Friday, June 27, 2008

The End of June

Well, this is starting to be a habit =/ I write at the first of the month and at the last. I really should try to make the effort to update this more. Where to start?

Well, FB had Daughter in tears and when she came crying to me, over the phone, I interrupted her and told her to go calm down, go take a shower or a nice long hot bath, especially since FB had the kids. She also gave him his copy of the court ordered child support. I'm sure he's not happy about that or won't be when he finds out how much it is. He didn't open the envelope while she was around, so we don't know. He's suppose to get the kids back in late July for two weeks. One thing he did that upset her badly was that he kept taking the kids all over the place and spent the dollars. Well, that will stop once he sees the child support order. Daughter and kids are going up to Troll's after the the fourth of July for about a week. I get a break. Yay. We were suppose to go up for the fourth but, I have an older dog that has hip trouble and I need to stick around to help him get up. I'll have to put him down here in about a year, I think.

Mr M got a phone call from the neurologist. He did have a at least one stroke, maybe more. he wasn't too worried. They're called silent strokes and usually found in people Mr M's age. Management is the new medication they put him on but they still don't know what's causing these episodes. They're baffled. They'll schedule him for an appointment and they're going to start more rounds of tests. other than that, there's nothing they can do.

I'm staying busy. I don't see much of Sprout these days. That boy really does need to get a job and become a viable part of society. -sigh- I do worry about him.

So, in a nutshell, nothing out of the ordinary bounds of The Grove's usual routine. Oh, except that last weekend we had thunderstorms and lightning. It caused at least 100 fires in our area. I'm safe. The transformer, about 100 feet from my house, took a direct hit by the lightning. Took out the transformer and melted the wires up on the pole. I was without electricity for about 7 hours. Well, just before midnight I got electricity restored just before midnight. They say we're due for more storms this weekend. I hope not. We haven't gotten these fires contained yet.

That's it folks. Hopefully, I'll update this thing more.

Monday, June 09, 2008

On A Late Early Summer Night

No, I haven't forgotten about this thing, I just keep forgetting to update it. My right wrist is doing well and oddly enough (as I have heard it said before)it seems to be stronger than before.

Mr M got his MRIs done, after he complained to a VA patient advocate. Radiology didn't like it, but then, they're not living on a edge, never knowing if they are going to have a stroke or not, are they? We're just waiting for the doctor to review them and a phone call.

Saturday, Mr M and Daughter took the kids halfway and met with FB, so they kids could spend two weeks with their dad. He'll pick up the additional two weeks sometime in late June? July? Can't remember.

Sunday we got the air conditioners in the windows. Mr M went in Sprout's room and tripped over some soda cans and stuff on the floor. He twisted his ankle out of the joint but popped it back in himself. He seems to be fine, in some pain though and he couldn't bowl that night.

I'm hanging in there. I've found something to keep my attention and keep me on my toes. Things are the same and they aren't. My exercise routine is still in place and I'm actually beginning to see the difference. By next year, who knows how I'll shape up. Which reminds me, I need to get busy and make my doctor's appointment, I'm already late for it. My surgery is still hanging out there too. My blood sugar is a little up there, but I'm not too worried yet.

All in all, the Grove is still here. It's shifting, changing even, but still here. I'm still here.