Monday, March 24, 2008

The Link For Today

This was sent to me and I felt compelled to send it along and if you aren't touched in some manner by it? Then you have my sympathy. Three soldiers wrote this and put it together in their spare time over there.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Saturday Before Easter

Yesterday we had to road trip to Sacramento. Mr M had an appointment for a Doppler Ultrasound of his kidneys and liver, a three hour drive for a 15 min. appointment, go figure. At least now, the reimbursement for travel makes it worthwhile. It actually pays for the gas going down and coming back with a smidge leftover.

Yesterday, I went and got Daughter, Pookie and Topper so they could spend the night as Mr M was driving them down south so the kids could spend Easter with FB. I swear, this is the last bloody time we're going out of our way for his damn ass. The only reason I did it this is because Daughter's psoriasis is acting up something terrible and always does every bloody time she has to deal with FB. But I'm getting mighty damn tired of his being selfish in that if things conflict with what he needs or wants to do, he's in Daughter's knickers telling her how selfish she is or threatening to tell the kids how it's their mother's fault he can't see them.

So, today, I have the house to myself and shortly, I'm going to go outside and get some yard work done. I don't expect Mr M and Daughter to be back until later this afternoon.

Have a safe weekend, people.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Happy Days Are Here Again

Okay, so I went to the Ortho doc today and I am now castless. I saw the x-rays myself. It's healed up fantastically well. I have to wear a splint for for the next two weeks and I should be totally without one by the end of April. My range of motion in my right wrist is basically nil, but I'll get that back. What I find so incredible is how sore and painful my right hand is. In any case, it's good to be back without a cast. I can remove the splint for periods of time but he rather I wear it.

Daughter and Mr M are taking the Pookie and Topper down south to FB's house. Then Mr m is bringing her here to spend the night Saturday and spend Easter Sunday. I might just fetch them on Friday so they all can leave from here. FB's bringing them back later in the week.

Mr M had another episode last night. It caught him and me by surprise. He just hit the floor. They're saying the cardiologist is not needed for a consult but something is going on here.

Not much else new in the Grove.

Happy Easter to you all. Here's to Hope, Life Eternal and new beginnings.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

What's New Pussycat?

Well, ya gotta know there is always something happening in the Grove, right? No matter how big or how trivial. I got called on Friday by Daughter asking me to go pick up Topper from school. Apparently, some bigger kid shoved him on the playground, he fell and hurt his wrist. He's fine, they iced it and it's not broken. He tried playing it for what he could. It got him a little somewhere but not much.

Pookie's sperm donor has come around. Pookie has been asking about him. Daughter has been handling the situation quite well and the SD is actually acting grown up for a change, of course he still doesn't like me but ask me if I care. besides, he doesn't have to like me to make the effort to get to know his daughter. Daughter has set down some guidelines and terms and SD doesn't dare forsake. Personally, I'm not pleased with the dude. my thoughts are that if he could raise his first daughter, there was no excuse for not taking an active role in his second daughter's life, but hey.. if this works out, all the better because FB is on the list again. Oh yeah.

Got a call from Troll, that poor guy surely bit off more than he could chew. Ah, hindsight, a wonderful thing..not. In any case, his store is coming along slowly. Once he gets it in shape, he'll have such a great sense of pride that HE did it, but at the moment -snicker- he swears the place is out to get him. He is hoping to get some vacation time after Easter. he needs to come home and recharge. The jury's still out exactly when he'll get to come home though.

Sprout, we hardly see at all. He's off at one friend's place or another. His car isn't working at the moment, but Mr M is going to see if he can figure out the problem. Sprout has hauled so many of his friends around, that he doesn't want for a ride. his funds are running low so he knows he'll have to buckle down soon and get a job. Did I mention he has a woman in his life? She's a few years older than he is, but they seem to like each other well enough. He even has a key to her apartment. At this point, that relationship is moving slowly along. I have a feeling she may tire of it before he does. He's just not ready for any long term serious relationship. He's still into some serious gaming as in video games and online games like WoW. -eyeroll- This new generation.

Mr M is doing okay. Nothing new or disturbing on that front. More tests scheduled though. Like I mentioned, I canceled my surgery. It is, at this point, elective. While I don't relish the idea of passing another gallstone, this was necessary until we see to Mr M's health. I simply can not out of commission while we try to figure this all out. My guess is, it will be sometime this summer if I behave with my diet.

So that's about all I have for now. As for politics? I'm not even going there. Open wheel racing starts soon so I have something to look forward to.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Zipping Right Along

A week and a half left. I keep saying that. I am so sick of this cast, I can't begin to tell you. The past three months have been a challenge to say the least. Learning to do everything with my left hand has been downright exhausting. I have found that it takes minute concentration to even form some numbers and letters. Cutting a steak with my left hand has proven to be interesting, to put that mildly. The one thing I have learned through this experience is that I can function as a normal person with my left hand becoming my dominate. I still have a long way to go to perfect it and I won't need to, but it is good to know I can.

Things around the Grove are quiet since Daughter and the kids moved out. We're liking it. We don't spend nearly the money we have been and the peace and quiet is wonderful. We're still struggling to recover but I think in about two months things will look a lot better than they have. We're working on cleaning and redoing things slowly. Mr. M's health hasn't been the best lately although, she still aren't learning why. His doctor is truly puzzled but swears he will figure this out. I canceled my surgery until we figure this all out. Mine is elective surgery unless I have another bad attack,which, I am going to do everything in my power to avoid.