Asteroids? Twilight Zone? Black Holes, Maybe?
Weird! That one word sums it up pretty well. At first I blamed in on the full moon (sorry Mom), you know how it gets, crazy like and out of whack.... that is, if I knew what whack is, but you get my drift. However, it has become far more obvious to me that it is worse than the full moon's influence. I don't just see it happen to me either, but around me too. Want an idea? Here we go:
Around 4pm I had started giving Cheyenne and Cherokee their baths. I believe I finished up around 5pm. I needed a shower after that. They always manage to get me soaked. I did the usual, locked the front door and started up the shower. I don't think I was in there for more than a half hour, start to finish. When I came out to my desk, the one behind the couch, I noticed the phone was flashing. This means there is a msg on the answering machine and I can use the remote feature on the phone to access the msg, which I did. The phone had a tremendous amount of static, much like my daughter's phone sounds. Through the static I could hear a harsh whisper saying, "Mom......Mom." then nothing and the call ends. It sounded like my daughter. Trying not to panic, I call her house only to have FB answer. I had forgotten that he had not gone to school that day because he was not feeling well. So, I was feeling a bit more relieved. He told me that daughter was sleeping. Even more relief. I asked him to have her call me when she woke up. She did. It wasn't her. She did say however she had been feeling so bad that she took a shower and when the hot water ran out, she merely stayed in the tub, curled up wanting her mommy. I chalked the call down to weird. When Troll came home from work, I asked him to listen to it and tell me what he heard. He listened several times and came to the same conclusion I did. I told him it wasn't daughter. We both knew it wasn't Sprout. Sprout was already home from work. He asked if I called my number 1 son. I said no. The feeling I got was it was daughter not either sons, but I called him anyway, nope, not him. Weird.
Sprout came home yesterday from work with a hole in his head. You heard me right, a hole in his head, right in the middle of his forehead. He works construction. He was up on a ladder (10 feet up) using his cat's paw. Now that's a tool they use to pull out nails. He was yanking on this stubborn nail and well, the cat's paw flipped off and back of it hit him in the forehead. Blood gushed. Of course it would. It's a head trama, those bleed a lot. His boss yells at him to get down the ladder. What does Sprout do? Stays up there until he gets the nail pulled. Why? There was no way in HELL that nail was going beat him. The older guys were impressed. Needless to say, he came down after that. The bleeding stopped and he has this little puckered, scabbed over, hole in his head. I checked him out. H's fine. I can feel another white hair sprouting through my hairline. Well, at least I still have hair.
In the community we've had two stupid car accidents in just the past 24 hours. People making poor judgment calls which have resulted in deaths. In one of them, I had just been on that road about 3 hours before the accident happened. Someone got impatient and went to pass illegally.
We also had a 15 yr old boy take a shotgun, literally blow off the head of a woman, point blank range. Then he turned the gun on himself, ending his own life.
I'm sure if I stop and reflect a wee bit longer, I can think of more incidents, more than the usual full moon type incidents we get.
I don't think tightening down the old pith helmet is going to help either. But you know what? I don't think it's gonna hurt.
In other news fronts, Mr. Mushy is recovering nicely and he is working on the problems that have been plaguing us lately. Kudos for that. Speaking of Mr Mushy, we just got told by the VA Health care system that the ER trip to the local hospital back on Aug. 13, 2004 would not be covered by the VA Admin. Why? Because a VA facility was available. Well Duh. When it is open. This was way after closing, on a Friday. Mr Mushy had a blood pressure of 84/54. Like he is suppose to wait until Monday to get treatment? I think not. Someone has a screw loose and if the VA thinks they are not going to pay this? They better think again. We make every effort to use the VA facility because they take very good care of Mr Mushy there. I rather travel there than all the way across town. Some clinician better go back and actually read the paperwork this time.
My determination to declutter my house of a lifetime of stuff, accumulated from a lifetime of moves, is still strong but I find myself getting waylaid by other factors. I just have to keep reminding myself that it didn't get this way in a day or a year. Have patience. It does look better already and I even have rubbed off on my daughter to a wee extent.. Muhahaha. Hey, I've even lost weight. Cool. I like that extra benefit.
Sunday has been declared a "Girls Day Out." Miss Pookie has done most excellently in school since it started. So Daughter and I have decided to reward her. The three of us are going to see "Shark Tales", maybe even have lunch afterwards. In the meantime, Miss Pookie and her brother are coming for their usual evening with us here tomorrow. Miss Pookie gets to stay until Saturday. Apparently my grandson has been a typical 3 yr old. My daughter lives for these days when she gets some time to herself. *snort* I never got things like this when I was raising my kids. Hm. That has me thinking about something else but it's getting late and I have to get up early in the morning. There are things to do before Mr Mushy heads off for one of his monthly meetings. Remind me. I'll get back to it. Kids and their education. .. a few other points.
Catch ya on the flip side.