Welcome to the ramblings of a demented shroom. 3 weeks of Mercury in retrograde. All ready it's making itself known, but I am getting ahead of myself. Where to start....
Terri Schiavo:
Has Congress overstepped its bounds? Is its newest legislation unconstitutional? I say yes to both. How many other circumstances, how many other people are out there facing or having faced these types of circumstances? How many times has Congress used its perceived rights and stepped in? Give me a break. What I am wondering is, who had such a powerful button to push to get Congress to this point? At first, I believed it was motivated by political platform. After all, the Democratic majority voted for this, but I can hardly blame them. They are outnumbered, it was going to pass anyway. Let it through and let the Republicans hang themselves. Maybe they weren't thinking like that, but I can't dismiss the possibility. The President has made no bones about his belief system or what he hopes to achieve in his last term as President. There are no illusions in my mind about his wishes to bring Divinity back into public eye. I do not fault him for what he sees as his missions. The problem being that we're such a diverse republic, there has to be an easy acceptable middle road to walk. I digress.
No matter how many angles I look at this situation from, I can't get away from the fact that Congress had no right to step into this fray. It had already run its course on the state level. It had been through the courts including the State Supreme Court, which refused to get involved. So, I come back to, who had a powerful enough finger to poke into this mess?
Without the written word by the patient, we must take into consideration, whether we like it or not, no matter how painful, any and all details left behind. There is no dispute that I can find by anyone ( as well as adjudicated in a court of law) that Mrs. Schiavo had said on numerous occasions that she did not wish to live in such a state. There is no disputing a very in your face fact that Mrs Schiavo's brain cortex no longer exists, that there is no cognitive function.
I feel for her parents. I know what it is to look for hope when there is truly none. I know what it is not to want to let go someone so dear, so precious. I know what it is to see things that we fool ourselves is truly there.
Life is indeed precious and should not be taken lightly. I do agree with President Bush, one should always err in light of life, but where we differ is that, there has to be a determination of what life is. Is it a beat of the heart, a breath? Or is it those things and others? Is there a chance that a person can once more return to living conscious level as we live it today? There is a difference between a coma and being vegetative. Science has shown there is no possible way Mrs Schiavo will return to the vivid aware living woman she once was and given her words spoken to others, she deserves to maintain her dignity and die as the situation will allow.
This legislation was made just for Mrs. Schiavo. What is this? What made her so special? Or was it political grandstanding?
What was once a situation about an unfortunate woman has now turned into a circus about politicians and their use of power. Truly unfortunate.
Oh, in case anyone is wondering, I'm a registered Republician. Regardless, I vote and stand by my personal convictions, not political party lines.
Michael Jackson:
Hmmm, are all these seemingly physical problems a manifestation of a worried, bothered mind? How many more times is he going to arrive late and be cut slack?
Protecting Our Children: It is truly unfortunate that our children will not know the joys of freedom we enjoyed growing up. The world is truly a far more dangerous place today, then it was back then. Our children are being kidnapped and killed right from under our noses as we sleep. Our children can not ride their bikes, or walk to the store or be left at a bus stop by themselves. Parents today simply must not bury their heads in the sand and ignore the very real possibilities that face our growing children. While we can not and should not live our lives in fear, we should not thumb our noses at it as well. We need to have in place what ever safe guards we need to to insure the well being of our children. Nothing and no place is sacred, just ask Mr. Lunsford.
The War In Iraq:Yesterday on my way into town to finish up getting Easter gifts for the grandbabies, I saw a peaceful voicing, wanting our troops returned home. I have no hassle with them. They have the right to voice their feelings. Some of the signs though had me shaking my head. One of them read, " Peace begins at home ". Uh, duh. However, unless we want nations to band together (whether out of domination and or fear), to turn and attack our homeland, we had better be willing to defend, help institute freedom wherever we can. We are infidels in the eyes of some. Nothing short of our deaths will make them happy. Can we say, Twin Towers? If there are people out there that think we can hold terrorism at bay merely at our shores, delude themselves.
I hate war. It's a waste of human life and everyone loses. Unless all the evil minded, egotistical, narrow minded people out there who would enslave, destroy, others to fufill their own agenda are eliminated from the world's population, I fear we're stuck with war. I think as the years roll by, collectively as a human race, we evolve. We are working our way into peaceful existance but that Xanadu is a long time way way off, I fear.
On The Grove Front:
We went bowling Sunday and had a good time. I haven't tallied my average yet. However, my game is improving. I break a hundred at least for every game. Unless, I'm being stupid and bowl a fourth game I shouldn't. I am suffering for that decision today. Mr Mushy gracefully fell on his tush just after he threw his ball down the lane. Damn, that was a pretty fall. At least it wasn't his knees.
If anyone has heard, Sacramento got so much hail on Saturday that it had to be carted off in dump trucks. We got a part of that. Weird.
Got the tickets for The Tournament of Kings at the Excalibur in Vegas. Will be securing our rental car this week. Can hardly wait.
Mercury's Tickles:
For two months our business held $14,000.00 plus from a company we do business with because the amount owed us seemed excessive. 3 times we checked and rechecked with the project manager regarding this money and we were repeatedly told the money was our commission( may I also point out that I felt she was being rude). So, based on this, although we were still confused, we released the funds for use. Shortly thereafter, the old project manager who handled this project, returned to the company. We had concerns and confusion about another project ( the funds were returned to us because there was no outstanding account) we asked that the company in question to lolok into the matter. Now it's being put forth that OOPS, somebody at their end made a very bad mistake and the $14,000.00 is actually not ours to keep. I want to smack someone. And my other irritation? It not only took two months to be able to release these funds, but another two weeks or so before the old returned project manager could go through all the paperwork for two projects to determine what was owed back to the company, but nevermind that, he wants his answer from our end what is owed back, today. We got the fax from him late this past Friday. Geez. Take your sweet time going through everything, but give us back our money NOW. I'm still trying to sort it all out. ARUGH.