Monday, May 30, 2005

A Memorandum

Land Of The Free, Because of the Brave Posted by Hello

I often hear people question how we can we ever achieve peace so long as mankind is so willing to make war. It is not that we live to fight but rather fight to defend. We fight to defend the right of every human being put here on earth to enjoy freedom and be unfettered from the chains of oppression. So long as there are men on this earth that think through their own feeble egos that they know what is right for rest of humanity or right for the humanity in their little corners of the world, there will always be wars. So long as there are people who refuse to accept and make allowances for the rights of others to worship as their heart dictates, to be allowed to speak their minds without fear of torture and death, to recognize that women and children are people in their own right with needs, desires and ambitions, that children are gifts from the Divine, not vessels to fill with hatred of others not the same as them, there will always be paths of war that are unavoidable.

I am reminded of something Nicholas Cage said in the movie, "National Treasure" as he was trying to explain a certain passage of words in the Constitution to someone. He said...

" If there is something wrong, then those that have the ability,
have the responsibility to take action. "

To turn our backs, to simply ignore, the gross misjustices in the world simply because it would be uncomfortable to do otherwise, makes us just as bad. We have to believe in a Higher Calling and with that, comes a grave price.

One day, perhaps, when mankind can look upon each other and see the potential we can give each other, when mankind can look upon each other and step outside their comfortable boxes and acknowledge that perhaps there are better ways to do something, then one day, we will no longer have the need for war.

Until that time comes, I will always get a lump in my throat when I think about the men and women who offer up their greatest gift in the pursuit of Freedom and Democracy. There will always be a tear shed for the loss of life and a prayer for a safe and easy journey to a place one day we all will come to know.

They say there is a price for everything and the price of Freedom is high.

One day, all those lives given will be accounted for......

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Long Weekend

About damn time I got around to this thing. Let's see...

It's a long weekend for most of us, but not for Troll. He still has to work and since he is off today, I'm BBQ-ing today, ribs, chicken, potato salad, his beloved rice, and corn on the cob. There's going to be leftovers so I don't have to cook tomorrow. I'm not a dummy. Actually, to compliment tomorrow's leftovers, I'll whip up some homemade bread and an apple crisp for dessert.

Troll got his copy of the police report and after having that brief conversation with the husband of the woman who caused the accident, he knows he isn't going to get their insurance infromation that easily or have an easy time of dealing with that insurance company and getting them to pay for a rental while his car is in the shop. So, he met with his insurance's adjustor, got a check and he's going to pay his deductable and get his car fixed, letting his insurance duke it out with theirs and he'll get his deductable back. He also needs to use 10 days vacation time. He'll take it while his car is in the shop a week from Monday. He needs to get away from the job for awhile as well. So it all works out.

I had the grandkids on Friday while daughter went to FB's graduation. Topper was hell on wheels. Pookie didn't get to spend the night because, quite frankly, I was worn out. I'll get her next week. I'll start getting both kids overnight after the 10th of next month, maybe. That depends.

FB got his daughter (from his previous marriage) this weekend. She got to spend the night and has to go home sometime today. This granddaughter and Pookie get along like a house on fire, at least for the moment. FB is suppose to get his daughter for two months out of the summer but I think the ex is going to make waves about that now that she is back in town. She really doesn't have much choice, as per the DA's office and the divorce agreement state. We can't handle having all three spend the night over here, hell, I can't handle it. They're all fire crackers when they're together. Maybe that makes me a not so great grandma, but I have my limitations. I've been raising kids since I was 18. So, we'll see what happens as we go along.

I called over there yesterday to see how they were all holding up. LOL. FB said it was like having the Charmed Ones. I guessed that to mean, they were always getting into some kind of trouble. Daughter called later, whimpering and thanking God she didn't have more than 2 kids. She says she isn't sure how she would raise 3 of them. Pookie may not be FB's flesh and blood daughter with his DNA but damn if she isn't his despite that. He has been her daddy since she was 3 and those two are something else again. Pookie acts just like him. Heaven help us all.

Mr M had another funeral to do this morning and came straight home afterward. Bless him. He's in his big comfy chair watching NASCAR. Tomorrow he'll be gone all day. He has many places he has to be, a funeral, the civic center... and a few more I think. It goes with the day.

Speaking of the day... if you get the Sunday paper, read that article on Jason L Dunham in the Parade insert. There are no words I can think of to say about that young man, but what I feel is grateful, to him and and every other service person that is or has served in the armed forces. 22 years old. War is ugly, an unfortunate necessity but ugly.

Aside from remembering and giving thanks, this long weekend marks the beginning of summer. It's an excuse to party. Please do so responsibly. If you drink, don't drive. If you don't have a designated driver, call someone. Call anyone, a friend, a relative, a neighbor, a cab company or even your local police. I am sure they rather come pick you up and drop you off at home than have to call the Cororner's Office to scrape you off the highway into a body bag. It's not about your ego, it's about sparing someone else's life.

If you do drive out there, be careful. People are idiots. I was nearly in 4 accidents Friday afternoon and none of them were my fault. Buckle up. People in car accidents, without seat belts on are human ping pong balls. It isn't pretty, people. All it takes is a second and that second is the difference between living and dying. You can't get it back.

I'll be back tomorrow...

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

A Giggle For The Ladies

Three men walking through the woods get lost and find themselves at a raging river. As night begins to fall the men turn to prayer.

1st man: Dear God, please help me to cross this river.


A rubber raft appears and the man paddles and fights his way across taking five hours.

2nd man: Dear God, please help me to quickly cross this river.


A wooden boat appears and he rows across to the other side of the river taking three hours.

3rd man: Dear God, please give me the presence of mind, the courage and ability to make it across the river.


The man changes into a woman, she reads the map, and walks over the bridge.

Whoa, Nelly!

Okay..*blink* who switched on the wierdness factor? I am referring to my dreamtime and I do not appreciate the weird factor of late. Kinky, erotic, silly, happy, anything that makes bloody sense is okay, but this weird crap has to go. Let me start by saying that I am not a science fiction buff. It's okay and once in a while I don't mind tuning in, but as for a steady diet of it, nuh-uh.

I can't remember the last two wierd ones (we're talking back to back here) but last night's has to take the cookie jar. I was someplace here on earth but there was a lot of destruction going on, more than normal. As I looked up into the sky, between blankets of clouds, I saw not one sun but 4, clear as bell and no misunderstanding what they were. I was thinking, wtf? How did these get here and why? The temperatures here on earth were not as intense as I thought they would be with four suns, actually the temps were quite mild and the suns were further away than our current sun is. I felt like I was suddenly standing in some sci-fi flick. Weird chit on top of the other two, which, I wish I could remember.

I'm wondering if our lunar cycle is doing anything strange these days.. something is affecting me and NO, it's not what I had for dinner the night before. LOL.

Temp today: 98 . Gack! Temps to reduce by the end of the week.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

25 Signs That Show You've Grown Up

1. Your house plants are alive, and you can't smoke any of them.

2. Having sex in a twin bed is out of the question.

3. You keep more food than beer in the fridge.

4. 6:00 AM is when you get up, not when you go to bed.

5. You hear your favorite song in an elevator.

6. You watch the Weather Channel.

7. Your friends marry and divorce instead of "hook up" and "breakup."

8. You go from 130 days of vacation time to 14.

9. Jeans and a sweater no longer qualify as "dressed up."

10. You're the one calling the police because those "%&@# kids next door won't turn down the stereo".

11. Older relatives feel comfortable telling sex jokes around you.

12. You don't know what time Taco Bell closes anymore.

13. Your car insurance goes down and your car payments go up.

14. You feed your dog Science Diet instead of McDonald's leftovers.

15. Sleeping on the couch makes your back hurt.

16. You take naps from noon to 6 PM

17.Dinner and a movie is the whole date instead of the beginning of one.

18. Eating a basket of chicken wings at 3 AM would severely upset, rather than settle, your stomach.

19. If you're a gal, you go to the drug store for ibuprofen and antacid, not condoms and pregnancy tests.

20. A $4.00 bottle of wine is no longer "pretty good stuff."

21. You actually eat breakfast food at breakfast time.

22. "I just can't drink the way I used to" replaces "I'm never going to drink that much again."

23. 90% of the time you spend in front of a computer is for real work.

24. You drink at home to save money before going to a bar.

25 You read this entire list looking desperately for one sign that doesn't apply to you and can't find one to save your sorry old butt. Then you forward it to a bunch of old pals & friends 'cause you know they'll enjoy it & do the same.

Quote For The Day

No pleasure philosophy, no sensuality, no place nor power, no material success can for a moment give such inner satisfaction as the sense of living for good purposes, for maintenance of integrity, for the preservation of self-approval.
- Minot Simons

LOL... Had to share

Here's my horoscope for today. It struck me as fuuny so I thought I'd share. Those that know me well can vouch on this. I couldn't swear off conversation for 24 hours let alone 48. *grin* And you know... I'm not sure I consider being able to call a spade a spade as a redeeming quality.. can I wax poetic (aka sling a line of bullcrap)? You betcha.. the problem is, no one will take me seriously when I do. I always give myself away and I guess I've never really tried to do it in earnest.

Okay, so you're not famous for being the type of person who conjures up Hallmark sentiments every time your mouth opens. You have other redeeming qualities -- among them, the ability to call a spade a spade. At the moment, however, you'll be amazed at just how poetically you'll describe that same spade. If you embarrass easily and you can't stand the thought of someone remembering you in this verbal condition, better swear off conversation entirely for at least the next 48 hours.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Helllllooooo, Monday!

And a Good Afternoon to you all! With the promise of a long weekend looming, things are looking okey-dookey. We worked outside this weekend and got the wild grasses cut down the required 100 feet from the house. Hm, well, aybe not quite yet. I just remembered the old goose pen, which is located near the backyard fence line is looking like a jungle. Got to get to that. The weather has been nice, high 80's to low 90's. I've already got the grandkids clamouring for their swimming pool. Geez.

Troll is in the process of getting estimates for his car repair. He's tired of feeling like something out of the Dukes of Hazards. I have to admit though, for a big man, he sure slides into the driver's side via the passenger side, pretty damn slickly. LOL.

Sprout is getting over a cold that just nailed him to the wall last week. Hopefully this sunshine will sweat it right out of him.

Mr M has a group therapy meeting tonight. With advent of last week's meeting, I think there were more cracks made and not just with Mr M either. The group has another corpman and medic aside from Mr M.

And FB graduates next Friday from Junior College. Maybe it was a good thing he changed his major since he couldn't get past that Econ class. Now they're working on the logistics of his attending Chico State, which is about an hour and a half drive each way.

Today is filled with work and more work. Paperwork consumes me. Ugh. My mind, however, travels outside whenever I look up and glance out into the backyard. Wah. I want to be outside, not stuck behind some desk filled with paperwork. Can I run away and play hookie? Obviously not. That three day weekend looms in front of me like a dangling carrot in front of a hungry donkey.

Too much to do today to step up on my soapbox so I'll let it be for now. The time will come when something really irks me and I'll have to vent. Until then, I wish you all a safe and enjoyable long weekend.

Take Care.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

The Goings On In The Grove

Yesterday, I had the grandbabies. I'd like to thank my daughter for letting me have her son who was full of sugar. He located a pack of Starbursts and had eaten quite a few before she caught him. That's right, just give him to Grandma, drive her insane, she doesn't have far to go, right?! I'm old now, I live for revenge and I will not be denied. I hope she's forgotten that. Muhahaha. Aside from Topper running me in circles, it was a good day. He got a shower early and was promptly asleep before Mr. M got to the end of the road on their journey back to Daughter's house. Yeah, yeah. How sweet was I, huh? Bathed the kid, wore him out and sent him home sound asleep... makes my need for revenge all the more.

Mr. M and I stayed up late last night (until about 3 am) catching up on our taped shows. Unfortunately he had to be in uniform this morning for the parade. It's rodeo time here and the rains postponed the parade until today. The VFW post had a flat bed truck entered. In front stood two of our servicemen who served in Iraq (we've lost 3 local men, I believe) as flag bearers. Right behind them stood one of the VFW's Honor Guard holding a folded flag and right beside stood Mr. M holding the bugle. Both of them also wore their uniforms. I don't have a picture yet, but I'm hoping to get my hands on one. I understand it caught the attention of the crowd.

Troll had a small visition yesterday at work. The lady that caused that accident on Tuesday? Yeah. Her, her husband and their kids were in the store. Troll was polite and when they left the store, he asked the husband for their insurance info. The guy refused, said his insurance told him they would pay for the guy's GMC that is wife ran into but not for Troll's car. Troll was cool. He'll get the info from the PD either today or tomorrow. Actually, I think the PD was going to call the insurance company for him. Not clear on that yet. Troll does't care who pays for it, BUT someone is going to and someone is springing for a rental car until his is ready.

FB's ex wife and his daughter are still in town and the daughter (hence forth known as Shel) came over and spent some time with Pookie and Topper. Now Shel and Pookie have been best of friends until FB lost the custody battle and ex-wife took Shel off to Kansas to live. So, they were really glad to see each other. Ex wife has done a really good job with Shel... NOT. I'd say Shel is about as insecure as her mother is and that little girl, who is only a year older than Pookie, has had to grow up way too fast. It's going to be interesting to see if FB and Daughter get Shel ( per court order) for 2 months in the summer. The reason say that is the ex-wife turns to Shel for company when she is lonely. The ex-wife has already been talking crap in FB's ear.. things like.. you know I was the best thing you ever had in bed... and ... I still love you... uh..yeah, right.. that's why she has a fiance in Tx? The girl can't keep her knees together. Is that polite enough? *snort* FB has been gentlemanly about all this... daughter is a bit insecure, but holding up well.

Well Pookie is running impatient as we're suppose to make brownies today so that's my cue to get out of here for now.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

A Sandpiper Wish For You....

She was six years old when I first met her on the beach near where I live. I drive to this beach, a distance of three or four miles, whenever the world begins to close in on me. She was building a sandcastle or something and looked up, her eyes as blue as the sea.
"Hello," she said.
I answered with a nod, not really in the mood to bother with a small child.
"I'm building," she said.
"I see that. What is it?" I asked, not really caring.
"Oh, I don't know, I just like the feel of sand."
That sounds good, I thought, and slipped off my shoes. A sandpiper glided by.
"That's a joy," the child said.
"It's a what?"
"It's a joy. My mama says sandpipers come to bring us joy."
The bird went gliding down the beach. Good-bye joy, I muttered to myself, hello pain, and turned to walk on. I was depressed, my life seemed completely out of balance.
"What's your name?" She wouldn't give up.
"Robert," I answered. "I'm Robert Peterson."
"Mine's Wendy... I'm six."
"Hi, Wendy."
She giggled. "You're funny," she said.
In spite of my gloom, I laughed too and walked on. Her musical giggle followed me.
"Come again, Mr. P," she called. "We'll have another happy day."
After a few days of a group of unruly Boy Scouts, PTA meetings, and an ailing mother.
The sun was shining one morning as I took my hands out of the dishwater. I need a sandpiper, I said to myself, gathering up my coat.
The ever-changing balm of the seashore awaited me. The breeze was chilly but I strode along, trying to recapture the serenity I needed.
"Hello, Mr. P," she said. "Do you want to play?"
"What did you have in mind?" I asked, with a twinge of annoyance.
"I don't know, you say."
"How about charades?" I asked sarcastically.
The tinkling laughter burst forth again. "I don't know what that is."
"Then let's just walk." Looking at her, I noticed the delicate fairness of her face. "Where do you live?" I asked.
"Over there." She pointed toward a row of summer cottages.
Strange, I thought, in winter.
"Where do you go to school?"
"I don't go to school. Mommy says we're on vacation."
She chattered little girl talk as we strolled up the beach, but my mind was on other things. When I left for home, Wendy said it had been a happy day.
Feeling surprisingly better, I smiled at her and agreed. Three weeks later, I rushed to my beach in a state of near panic.
I was in no mood to even greet Wendy. I thought I saw her mother on the porch and felt like demanding she keep her child at home.
"Look, if you don't mind," I said crossly when Wendy caught up with me, "I'd rather be alone today." She seemed unusually pale and out of breath.
"Why?" she asked.
I turned to her and shouted, "Because my mother died!" and thought, My God, why was I saying this to a little child?
"Oh," she said quietly, "then this is a bad day."
"Yes," I said, "and yesterday and the day before and--oh, go away!"
"Did it hurt?" she inquired.
"Did what hurt?" I was exasperated with her, with myself.
"When she died?"
"Of course it hurt!" I snapped, misunderstanding, wrapped up in myself. I strode off.
A month or so after that, when I next went to the beach, she wasn't there. Feeling guilty, ashamed and admitting to myself I missed her, I went up to the cottage after my walk and knocked at the door. A drawn looking young woman with honey-colored hair opened the door.
"Hello," I said, "I'm Robert Peterson. I missed your little girl today and wondered where she was."
"Oh yes, Mr. Peterson, please come in. Wendy spoke of you so much. I'm afraid I allowed her to bother you. If she was a nuisance, please, accept my apologies."
"Not at all -- she's a delightful child." I said, suddenly realizing that I meant what I had just said.
"Wendy died last week, Mr. Peterson. She had leukemia. Maybe she didn't tell you."
Struck dumb, I groped for a chair. I had to catch my breath.
"She loved this beach so when she asked to come, we couldn't say no. She seemed so much better here and had a lot of what she called happy days, but the last few weeks, she declined rapidly..."
Her voice faltered, "She left something for you ... if only I can find it.
Could you wait a moment while I look?"
I nodded stupidly, my mind racing for something to say to this lovely young woman.
She handed me a smeared envelope with "MR. P" printed in bold childish letters. Inside was a drawing in bright crayon hues -- a yellow beach, a blue sea, and a brown bird.
Underneath was carefully printed:
Tears welled up in my eyes and a heart that had almost forgotten to love opened wide.
I took Wendy's mother in my arms. "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry," I muttered over and over, and we wept together. The precious little picture is framed now and hangs in my study.
Six words -- one for each year of her life -- that speak to me of harmony, courage, and undemanding love.
A gift from a child with sea blue eyes and hair the color of sand -- who taught me the gift of love.
It serves as a reminder to all of us that we need to take time to enjoy living and life and each other. The price of hating other human beings is loving oneself less.
Life is so complicated, the hustle and bustle of everyday traumas can make us lose focus about what is truly important or what is only a momentary setback or crisis.
This week, be sure to give your loved ones an extra hug, and by all means, take a moment... even if it is only ten seconds, to stop and smell the roses.
This comes from someone's heart and is shared with many and now I share it with you.

Bad Habits by the Zodiac.....

Aries Out in Front

Rams have a habit of pushing to the front of the line, both literally and figuratively. And while this quality has helped Aries get ahead, it can also compromise their relationships. Putting a animal, child or plant in their care can correct the problem. As soon as this sign's nurturing qualities are cultivated, their selfishness will diminish.

Taurean Trash

Bulls love clutter. Being surrounded by all their possessions gives them a sense of security. It also creates headaches, confusion, and chaos. Storage systems that keep their stuff on display will prevent this sign from strewing their stuff all over the house. Stacking baskets, glass jars, and open shelving can promote organization.

Nerve-Wrecking Twins

Gemini's are the nail-biters of the zodiac. Twins are self-conscious about their hands, and need to keep them busy at all times. Activities like knitting, carving, or beadwork provide welcome distractions. Weekly manicures will also keep temptation at bay. Twins are less likely to gnaw their cuticles when they've just paid for their upkeep!

Cancers and the Candy Man

If you've ever wondered how Cancers stay so sweet, take a look at their sugar intake. This sign loves cookies, candy, and ice cream. An occasional indulgence is fine, but too much dessert can take a toll on waistlines and energy levels. What Crabs are really seeking is oral gratification. Sugar-free gum or dried fruit provides a healthy distraction from candy crunching.

Lavish Leos

The guy who's sitting next to you in the elegant restaurant, shouting to his personal assistant on his cell phone? Probably a Leo. It's only natural that a sign that is blessed with creativity, charm and wit feels tempted to show off. Actually, this desire to brag is rooted in insecurity. The sooner Lions learn to compliment others, the quicke they'll receive the praise they crave.

Virgos Fear Filth

These nitpickers sometimes compromise their own pleasure for the sake of perfection. Deep down inside, these folks are really sensualists at heart.They need to learn that it is better to feel good than to look good. Allocating a few minutes each day for fun but messy activities like baking, painting, or sculpting can cure Virgos of their fear of filth.

Libras Love to Shop

Librans gave birth to the term "shopaholic". These folks have every credit card known to man. And while their taste is undeniably impeccable, it can get them in trouble at bankruptcy court. What's really at stake here is a quest for beauty. Enjoying simple but inexpensive pleasures like nature walks and museums can quell the urge to splurge.

Strictly Scorpios

Nobody carries a grudge better than this sign. Unfortunately, hanging on to resentments has a way of crowding out love, happiness, and trust. In order for a Scorpio to let go of anger, they must first practice self-care. Getting a massage every month or writing in a journal each day will soften this sign's heart and enable forgiveness.

Brutally Honest Sagittarius

Archers have a bad habit of telling the truth. And while these folks have the best intentions, that doesn't take the sting out of comments like, "Gee, those pants make you look fat!" or "Were you drunk when you wrote this report?" The best way for Archers to cultivate tact is through prodigious study. Etiquette books will definitely help!

Capricorns Can't Quit

This sign is the original workaholic. Many Capricorns fear that poverty will set in the moment they stop toiling. Keeping a gratitude journal can break this terrible habit. The more Capricorn becomes aware of their non-material blessings, the healthier their behavior will become. No more cutting vacations short for the sake of work!

Antisocial Aquarius

Water-bearers get into the habit of creating completely self-sufficient lives. Unfortunately, this makes it difficult for them to achieve intimacy. Basically, Aquarians are afraid that relationships will compromise their independence. Fortunately, these folks love to experiment. By treating intimacy as an exercise, this sign can relinquish control for the sake of lovin relationships.

Pickled Pisces

As a water sign, it's only natural that Pisceans find comfort in liquids. When those liquids have high alcohol content, problems can ensue. Naturally, a twelve-step program can be of enormous benefit here. Meditation and yoga can help, too, as they allow Pisces to achieve a healthy sense of nirvana. That's all these Fish are really seeking.

Thhhhe Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow..... lalala

Ever seen a shroom shake her bootie? You might not want to, but, it's gonna happen. Yes, the sun has finally graced the grove once again. The windows and doors are wide open and I can hear the birds singing as they flint from tree to tree. Now that's one of life's simple pleasures.

The Sacramento River is a dangerous thing at the moment. The dam has been releasing water steadily in order to make room for the rainfall of these past couple of days. The canals of Central and Southern Calif are seeing more than their fair share at the moment too. The only bad thing is that the temps are going to climbing to the low 90's which means we have limited amount of time to clear the grasses, brush and shrubs in time before the fire season gets here. If the temps keep rising, it's going to be one hell of a fire season, people. The CDF has been working on burning off the wild growth through the winter. They have been using this time to train their people too. On a personal level, we're behind schedule with our own cleaning efforts which means the next several weekends and as many days as we can, are going to be a push to get this place where it needs to be in order to give us some peace of mind in case of fires. Free time? What's that?

Dreams have been ..uh... yeah. I've got to check the moon cycle. I'm feeling more human but I'm not sure if that's my body talking or my will. I hate being down sick, I don't like having to take it easy.. it makes me feel like a sloth and quite lazy, that doesn't set well with me. Like everything else, I do my damnest to push through it until something makes me do it otherwise. I'm a stubborn wench. *wry grin* I also fib a lot. I tell people I'm going to go take it easy, but I don't. I think Mr Mushy would tie me down with duct tape if he could find it *snicker* I've hid every damn roll of it. Well, hell, I can never find the stuff when I need it. The only problem I have with that? Is I forget where I've hidden it. Damn, if growing old isn't a bitch.

Role Playing: DAMMIT! Who's the Dutchess and why is she being such a fuss budget about making it known ( the lineage that is..) What is she protecting and why??????!!!! You're going to drive me insane...quit smiling! *goes off growling and snarling in frustration*

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

There Are Angels Among Us

Last evening Mr. Mushy and I were standing in the kitchen. Well, he was making dinner and I was standing around to be exact. He had his one-on-one appointment with his therapist so we were talking about that. The phone rang. It was Troll.

Me: What's up? (I have caller id)
Troll: Sis, you are not going to believe it.
Me: What's that?
Troll: My car just got hit.
Me: What???!! Are you okay?
Troll: Yeah, fine.

What happened was, he had gone on his evening meal break, had just parked his car, opting for backing it in so all he had to do was pull out. Well, the parking lot he uses is off to the side but in front of the building. One of our main streets that run from our mall runs along side of the store and it also has the off ramp from the freeway. There is a stop light where the off ramp, and traffic going North (toward the Mall) and south flowing traffic meet. Troll had just gotten out of his car, walked a few feet to the store front, heard a squeal of tires and turned just in time to watch a female in a white pickup (heading southbound) ram her truck into an elderly gentleman in a GMC truck coming off of the off ramp. She hit the GMC smack in the middle of the driver's door, rendering the driver of the GMC unconscious. She still had her foot on the gas pedal and pushed the GMC until it was sideways, facing Troll's store. The GMC driver still had his foot on the gas, which cased him to jump the curb, go between a fully grown pine tree and a steel post and right into Troll's car door, driver's side. Seeing and smelling smoke, Troll ran into the grooming dept, told them to call 911, ran back outside and over to the GMC. Sticking his hand into the truck window, he wrenched it into park and then turned the GMC off. The only thing that kept that GMC from driving into the store was Troll's Ford Escape. The GMC pushed his Escape a little ways but Troll was smart enough to stop the truck before anything else could have happened.

It turns out the woman in the white truck ran the ran stoplight and was legally intoxicated. She also had her one year old daughter in the back seat. She tried to flee from the scene with her daughter on foot, but one of the other managers convinced her to come into the store because 1) she couldn't flee the scene of the accident that would be against the law and 2) her baby daughter had a cut lip and he wasn't sure the baby was okay. Hysterical and babbling that her husband was going to kill her, she went into the store to wait for medical help and the police. After being questioned by the police, she apparently failed the sobriety test, was handcuffed and arrested. Her child was taken to the emergency room of one of the local hospitals. As for the elderly gentleman, he started to come around and wanted to get out of his truck, but Troll convinced him to stay put until medical help arrived. At this time we are not aware of the gentleman's condition.

If Troll had been a few seconds later getting out of his car or was just getting out of his car, given the impact, we have reason to believe he would not be with us now. For the angels that looked out for him, for my mother watching out for her youngest, we are thankful. Troll is not only my kid brother, he is my confidant and best friend next to Mr. Mushy that is.

On other fronts today, this weather shifting is making me sick. I have a sore throat and feel miserable. I am babysitting Topper today. My Daughter and Pookie went on an end of the year field trip for Pookie's class. How could I turn that down? Topper is happy playing his video game at the moment. As for the weather, it is still cold and rainy today, but if I understand the weather forecast right, that's all going to change in the next few days, sending our temps soaring into the low 90's. Marvellous. From one extreme to another. Gotta love Mother Nature.

I'm not feeling up to commenting on current events at the moment, but the media needs to be held accountable. For too long, they've hidden behind the skirts of their rights and have been reckless and all in the name of being the first.

Okay People, I'm out of here. I have a little boy yelling for me so I can watch him catch Pokemon. The things I do out of love. hehehe.


Thursday, May 12, 2005

A Thursday Afternoon

A blessed Thursday to you all. It's a verra warm day today. I am hoping to get outside and do a little work out there a bit later. With all the 'crap' ( for a lack of a better word) that has been going on lately, not to mention the chinks in the hubby's wall, I do believe the hubby and I need to get away for a weekend somewhere quiet to simply reconnect in the most basic ways needed in a relationship. My question right now is where. I'm doing some research on that.

Another good movie to watch: National Treasure. (Did I mention that previously somewhere? If I did, forgive me, I'm getting old.)

I managed to sneak into channel yesterday afternoon and managed a little time in the evening before I got called away. I'm refining something I wrote to submit to the channel list. Hopefully that will get sent out some time today. It's just a little something to try and make the dungeons come alive more and maybe perk the interest of someone out there reading the list that might help entice them to come in and play. I'm fairly confident that my writing partner can either utilize it or leave it out there. I have a few other plots rolling around in my mind including more clues as to who Lady Raven is. The ones I came up with this morning, might make things just a wee bit too easy to figure it all out. Since my partner has told me he can pretty much roll with anything I can throw out there, I am keeping my fingers crossed that he doesn't have any plans for this one... since... well, let's just say, we play off each other well.... in an offshoot, if I ever get around to it, I have a story for Robert of Blackhawke and how he died. Yes, my partner killed off one of the children of Blackhawke, but that's okay. Not everything can be a bed of roses, and I thought he chose a creative way to do it. Robert may have been the problem child but I would like to show how he 'came around' before his demise. I would like to think that Blackhawke would have been proud of all his children and what they did with their lives.

In other creative measures, I have story plates for Double Moon, Beltane and another story for another place I have yet to write it up. I'm working on them. The going is slow, but at least I am working on them. My priority at the moment though is Dark Towers. I am hoping to be able to add tidbits sent via the list.

Other than all that, I have business to work on and renovation of this office to accomplish. I'm going through things to downsize the office. Mr Mushy is hopeless hoarder. He keeps everything and it is driving me mad. It's getting so I chase him out of here so I can throw things away in peace!

I have been using my laptop more for being online because of the desk I have added to the livingroom. This allows me to be in the same room with Mr Mushy and helps to smooth over some concerns of his and trust me, my online time has been a concern of his. I have tried just giving up a great deal of my online time and spent it with him and to what avail? It has become apparent that he doesn't necessarily want my undivided attention but still feels threatened(?) by my attention to the online time. So, now we try something else and hopefully this will meet with everyone's needs. ARUGH. There are times I feel like I'm being drawn and quartered. Don't get me wrong, I do not believe my online time is a major thorn in our relationship but I do think on some level it bothers him. So, spending more one on one time with him and at least being in the same room with him while he's watching tv, I'm hoping it will go a long way to smoothing things over and fixing them. I adore the men in my life, but sometimes... I could just kick their butts.

I hope your Thursday is a good one.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Where Am I?

Okay.. let's see, the last post was about Mr Mushy's birthday. Most excellent. We had a good time together. I look forward to our dates together. We just don't do it often enough for my liking, his either, I'm sure.

The movie, Kingdom of Heaven: Enjoyed it. That time era has always fascinated me. Critics are complaining that Hollywood made this movie too politically correct. Uh, excuse me? These are the same critics that have been bemoaning ( for how long?) how over the top and Hollywood dramatic every movie seems to be. I am so dam tired of hearing those two damn words, " politically correct". Whose bright (or the lack of it) idea was that creation? I, for one, am damn glad to see Hollywood present something that isn't overly done. If anything, I think they downplayed the zealotry of the times. You get the idea though. I found the whole movie interesting and it gave me something to think about, from both angles, Christian and Moslem alike.

When Sprout came home from this concert the next day, I asked him how it was. His response was a single word, " Loud". I had to laugh. Yeah. What else would it be. He enjoyed himself and was the point.

Little Miss Thing (Pookie) had her open house last night and it was great. The girl had a lot to show us and we are so proud of her. She's reading at a grade above her current one. Her 1000 piece project was a smashing success. It was the most creative one there or so I am told. Those hot glue burns I'm wearing were worth it. I just purchased her spring pictures and all I can say is wow. I'm going to scan one and put it up on my site somewhere so those close to me can see it. It reminds of an earlier picture taken of my daughter when she was in high school. All I can say is, I have two beautiful young ladies in my life. Now if I can just figure out where they got their looks from *grin*

PITA-In-Law: Well, his arse should be in Taipei by now. This whole situation has stressed the whole family out. I'm balancing individuals so torn up by abuse and battering that I HAVE TO, at this point, take a few steps back. I am not their salvation. In order to maintain my sanity and balance, I need to "shroom it" for a while and to hell with what anyone will think. This whole family matter, dealing with the pita brother-in-law, my two sisters-in-law and my mother-in-law has been consuming me for a few weeks now and I have to stop. My own things, my own life have been jockeyed around to accommodate them and I just can't do it any more, not right now. There a bigger picture than what I am saying but I really don't want to rehash it in my mind in order to write it even though it would be a stress relief.

Of Things Mr. Mushiness: I am proud of him. He has not been drinking. He also resigned as Captain of the Honor Guard. The politics is getting too much for him for one thing. The other is that he simply wants to be able to have the freedom of choice, to make it or not. As Captain he has an obligation to be at every single funeral, but as simply a member, if he has other obligations elsewhere, he can see to those instead. They have several new members, enough to fill in when there is more than one funeral requesting an honor guard.

The crack in his wall got bigger and I believe it part of the reason for his stress yesterday which resulted in an incident I shall write about in a moment. One of our local men, or I should say another one of them, was killed in the line of duty and his body was returned to the family. They had the funeral the day before yesterday. Why did this affect my hubby so? Because this man was an active duty soldier. The norm is a veteran who has died because he was old and had lived his life. Yester eve, he went to Marine Corp meeting and unknown to me, before he went into the meeting, he needed a nitro. About a half hour later, he needed another one and that man drove himself home and I wouldn't have known one damn thing about it if the incident hadn't occurred.

Before going to bed last night, hubby was snoozing in his arm chair. I hate it when he leaves me sleeping on the couch and I wake up alone. So, he wakes me now before he goes to bed and I do the same. Well, last night I woke him then headed down the hall. I was in the bedroom getting ready for bed when I heard a loud thump and before I could move, I heard another one. I dashed out into the kitchen and the hubby had fallen down, spilt the dogs' water dish and slipped again. He was standing when I got there. I flipped on the kitchen light and talked to him. Something was not right. When I got close to him, he wasn't focused. He was answering me coherently but looking into his eyes, he wasn't all there. There was a blank sort of look. So, I started in with the 20 questions. That's how I found out about the nitros. At that point I want to scold him but more importantly, I need to find out if he needs to go to the ER. Nothing I could determine indicated he needed the ER. He had been dreaming when I woke him. One of those deep dreams and it was about the things we have been discussing about Nam, things that his wall is made of. That's not unexpected, since we've now cracked the floodgates. I think the inattentiveness was his way of trying to pull back to the surface of his conscious mind and out of the dream. At least, I am willing to accept that theory for the moment. I am keeping a hawke's eye on him however. I am also insisting he see to making that cardiologist appointment he needs. Sprout's not too happy with me for not taking Mr. Mushy to the ER right away, but like I tried to explain to Sprout, I've been dealing with Mr Mushy's health for along time now. I trust my instincts. I know what to be concerned about, what to watch, and when to haul his butt down the medical facility. The reasons for this last episode could be many different things. The best thing to do is watch to see if it happens again.

Is It Summer Time Yet? : It is absolutely gorgeous today, about time too. I have all the windows and doors open. Now and then I slip outside and lift my face to the warm sun. I can't begin to describe how good that feels. Now, all I want is the hot temps to hold off for a while longer until we can get all this grass cut down.

Role Playing: I have been so woefully negligent. I want to be back more than anyone would like to see me back. I am trying. I swear it. I miss it, I need it, I desire it. Carve it out of the rable of my every day life? I'm trying. I sneak every second I can. Sometimes my old bod lets me down though. My timing sucks. When I do manage to show up, no one else can. Looks like I missed some role-playing that would have been fun to jump into. I just hope I get the opportunity to do so. *grin* Those that know, know Raven is a force to reckoned with, especially where treatment of the female species is concerned. Let me at 'em. Thanks to my pot-stirrer-upper, my mind is reeling... and to my pot-stirrer-upper, don't give up on me. I'm working my way back.

FB: Well, his ex-wife is back in town, their daughter in tow. Now let's see how that scenario works out.

Personally, I'm going to pull out my hammock and fix a margerita. Hm, I sure could use a cabana boy with large capable hands.. seems I have this knot between my shoulder blades causing me some discomfort. Anyone know where I can find one? Oh yes.. and keep the eye candy... that's not what I need.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Happy, Happy Birthday

Today is Mr. Mushy's birthday, the dreaded 59..muhahaha. Okay, so I shouldn't gloat, the man can still run circles around me. We're off the for the day, a little shopping (damn lucky thing I love him. I dislike shopping immensely), a movie ( The Kingdom to Heaven) and then dinner. We're not sure where dinner will be, his choice and he hasn't made up his mind yet.

Cloudy icky day today, but quiet. The phone has only rung with people giving their birthday wishes. I like these kinds of phone calls... well... the are some I enjoy getting phone calls from, those times are like Christmas, that special, enjoyable and rare. Troll is working, Sprout went to a concert in Chico last night with some buds and won't be home until Lady knows when today. The guys he went with are good guys and Sprout has a good head on his shoulders, so my only worries are the usual motherly ones.

So... now you see me, now you don't.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Leaping Toadstools

Precious Doe: How dehumanized have humans become that they can take a dead body of a four year old and using hedge clippers, decapitate her? What did that serve other than to show contempt for life?

Crystal Meth: This poison is running amok in our county. When I found out what is in this crap, I couldn't believe people actually put it in their bodies.... cold medicines, lithium from batteries, ammonia from fertilizer products(to name a few, I'm sure)....and for what?

Spirituality: Our travels with the Divine are personal and private. We find comfort in sharing with like minds and hearts. There is nothing wrong with this. However, there is a greater world out there we can not overlook nor have we the right to force others to endure our individual or collective ways of worship. To insert it into ecosystems where others do not believe as we do, is egotistical and overbearing. For all things there is a season, a time and a place. We should concentrate on being better individuals rather than trying to reel in the masses. For those who hear the song, they will come.. for those who don't, they will go their own way and that is not such a bad thing either.

Diplomatic Immunity: Who the hell thought of this? Anyone that comes into a country needs to be held accountable as its citizens. Give me a break, I haven't yet seen a diplomat that can walk on water.

Scandal in Abu Ghraib, the trials: They got caught smirking over bodies and showing a lack of basic human respect that all are entitled too. Someone wanted pictures to gloat over when they got back home and it didn't happen. Waa. Now soldier up and get it over with, quit finding cowardly excuses. Demote the general, but sure as hell, lift your heads and look higher, they should be held accountable too. The ca-ca may tumble downhill but it had to start in a high place to begin with.

Little Miss Why Walk When I Can Run: Ugh. Grow up. If you got problems, you don't put a whole nation on alert, you find someone to talk to. If you can't handle this, how the hell are you going to be able to handle life because let me tell ya, sister, life is a whole lot harder to face than just the idea of getting married. Where have you been? How could you not think everyone would be looking for you given what this nation has been through in the past few months? And when you ran out of money, where did you turn? The same damn place you should have turned when those emotions were rising. Can we say fickle and shallow?

Social Security Reform: Keep yer damn fingers out of the till then there wouldn't be a need to reform it. Where the hell is the checks and balances? Don't try turning the canal, find out why the damn thing is leaking in the first place and fix it!

I'll Be Back: Yo, Governor, I'm still waiting for you to fix something. Who the hell cares that your wife is making you sleep on the couch or you aren't getting any? Now get the PUC off our backs for something the everyday consumer had nothing to do with in the first place and maybe, just maybe, I'll grant that you've actually accomplished something that makes a difference.

Vatican City: You're your own country? What other religion can lay claim to that? Kinda makes one wonder.......

Base Closures: Shutting down more of our stateside bases is the answer to what, exactly? Do you all up there on Captial Hill decide these things over lunch or what? Oh, and who's footing the bill?

And that's my last leaping of toadstools for the night.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggly Jig

We're back. Even with the time constraints, we had a good time. The Mr. still has an ear infection we have to battle and that means another trip to Sacramento in two weeks. Oakland was great. We no sooner got checked into the hotel and it was a quick whip through make-up and into a cocktail dress and off we went. Ugh. I hate rush jobs. It was nice to see all the gentlemen again. While Mr Mushy was at his meeting I let myself be kidnapped by a sweet-talking Scotsman. He took me upstairs and got me tipsy on margeritas. By the time Mr Mushy had made it downstairs to come and get me for dinner (the place where he always leaves me so he can attend his meetings), I had had two margeritas. They weren't big ones, but they were the frozen kind, nice and cold and slushy and I had a buzz going. The Scotman, Alex, is a darling and he wooes me with that accent of his. *grin* He is also in his early 80's, thoroughly married and good buddies with my Irishman.

The next morning we had things to accomplish there in the Bay area. We had to get to the jeweler who designed my wedding set and have him replace two of the amethysts on the side of my ring. Damn if I know how they got loose. Marc says one set of prongs was pulled completely back and that meant I had to have snagged it on something. I could swear I didn't. I always try to be very careful and protective of them. I also gave him the small emerald I wear on my right hand, one of the small six diamonds flanking it ( 3 on each side) is missing. I took out my emerald and diamond tennis bracelet so he could do an appraisal on it and when I stretched it out, one of the small rectangular emeralds were missing. Damn it. I was just heart sick when I saw that. Marc's a good man and good friend, he's going to take care of it for me and it won't cost me an arm and a leg to get all that stuff replaced and appraised. So, I'm naked, without my pretties for about a week to ten days. *sniff*. I can live without two of them, but my wedding ring set... that's another matter.

We went to see another dear and close friend, Mr. D or as he likes to call himself, Sir D *snort*. We got to spend more time with him than when we usually pop in as he's usually quite busy with his shop. We had maybe a half hour and worth more than its weight in gold. He and Mr Mushy talked some and that crack in the hubby's armour just got a bit wider. I learned more about what ghost(s) chase my hubby. In that half hour I found out more than I could have on my own. I also learned it's about what question you ask and how you ask it. I will remember. I love him dearly and will be forever grateful for what he did for Mr. Mushy yesterday.

There's news on the family front as well in concerns to my mother-in-law and the pita known as my brother-in-law. I'll write that one up sometime later today, after I catch up with business and such. For now, I'm out of here. I am still beat and maybe I'll go cop a wee bit of a nap on the couch before I let the world intrude.

It's good to be home again.