Where do I start? I'm sitting here, slumped in front of my computer and at a loss for mental words, words I want to, need to, write out for my own personal sanity. Today it all just seems like a really bad dream, but I know it wasn't. I know it actually happened.
It all starts with Tuesday. The hubby leaves around 3:15pm to see to some errands before going to his doctor's appt. for his ears at 4pm and at 6-6:30pm, he has his monthly Marine Corp League meeting. This means I will probably not see him again until around 10pm.
One of the things that has been a bone of contention between us is that he gets to jaw jacking with his cronies that he forgets the time and forgets to place a brief call to me to reassure me he is fine. I'm not paranoid but over the last year or two there have been times when we have had to rush to the ER room of the hospital because there has been an episode with his heart. I worry. I usually figure about 2 hours after the meeting before he comes home or calls. The time usually stretches into 4 -6 hours before he comes through that door or the phone rings. I get angry. I get worried. I get relieved.
On Tuesday, the phone did not ring until 1:15 am or should I say Wednesday morning. Tuesday night I spent periodically calling his cell phone, to no avail and calling the truck mobil, again, to no avail. Now I'm really worried. So by 1:15 in the morning, when he finally does call and the first thing I hear him say is, " I know, I know, I'm in trouble. " my response is, " It's gone just being in trouble. "
My back is to the front door. I hear it open about 15 minutes later. I hear him speak softly to the dogs and then the door closes quietly. I am thinking, he knows he's in trouble with me so he's gone out to hug his horse (don't ask, long story). When he doesn't come in an hour later, I know something is wrong and I grab a flashlight and go out to look for him. It's cold, it's dark and I can't locate him anywhere. I have looked all over. I don't know if he called someone form his support group to pick him up so they can go have coffee and talk. I don't know if he's taken off to go walk because he's in turmoil himself over how I feel and maybe is thinking this is it, that I'm leaving him since I've had enough. I don't know. There is still no answer to his cell phone. I know it's still on because it rings before I get his voice mail.
Troll rolls in from work around 2 am. I tell him what's going on and turn down his offer to go looking for the hubby. After all, the hubby being who he is, if he doesn't want to be found, he won't be. Around 4 am, I send Troll off to bed with reassurances that I don't want him to go outside.
By 4 am I am really starting to worry. This is so out of character for the hubby. He has never stayed out this late before, let alone not answered his cell phone. So, by now I am starting to feel panic kick in and I'm beating it down so I can think clearly. By this time, I am silently wondering if it is partially my fault this has all happened, that my anger has tipped him into doing something stupid. Although, I know that he would not do that because we've talked about it before he knows that to do something stupid, would hurt the people he left behind far more than anything he could do in living. Still. Part of me can't dismiss this. The logical part of me is telling me I am not at fault. Given the mental and emotional stress that the hubby is working through is by far enough to be a contributing factor. Still, some small voice is whispering that I could have contributed too. I kick that to the back of my mind. There are far more important things to see to at the moment. In the meantime my emotional state is one of sheer panic, I'll admit it. I thought I had lost him, but I was concentrating on finding him.
By 6:15 am, I go to see if Sprout is getting up for work. I tell him Dad is missing. He jumps out of bed, I get scolded because Dad has been out there for about 5 hours now and I should have woken him up so he could go look for him. He makes a quick call to his boss, we both get dressed and armed with flashlights, we go out back to look for him. I have about 4.9 acres all said and done. I didn't think he was out back because the dogs would be having a field day if that were the case. They weren't. Still we looked and nothing. Troll in the mean time got up (after about 4 hours sleep) and he was calling the hospitals. We all met at the front of the house. We were just discussing going across the street into a neighbor's property ( huge land lot. I can't estimate the number of acres, but it's undeveloped, full of hills, pot holes and trees). The boys decided to jump in Troll's suv and go looking for him. I stayed home to man the phone and be here in case the hubby came home. I'd say about a half hour to 45 minutes went by and the door opened. It was the spouse, extremely cold, wet and very shook up. I threw myself at him, poor man. I'm no tiny wisp of wind, mind you. He still managed to stay on his feet and we held onto each other for dear life. I broke away only to call the boys and let them know he was home and what had happened.
Mr. Mushy's version: He remembered driving home, parking the truck and opening the door. He remembered leaving the mail on my desk and speaking with the dogs before closing the door. The next thing he remembers is running, across the road into he neighbor's land. He ran and stopped, ran and stopped, periodically hiding behind oak trees. He had gone into a flashback from Vietnam. He snapped out of it around 7 am, when the sun had come up. He had gone pretty deep into the neighbor's property. When he came out of it, he started hiking home.
In the almost nine years we have been together, he has never lapsed into one of these. He says he's had them before but it has been years. This really shook him up. We're not sure what catapulted him into it. I feel there could have been several factors. The ones we both agree with is that it is an anniversary date. He was shot in Khe Sanh and he was in the Tet Offensive. In the years we've been together, he's had nightmares, but this is the first flashback I have had to go through with him.
If it happens ever again, I know I'll handle it much better. If he disappears again, something out of the usual, I'll more than likely know the cause. We have an appointment tomorrow with his shrink. I say "we" because we're a team and because I experience secondary cause. It's much like experiencing second hand PTSD which spouses/family members experience. This flashback hit me blindsided and coupled with the turmoil we've been working through, has thrown me into a place where the ground has been swept away from under my feet.
The residue is that I'm exhausted, mentally and emotionally. The hubby is the same way. Yesterday I had the need to check, from time to time, on Mr Mushy, to lie beside him, put my hand on him, to reassure myself he was there and safe. That tells me how far to the edge I was yesterday. Today, I was concerned when he left to go the VA clinic and check the mail. I swallowed that edge of panic and let him go after he reassured me he was up to doing it. Today, my brain does not feel like shredded cabbage but I just have this overall feeling of exhaustion. By Saturday, I should be feeling much more in balance, mentally and emotionally. I should much more able to think. Right now, all I am doing is the mundane things that need little effort or thought.
My mantra is: All is safe and I can handle this, just give me some space and time.