Sunday, October 31, 2004

Happy All Hallows

One of my favorite times of the year and in some circles also known as the new year. It is said that the veil between the living and the departed is thin. It is a time for acknowledging our loved ones who have gone on.

Do I believe in the spirit realm? Oh aye. I have had too many personal experiences not to believe. Is there such a thing as a 'good' or 'evil' spirit? Aye, at least, I believe so. It has been my experience as so. I look at it this way, just as there are 'good' and 'bad' people, that doesn't change once they shed their humanly bodies. There is something essentially wrong with the spirit. What makes it that way? Your guess is as good as mine. We call them human attributes, jealousy, anger, ego, passion, hatred, love, etc. Are they really? Where did they come from? Since the spirit inhibits them, surely they don't merely dissolve away with the shedding of the mortal skin. I believe spirits have to overcome the very same challenges as mortals do just that the spirit world is a different environment to contend with. How much is karmic and paid back full measure when we leave behind our mortal existence? I don't have answers to that either, at least, nothing definitive.

My personal glimpse of the spirit world is fleeting at best. I sense, feel, them more than I actually see them. My own mother has bridged that spirit world to give me the reassurances I needed to have a peace of mind when she departed so abruptly. Others I know are much more readily able to see and communicate with them than I am. Apparently, my job is more earthy in nature. I'm not sure if I envy them or not. *chuckle* Sometimes, I believe I am better off just the way I am.

There is something very gratifying in acknowledging and showing our conscious respects to our Ancestors. They are the reason we are. Without them, we wouldn't be here at this moment. Do they have some influence over our lives today? I believe so. Again, that has been my personal experience.

There is nothing sinister nor evil here. Fear and perhaps Hollywood has given it such connotations to many.

May fires of Samhain usher in good fortune and good health to you all in this new year.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004


Now this sounds more like Blackthorn and Skye....

The Princess Bride
I'm sure it's no big surprise to you that your
romance is The Princess Bride. A heartwarming
tale of "Twue Wuve" that has giants,
Spainards and swashbuckling. You really do
think that love can overcome anything. You may
be a touch naive but your heart is certainly in
the right place. You've probably got one of
those relationships where proper nouns have
been replaced with "Snookums" and
"Pookie Pie". Eww. Beware a cuteness

What Romance Movie Best Represents Your Love Life?
brought to you by Quizilla

Le Sigh

You know, today started off quiet enough but then it got very frustrating and went to hell in a handbasket rather quickly. First I get to deal with some egomaniac from Double Moon, who is not there any longer (good news) but not before having to read her garbage. Then I get to be in channel online and watch someone else... let's just say I won't be surprised if this person takes on a squire real soon. She's one of the reasons I have a hard time drumming up any enthusiasm to roleplay.

Ahhhh, but then... a rather nice surprise happens and I get to talk to someone very dear to me for a fair amount of time. It surely put a smile on my face and put me in a better humor.

Until... I downloaded the newest batch of email and found another piece of email from the former PITA of Double Moon...

And... I can't find anything I need in the kitchen... I'm dropping things out of the refrigerator right and left... sigh.. time to place a phone call and whine....

I called my Sistah, my cell mate, my soul twin... GQS... of course the answering picks up and I hear her recorded voice say something about, " You have reached the answering machine..." Well duh. I hadn't guessed. *whimper* To wit I reply in a whiney voice, " But I don't want the machine, I want you---" Whereby she took pity on me and answered the phone. I got to whine in her ear, whimper in her ear and just generally piss and moan....and it was good. I'd say she was better than orgasm, but, well, you know. How about the next best thing?

I still have a damn headache the size of Texas, but I'll live. I've had two wonderful conversations tonight. Conversations I enjoyed and needed. *soft sigh* Now all I need is a hot cup of tea and to get my feet rubbed... hmmmm... I wonder.......


Shroom's Soapbox

I don't remember ever a time such as this since I have been able to vote. I don't remember ever feeling so tired listening to or reading about half the crap that I am reading or listening to today. I have complaints about both candidates.

Mr. Kerry: It seems like that everytime something else goes wrong in Iraq, he can't wait to point his finger at the President. A manufacturer in England gets shut down and it's all the President's fault that there isn't more flu vaccine. Mr. Kerry seems to have the need to point his finger and whine to the American people because according to the polls he knows the American people have grave doubts whether he can handle the terrorism and the war and why? Because he is being so indecisive on his stance. It seems like either he is not going to be held down to a certain way of thinking or his way of thinking is not going to go well with the American people. While I am at it, let me point out how damn sick and tired I am hearing how he has a plan and he's not talking about exactly what and how this plan works. He skirts around being pinned down. Wish-washy. He's so damn busy pointing out the faults of his opponent so that the American people won't focus on what he is NOT saying. He'd make a damn fine magician.

Mr. Bush: I wish he would just ignore all the accusations. I understand that sometimes you have fire back or people will believe what is being said because one doesn't respond to the accusations. I just wish he didn't fire back so blasted often win a tit for a tat sort of way. Reaffirm what you stand for, reaffirm what you are going to do if re-elected. People want to know that something more is being done to make their lives easier and safer. There are things about Mr. Bush I don't agree with. However, I depend on Congress to keep him in check. Does the phrase, " checks and balances" sound familiar?

War: It's ugly, it's painful and devastating. Unfortunately it can be a necessity. I wish it weren't. I am angry at what war does to people, those in it and those left behind and those that survive. There is not one person who returns home from a war who is left unscathed. I can't tell you what I feel for these people, those living and those passed on, the profound thankfulness, respect and honor that I offer up. Iraq. Did we have to go? Did we need to? I still believe the answer to that is a resounding yes. Did our President make that decision based on incomplete and maybe erroneous information? I think so. That is not his fault. It wasn't his watch that got these agencies in this sad, disappointing, deplorable condition. I feel it was the tunnel vision of past presidents that were egotistical in thinking we were untouchable, unreachable. I blame it on Capitol Hill, where people live in lifestyles that are not a necessity. Where the money could go for improving the country and its problems, instead it lines their pockets. I blame it on special interests and crooked politicians who sell their votes, their souls to line their pockets or their own agendas. This country is not run by one man alone and until our Congress steps up and takes responsibility by listening to the people who put them up there in all that luxury they so enjoy, we, the people, will always be hurting and never healing. The fault lies not with a political party, it lies in the people who represent it. None of the issues or the worries the vast majority of the people have, is knocking on their door or breathing over their shoulder. We didn't put them in office to rub shoulders with, have cigars with, have lavish dinners with or drive fancy cars or live in large lavish houses they simply don't need. The plight of the everyday, common person doesn't touch them. That's in the recesses of their minds someplace, but that's not what Congress is about and hasn't been for some time.

Government funding for research. Okay. That's a worthwhile pursuit, except I saw on the tv the other night how the government has given funding for the research into prayer. Into prayer. It is researching whether or not prayer actually can cure people. You either believe it does or it doesn't. Why are we spending precious funds on this? What will this knowledge serve? What else is the government funding like it? Who is putting the stamp of approval on this? And please don't say the President. I don't believe it ever gets that high up to be noticed. There is just some things one must take on faith.

Okay... I have officially run out of steam and before I melt or wilt.. I'm shoving my soapbox back under the sink. I still have more to rant about, especially on items here in Calif that are on our ballot.... but, as I've said, I'm out of steam... *grin* Aren't you lucky? Hehehehe.

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Sometimes It Just Doesn't Pay..... get out of bed. Ever have one of those days where something goes wrong and there's no way to make it right so you just have to make the best of it? Still, you're grinding your teeth subconsciously. That's how my day is going. It started off well enough. Then I went to go get dinner out of the freezer so it could defrost. I culdn't find it. I bought on Thursday this good-sized ham to have for dinner today and I checked the freezers and I couldn't find it. Mr. Mushy had put the groceries away for me. I assumed he put it in the freezer with the rest of the meat. I finally gave up since I was getting frustrated wondering it went and went o go holler for the calvary. Uh huh. Turns out, the best we can figure, the calvary screwed up, somehow. Somehow or another, the big dog (the golden/wolf cross) and the two shelties had gotten hold of the ham and snuck it outside (via the doggie door) and had themselves a feast. I don't know how it happened but they did this under Mr. Mushy's nose. Now, I do get to interject here and say that I have told him, I don't know how many times, not to put the meat, any meat, on the floor when brining the grocery bags in. We have animals. Animals love meat. Duh. There was nothing for it, but to go figure out something else for dinner tonight.

In the meantime Pookie and I are making cookies. I can't find my baking powder. I know I had nearly a whole can of it. *poof* It's gone. *growl*. I trudge out into the rain and head for the grocery store to get another container of it. When I get back, I can't find my big bottle of vanilla. Okay, my patience is near a dayam end by now. Deep breath. Luckily, I had a smaller bottle of it statshed and the cookies got baked and they are delicious.

I go to start the stew for dinner. I don't have stew mix/spices. *sigh* A phone call to the daughter, who saves my sanity. I'll pick it up when I take the Pookie home here shortly.

I think I need a nap and my stuffed dog. *whimper*

Friday, October 22, 2004

Oooo-kay.. Time To Stop Now..

I'm not surprised at the 3 reference... Make of that what you will and you'll probably be wrong... *grin*


Which Royo Painting Are You?
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Oh My

Which Aspect of Joseph Michael Lisner's Dawn are you?

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Grove News

Actually *knock wood* things around the Grove are pretty quiet lately. This is actually a good thing. It gives me room to actually breathe before having to think and yes, this 'shroom does think from time to time.

Troll is currently working nights. The pet store he works for is undergoing some renovations. I passed by there yesterday on my way to grocery shop and shuddered. It looks like total chaos and how anyone can work under those circumstances, I haven't a clue.

Sprout's eye has healed up nicely and I think he's gotten over the fear of losing his sight. When he and Mr. Mushy worked on my kitchen cabinets/counters last weekend and the nailgun was being used, I did spy Sprout turning his head.

Mr. Mushy's recent trip to the cardiologist showed that he does have a blockage, but it's on the other side. The side the leads the blood away from the heart. It is not something that requires surgery to clear it at this point. In fact, the doctor told him he wasn't a candidate for surgery at this time. It is just something we need to keep an eye on and if Mr. Mushy gets any more discomfort, severe or otherwise, he is to report immediately. You can be sure he will.

Mr. Mushy's mental health has been the focus for some time now. Currently he's doing better. He is starting to get out and do more puttering. He is making an effort to show he understood and acknowledges my recent concerns. I have also come to some conclusions myself, dealing with them on a day to day basis takes a great deal of will on my part, but I'm coping. Like I've said before, I came into this marriage for the long haul and with the full knowledge it was not going to be easy and in some ways, much rougher than what a 'normal' relationship usually endures.

FB is barely flying under my radar. He went to DMV to get his license back earlier this week. There were more hidden costs they didn't anticipate. He's dragging his feet and I had my daughter pass on a message for me.

He needs to get this done. If he does not step up to the plate and do it, I will no longer be available to take my daughter to her medical appointments. I will continue to do so, if he follows through, because he is in school all day. HOWEVER, I need him to handle all the other little trips she needs to make to the store, etc. This is exactly why he is dragging his heels, he doesn't want to have to take her to the store, blah, blah, blah. He's gotten spoilt in that I have been doing it. So the man is on notice.

As for his daughter from a previous marriage, nothing has been done yet. Apparently the lame-duck DA on the other end (with FB's ex-wife's current husband) is sulking. He lost this year's election to office so he's going to let the new DA handle it and that won't be until Jan 2005. Schmuck. There has to be other recourses. In the meantime, FB is contacting our DA's office to see what he can do to help out. The ex-wife did not have permission to take the girl out of Kansas and FB is going to press for a new ruling in regards to custody.

Now while I can acknowledge that FB has a lot on his mind, he really needs to focus on the fact that he currently has a family to support and the only way he is doing that is by attending school and since he's on academic probation, one would think he'd pay attention and put his nose to the grindstone. Lately, I've heard nothing but excuses.. I can't concentrate.. My mind is on *the daughter in Texas currently*. So, consequently, he has been slacking on his school work. I can sympathize but HELLO, since he does not want to work to support his family, he really needs to pay attention to his schooling before he loses that funding too. Daughter already understands that if things fall apart for them and they need to move out, she and the children are more than welcome to come here. We'll make the room BUT I will NOT live under the same roof with FB again. That is not negotiable. She can't live with his family. So, I guess that means they need to work together so they never have to come down to those types of decisions.

As for me, I'm keeping on. I just haven't had enough time to sit down and write. Yes, I know, excuses, excuses. By the time I make time to write, I'm tired. That sounds like a whine if ever I heard one. Ah well. I've found my love of cooking again. Come to think of it, I've heard several complaints lately about getting fat from other members of the household. I'm not listening. After all, I'm not forcing them to eat. *grin* My next goal is to get through the holidays without stress and too much effort. Anyone going to take bets on this one?

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Attack of the Killer Acorns

THE SKY IS FALLING! THE SKY nebbermind. Dayam, I really do need a pith helmet yanno, especially this time of year. The Grove measures about 5 acres, give or take a few feet. It is also loaded with oak trees. I am not complaining! I am a Wiccan, we love oak trees. The only time I have a problem with them is in the fall when all the acorns start falling. Yesterday, I was outside puttering a little and I got pinged on the head by one of those little suckers. They hurt. I also have to watch where I walk because I have twisted my ankles on them too. I can sweep and sweep but they'll keep coming back until winter sets in and there are none left on the trees.

What happened to October? It's half over and there' s less than seventy days until Yule. I do have part of my Yule shopping done. So, I have a head start over last year. Between being sick, re-organizing the house and renovations, I haven't had much time for writing or role-playing much to my dismay. I do feel good about my latest series of accomplishments however.

I am trying, quite desperately at times it seems, to breathe deeply, stay calm and stay centered and focused. By mid-November it is my sincere wish that the majority of this pressure or whatever it is, eases up. There are times I feel like a pressure cooker that is holding all the steam it can take and is ready to blow. Whether it's family matters or social issues, I've about had it. That knot on the end of my rope is getting pretty damn slippery. The worst of it is, I am not sure if my decisions or choices are sound ones. I don't waste my time second guessing myself or looking over my shoulder but I just wonder about it from time to time. I just kinda figure it's a rocking and rolling Sea of Nature at the moment and I just have to hang on tight and concentrate on staying on my feet. This too shall pass, I'm sure of that. However, I can't help but whine and wish for just a little sanctuary...someplace....for a little while.

What Happened The Year You Were Born

Okay... it's official... I feel OLD.....

In 1957 (the year you were born)

Dwight Eisenhower is president of the US

First civil rights bill since Reconstruction to protect blacks' voting rights is approved by Congress

Hurricane "Audrey" destroys Cameron, Louisiana killing 390 people

National Guardsmen bar nine black students from entering previously all white Central High School in Little Rock

Russians launch Sputnik I, first earth orbiting satellite

The FBI arrests Jimmy Hoffa and charges him with bribery

Vanna White, Osama bin Laden, Sid Vicious, and Melanie Griffith are born

Milwaukee Brewers win World Series

Detroit Lions win NFL championship

Montreal Canadiens win Stanley Cup

On the Road by Jack Kerouac is published

The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss is published

What Happened the Year You Were Born?

More cool things for your blog at

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Which Class At Hogwarts Would YOU Excel At?

You excel at Potions. Either you're one twisted
sister or you're on a certain someone's good

Definitely a Twisted Sister... Muahahahaha.

Which Class at Hogwarts Would You Excel at?
brought to you by Quizilla

Which Lady of Camelot Are You?

You are Isolt, a former princess of Ireland. Isolt
was known for her imense healing powers. She
had strong ethics, putting duty before love or
love before herself.

Which Lady of Camelot Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


My phone started ringing at 8 am this morning. It was the company that handles his business stuff for Sprout's boss. Apparently the boss managed to calm down last night and do some thinking because I was informed that he called the company this morning and filled them in. She was calling to get the rest of the info as we had it. It also came down to getting the record straight about what happened and where. She was very firm in telling me that Sprout's medical bills were going to get paid and because it's the law, this would be reported as a work related accident. At the time she wasn't clear yet if it would be simply a medical payment or actually workmen's comp. I am not worried. If something happens down the road as a result of this work environment accident and Sprout needs medical attention, it will becomes a workmen's comp situation. She took the info and asked to be called after the doctor's appointment this afternoon.

When Sprout got up we had a nice long chat. He didn't exactly want to hear what I had to say, but I'm mom and that carries considerable weight the majority of the time, but believe me, when he feels strongly about something, nothing and I mean NOTHING is moving him from his convictions. I think the only thing that would is if I felt strongly opposed to it and jumped in with both feet, that would give him pause. The conclusion of our conversation has been that he will go back to work for this boss. Sprout may not want to do this type of work the rest of his life, but until he knows exactly what he wants to do or puts another plan in action, he needs to work this job. Sprout has a leaning tendency to follow in his father's footsteps. I spent 17 years following my then husband around from place to place, eleven times because he just wanted to run from the b.s. instead of facing it. Sprout is showing those tendencies as well. I'm nipping that in the bud pretty damn quick, while I can. Sprout has a good head on his shoulders. He just felt more hurt which turned to anger because he felt the boss thought more of his insurance then Sprout's health. So, in our talk I got him to calm down and when he went to see the boss this evening he found out it wasn't as bad as he anticipated. Sprout even asked for the rest of the week off and boss gave it to him, no problem.

Sprout is still pretty shaken up. Reality has sunk in. Except for the Grace of the Divine and his dearly departed maternal grandmother, he would have lost the sight in his left eye and it is not something that can be replaced. He's trying to move past it. It's all cool. He came out of it fine. I give him until Monday before he can truly get past it. He does have a sense humor about it though. He has been cracking jokes. I'm watching him however, quietly so. It's just something I do.

Lessons learned? You betcha. Sprout learned consciousness where precious things are concerned, things once lost that can never be replaced. The boss learned, well, I'm not sure what he learned. I just have a strong hunch he did. And what about me.....

I am reminded how precious my son is... how great Divine Grace is... and more than anything, how thankful I am for it.

What Next?

Sprout came home and called his boss first thing. The conversation isn't long but Sprout is in near tears. That's not something easy to do. Now the boss is making it out like it's all Sprout's fault because Sprout should have said he wanted it on workmen's comp. This from the man who wanted to take Sprout to a walk-in clinic so Sprout can go get a tetanus shot, but don't tell them what happened. As if Sprout was simply going to be able to walk in and request one and not tell what happened. Why is the boss acting this way now? He's all worried that Sprout is going to file something against him or he'll have to pay the medical/eye doctor bills or both. Sprout told him about the antibiotics and boss' response? " Well, you don't need those. " Hello. Is he a doctor? And that's easy for him to say since it's not his injury. Of course Sprout brings up how this happened near his eye and how the doctors said he was lucky, another inch he would have lost his sight in that eye. Boss' response? I've had plenty of nails in me. Uh-huh, and how many of them were that close to taking out his eye?

I believe this is the straw that broke the camel's back. Sprout went to the ER, lied how the accident happened, made himself look like a jerk (which if you knew Sprout, does not set well on his shoulders), to save his boss' hide and keep the insurance he was so worried about from going up, and never once was the boss worried about Sprout or his health. All Sprout has caught was guff and he's about had it. Sprout asks the boss, " So, if I get hurt again am I going to have to put up with all this again? " Boss' response, " So what, now you're going to be afraid of getting hurt?" The kid is shaken up. He realizes just how close he came to losing his sight. If he was so afraid of getting hurt, would he have stayed and finished out the work day? The boss also told him that to quit working for him (the boss) now would be a mistake. Sprout isn't looking at it that way.

Oh.. and somehow I got into this conversation... Sprout mentions something about the boss worrying about not having his insurance go up. The boss asks him who told Sprout that? His mom? (meaning me) Now where in sam hell did THAT come from? And I surely don't appreciate it. I am biting my tongue mainly because Sprout is upset enough this evening, his emotions running high after this spat with the boss. I won't forget.

Boss wants Sprout to call him tomorrow after making the eye doc's appointment so boss can file a claim. Sprout hopes his father's insurance will cover it, if not he'll pay it himself. He's had it with the boss man and the job. He says he's going to start looking for a new job asap.

Who knows what tomorrow will bring?

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Sprout, 1..Nailgun, 0

Sprout just called. He is on his way to get a prescription filled. The doctor said he was lucky. One more inch and it would have taken out his eye. So, he got a tetanus shot, a precription for antibiotics and needs to make an appointment in the morning to see an eye doctor. Sprout has some hemorrhaging in his eye, nothing to take for granted, that's for sure.

Someone was watching over that young man and I thank them all.

Pins, Needles or Nail Gun?

I swear I just gave birth to several more white hairs. Sprout just came home from work about an hour ago and informed me he got shot in the face with a nailgun. Oh Lady Bless. He's at the ER now with Mr. Mushy. I looked at it before Mr. Mushy arrived. Left side of his face, entry just level with his left nostril. No current bleeding but a lot of bruising, blood shot left eye and swelling of tender tissue. Tetanus shot needed for sure.

Apparently while at work this afternoon someone Sprout was working with someone(would you believe someone quite experienced with construction?) who was working with the nailgun. It was still plugged in and functional and the dude was messing with the gun and his hand accidently slipped on the trigger sending a nail up into my son's face. Sprout said he felt like someone slammed him in the face with a hammer. It went in about an inch he reckons. When another member of the team came over to pull it out, Sprout says he could feel it. There wasn't much bleeding, but like I said, by the time he got home, there was a great deal of swelling.

Right now, his boss (my neighbor) is not one of my favorite people. All he has thought about is his insurance going up. He gave Sprout $80.00 and told him to go get a tetanus shot. Don't tell them what happened, just get a shot. On top of that, as close as the nail slid up to Sprout's eye (the tip of the nail Sprout says came to that area beneath your eye where you get shadows or bags), his boss did not take Sprout to the doctor's to get checked out. They finished out work. It seems like there was more concern for the boss' insurance than for my son's health and welfare. Dammit. This was too close to the kid's eye. *growl*

I just spoke with Mr. Mushy. The kid is shaken up but putting on a brave front. Mr. Mushy feels that it should be listed under workmen's comp. Sprout is not so sure. He doesn't want the boss to get into trouble or bring him trouble, Sprout just wants to have his injury seen to and paid for. Luckily Sprout still falls under his father's (my ex's) retired military insurance, at least for another year. That helps. I have to contact Sprout's Primary Care Manager in the morning and see what all needs to be done.

If you're going to hire someone to work for you and pay them, you also need to be responsible for their health and welfare. I know workmen's comp is a big issue especially in this state with the price growing through the roof. However, I can't help but feel that if it had been the boss' son (who also works for dad from time to time), the boss wouldn't have hesitated to take his boy in. What makes my son any less deserving?

The Continuing Exploits of FB

Yes, dear reader, it's that time again. FB has finally become a blip on my radar once more. Certainly that is no surprise to anyone following this. I am surprised that he flew under my radar for so long now.

FB has a 'spoilt child' temper. If he doesn't like what he hears, doesn't want to do something or disagrees, it's temper tantrum time. What does this tantrum consist of? Yelling or rather I should say screaming, yes, you read that right, screaming. I had never heard a man scream before, especially in a verbal argument until FB came along. His father does it quite well. The kids live in an apartment complex, pretty close together. Screaming does not work there. That can get you thrown out in a hurry. Daughter keeps telling FB this. So, what brought it about this time? Housework. Daughter has psoriasis, very badly. So bad that she also has arthritis, brought on by the psoriasis. Daughter has good days and bad days. Most days she is stiff and sore and it takes her forever to get any kind of housework done. So, they hired a couple of people they know to clean house for them, trial basis, one time deal to see how it goes. Well, the day before, daughter wanted to clean, FB didn't. His attitude was, why clean? We just hired someone to come in and do it for us. Daughter's argument is that they don't have to be pigs just because someone is coming in to clean. These people are coming in to help make daughter's job easier because of her health. FB got pissy. He started screaming and throwing things. She took the kids and left to go visit a neighbor. She came back a while later and asked him if he was over his tantrum yet. He said he didn't want to talk to her. She left and went to visit another friend. In the meantime did he come to his senses and clean up? Hell no. In fact, he left a bigger mess in the kitchen and she found a couple of things she had gotten broken or chipped.

FB can't understand why he has to come home and do housework. After all, he goes to school full time, all day. She's home, sitting on her arse. Well, yes and no. She's home all right. She chases after a 2 year old. She cleans what she can. Of course, the place has gotten ahead of her so she feels overwhelmed. She usually cooks dinner. He had the same attitude when he worked all day. Um, excuse me here, but HE decided to marry a woman with a child. He decided he wanted another child to be a father to. Parenting and being a life partner does not come in compartments nor does it run on a time schedule and being the main bread winner does not give you the right to sit on your arse the minute you get home. Thank you very much.

It strikes me as funny how some men get all bent out of shape when they walk in the door after working all day and are asked to look after the kids or start dinner or do some other household chore that needs to be seen to. It's also quite funny how a woman who also works all day, naturally resumes all those types of tasks the minute she walks in the door of their domain and sometimes even before then. Even funnier is how men find it so natural that she does so and nothing is wrong with that scenario. ..funny....NOT.


FB has a daughter from a previous marriage. He has joint legal custody. His ex-wife (who is a fruity toon and spoilt bitch) got physical custody. She took their daughter to Kansas. Ex-wife remarried a man in the Army. Well, ex-wife has not wanted FB to have anything to do with his daughter. She has gone out of her way to make it so. Part of this is FB's fault for letting the wench get away with it. It's been about 3 years since FB has spoken with his daughter, who is a year older then my Pookie. Well, new husband to ex-wife was sent to Iraq. He got a phone call not long ago from FB's daughter's school. They have been concerned about the girl's attendance. That put new husband on alert. He had the local police in Kansas go to the house to see if all was well. What the local police found out was that FB's ex had packed up FB's daughter and the little one (ex-wife and new husband had a baby girl together) and split, about two months they figured. Apparently ex-wife ran off with some other guy not to mention she currently has a bench warrant on her. Apparently, this is not the first time she has been arrested. First time she made bail and fled. You can bet your bottom dollar ex-wife is not making bail this time around. Nuh-uh. Can we say, flight risk? Her hubby is home now from Iraq. He wants his daughter. He has filed charges, basically, in a nut shell, child kidnapping. I do believe the collective poo-poo is about to hit the fan. As for FB's daughter. The ex-wife had court permission to take the girl to Kansas, but nowhere else, certainly not Texas. Collective big time.

A few days ago, ex-wife's hubby informed FB that ex-wife had surfaced. She placed FB's daughter in school. Apparently they all fled to Texas. Ex-wife's current hubby has been in constant contact with FB. Warrants have been issued for ex-wife's arrest. They haven't been executed because they are waiting for FB to finish up lining up his ducks, ie, legal paperwork for retrieving his daughter once ex-wife is in custody. That is what is happening today. Mr. Mushy is carting FB around, using our fax etc, etc so FB can get this stuff over to Kansas so Kansas can give Texas the okay to execute. Hopefully, we'll resolve all this in the next few days.

Oh yes.. FB's ex-wife? She told her hubby AND the school and anyone else that would listen, that FB was dead and she had total custody of their daughter. Ohhhh-kay. Now that makes me wonder if ex-wife's current hubby is a box of rocks or what. He had spoken with FB in the past and he just takes his wife's word for that? FB had to prove to Kansas sheriff that he was indeed still alive...

When it rains, it pours...

Friday, October 08, 2004

Shake, Rattle and Roll

It started out as a normal, typical morning in the Grove, the four legged rag mops from hell jumping on the bed at an ungodly hour to poke their cold wet noses against a soon to be protesting human one. Why do they insist on calling dogs man's best friend? Hm... maybe that does work, Mr. Mushy certainly never seems to mind. However, this shroom does. The demonic furballs from hell jetting across the bed at rapid speeds as they chase each other in a friendly kitty game of tag, not so friendly if a foot moves under the covers. I have adjusted. I can now ignore these daily going ons and remain blissfully ignorant in my sleep.

It started out as a low rumbling and got invasively louder. It was only as it got closer, got louder and set the bedroom's windows to shaking that I sighed. I didn't even open my eyes. It was a blast from my past, seventeen and a half years worth. I knew this phenomenon. It was the advance warning of a C-5's approach. There are some things as an ex-retired, Air Force military spouse that can not be forgotten. Oh yes, I meant that as I wrote it. I swear to you, one is not only a spouse to a human being in the military, but also to the military as well. They come as a package deal. I groaned as I rolled over. It could only mean one thing. It was that time again. The Air Show. Ugh. I have been to so many of those, seen so many of those things that they no longer hold any interest to me.

The Grove is slightly off the flight path for the local airport. Trust me when I tell you that in the next couple of months, as we gear up for the pending holidays, we could almost pass for the glide path of the airport with all the lights that shine here. My electric bill sucks in its breath every December...or is that Mr. Mushy? I have a fetish. That's me. Yep. It is gotten to the point that Mr. Mushy is rumbling about having a whole new circuit breaker box put in merely to accommodate this fetish for Yule lights. We have never been able to put ALL of them up yet. Maybe this will be the year. I digress.

Hugging my pillow tightly, I wait out the rattling of windows, the vibrating walls. Anyone out there who has been around a C-5 knows what I am talking about. I still don't know how the hell those things get off the ground. Hell, I didn't even think our local airport's runway could handle them. I was wrong. It seemed like an eternal moment before it passed. I snuggled down again. Pre-menopausal women have a tendency to snatch their sleep while they can, since nature seems to wake us at the most undesirable times at night. Peace once more....or so I thought.

The next sound came roaring out of the sky, right overhead. Alas, this too, is not a strange sound. I groan. I whimper. Being married to an Air Force fire fighter one does learn to recognize aircraft by their sounds. It's another lesson that never truly fades. In this case, it was the sound of several aircraft, known to mankind as the Thunderbirds. Now my eyes do pop open, not because I am impressed, but because the peace as I've known it, will not be coming anytime soon. They are practicing. They also rumble through the Grove, only at high velocity. *sigh* There are times I envy Mr. Mushy and his deafness. There is no other choice but to leave the warmth and cosiness of my bed, turn on the shower and truly bring my mind to consciousness, dammit. Muttering the whole time, through the shower, through dressing, through shuffling out to the kitchen in search of the mana referred to as ' coffee'. I am holding the empty cup in one hand, pouring the hot, fragrant brew into the cup with the other and my house is suddenly strifed and from the sound of it, by two of them this time. My hand shakes, the mana wobbles, my mantra suddenly becomes, " Do not spill. No, no, bad. "

One corner of my lip curls in a snarl. It's going to be ONE of those days, mark my words.

Monday, October 04, 2004

The Green Shroom

So, while there are many wonderful things about being a grandma, there are a few pitfalls and one of them happen to be how not to let your grandchild kiss you so you don't catch nasty little bugs that make your tummy grumble angrily and turn over. I haven't mastered that one yet. So, here I sit, the matronly shroom turning this awful shade of green periodically throughout the day. You would have thought that the Great Divine Designer could have come up with a nicer shade of it, wouldn't you? *blech*

In the meantime I have a very not so happy mommy kitty locked up in a pet cage ready for transporting to the Humane Society tomorrow for a visit to their spading clinic. No food after 8 pm so she's locked up and letting me know she is NOT happy. *wah*

If I weren't feeling so rotten I would have whacked FB up the side of his head with my shovel. Damn, that boy has been flying under my radar for awhile now and it's been kinda nice. Until last night. You'll have to wait for that report because sitting here much longer is not an option. The orcs are quite angry. That there is in code that only some understand, not important to anyone but myself really.

I'll check back in a day or two.

Saturday, October 02, 2004

**** Special People ***

This came across in my email and thought I'd share.

People come into your life for a specific reason, a short season, or a lifetime. When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person.

When someone is in your life for a specific reason, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a Godsend, and they are! They are there for that specific reason you need them ! to be. Then, without any wrongdoing on your part, or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, and their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered, and now it is time to move on.

Some people come into your life for a season, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn. They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it! It is real! But, only for a season.

Lifetime relationships teach you lifetime lessons: things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life. It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.

Friday, October 01, 2004


The grandson is sick and I mean sick. We got almost home and he his tummy let us know it wasn't happy. We turned around and took him home. He wasn't a happy camper about it, preferring to come here, but he didn't put up much of a fight when I lifted him out and handed him to his mom. Since then his tummy has protested at least four more times. If only that was the only thing that has been protesting but it's not. That poor baby. Upon reflection, I'll be surprised if yours truly doesn't come down with it sooner or later. It never fails.

Funny how my contemplation of volcanoes and asteroids goes to sick babies in one point two seconds. *grin*....

It's the first of October already. Time sure has sped by this year or so it seems to me. It's been a rough year but we've weathered it well, I believe. I am trying to drum up some enthusiasm for the holidays. Right now, it just isn't happening. I've got a shed full of Yule lights that need working on. Yes, in October. I have lost count of how many, but I bet I could fool the low flying aircraft into thinking the airport moved.

I have some stuff about FB to report, but it will have to wait. I'm heading off to bed shortly.