help but think that even if he did not molest this boy or any other child, what he has been doing is wrong. Here is a 46 year old man who admits to sharing his bed with children. Even if he doesn't actually sleep in the bed with them, he still sleeps in the same room with them. Think about this, if it were some every day, run of the mill, Joe Schmoe, he'd be locked up tighter than a drum someplace and more importantly he would not be allowed to continue with such behavior or at the very least shunned by society. But because this is Michael Jackson, it's okay? I'm not even talking about any form of molestation here, but just his habit of sleeping in the same room with children that are not his. More importantly, WHAT ARE THESE PARENTS THINKING???!! I don't care if we did grow up with Michael Jackson. Most, if not all of us, don't know him as a person. We see what he and his entourage want us to see, not as he is.

In my opinion there is something terribly wrong with Mr. Jackson psychologically. This is certainly not acceptable behavior expected of a 46 year old man. I don't care how Mr. Jackson tries to explain it. It is still immoral and wrong. I think Mr Jackson has proven to be irresponsible where young children are concerned. The dangling of his own son over a balcony railing was another stupid thing to do. I don't care how tight he thought he held the baby, any mature adult understands that there is a chance of accidently dropping that baby. Mr. Jackson placed his son in mortal danger and nothing was done about it. Society allowed it to happen because he is "Michael Jackson". Well, hello and wake up people! I have some critical news for you. Mr Jackson puts his pants on like any other person. The difference is that he has never been held accountable for his stupid, unthinkable actions. Even if he doesn't like it, we all have to grow up some day and be held accountable. If Mr Jackson wants to ruin his face with numerous amounts of plastic surgery, if he wants to live in his own fantasy land where he never has to grow up, that's fine, that's his choice. But when his actions affects the lives of others in a negative or potentially dangerous way, then he must be held accountable.

I find it quite interesting that the defense has chosen to discredit the boy's mother. It makes me wonder if there is a smoking gun somewhere. It makes me wonder if this is a " magician's trick", an illusionst's trick, draw the eye and the mind elsewhere so it forgets to look at the real issue. If Mr Jackson is truly innocent, then defend him as such. Give a reasonable explanation of every issue the prosecution brings to the fore.

I'm also not buying into the excuse in regards to the girlie magazines and the liquor, that sometimes things got out of hand at Neverland. A responsible parent, a responsible person doesn't let things like that get out of hand. Liquor cabinets are locked up when young children are about. Girlie magazines are also locked up or at least put out of reach when young children are expected to visit. These are all common sense things and apparently Mr Jackson is in possession of none.

I have thought for a long time now that Mr Jackson was, is, an unstable person, emotionally and mentally. Sooner or later, Peter Pan, you have to pay the Piper. And by the end of it all, is society going to believe as he does, that he has done nothing wrong, sweeping it under the carpet as something ugly or is society going to find a thread of moral fiber and stand up to Mr Jackson and say, " You may be innocent of molestation but your actions are unacceptable, immoral, just wrong and they must cease. "

One has to live in today's world and while he doesn't like it, one still has to live by the sociological mores of today. They may not be perfect, but they're better than chaos.

One last chilling thought: Mr Jackson's alleged innocence may well be upheld in court by the end of this trial. I just wonder if it is true innocence or merely very well paid, clever lawyers that can make it look that way.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

March, Easter, Ostara

March. Well, here we are, standing on the brink of Spring. It's my favorite time of year. I love all the seasons for individual reasons, however, Spring has to be my favorite by far. It's not too cold, not too hot and it's renewal. It makes me want to dance and sing... now that's a scary thought, dancing because I would probably hurt myself, grace is not my middle name and singing because, well, I'm told I couldn't hold a tune in a bucket (never could figure out what that meant exactly. I mean, ever try singing a note into a bucket?). I have to confess, I do sing flat most times. Ouch. Ask me if I care. If singing makes me happy, I sing. I'll pass out cottonballs if necessary, for ear protection. *chuckle* There's some grace to my dancing so I guess it all balances out, hm?

With Spring comes renewal from winter and another holiday to celebrate. The babies look forward to Easter. There's eggs to color, Easter baskets from Mom and Dad and Meh-Meh and Papa, all filled with goodies, treats and small toys. There's new clothes and church where they learn about Jesus and meet new friends....

For me, it's about renewal in Life... about rebirth and promise. The time is fast approaching when I emerge from deep self contemplation and speculation into the Light of rejoicing in new avenues, new choices, new ways of seeing things and new strengths. It's a time where the Mother or the female aspect of my spirituality starts to fade into the Father or the male aspect.

I love how the Earth takes on such a beauty, new green grass and flowers blooming. The trees dress in their best bib and tucker and the air smells so good. It's a good time to see the world in a new light.

Spring, we want to throw off the yoke of daily life and go play. It would be irresponsible to take every day and simply play....yet... perhaps we all should spare one day, simply one day to do just that... take off our shoes and socks and let our toes grasp the new green grass... let the wind caress our face and the sun warm us. Spring... it's coming.