Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Hump Day In Shroomville

Oh boy, oh joy and it must be five o'clock somewhere. Where do I start? Most of today's post is about FB and 'the slinky'(reference slinky to last post) but let's get things said and done around this old homestead first so that those of you that wish to skip the saga of FB and The Slinky, can.

It was a typical SNAFU with Mr.M's cardio doctor here and Nuclear Medicine down there. We were given to understand up here that the doctor down there would be looking at the pictures and if something was not right, Mr. M would not be leaving that hospital until they fixed it. Uh-huh. Instead what we get is, "The pictures will be developed and be ready for viewing by your cardio doc up there within 48 hours." Okay. What are you to do? Argue with them? Now let me backtrack a moment and tell you that before this whole testing thing began, I got a phone call from down there telling me that instructions to be followed for the procedure will be arriving in the mail BEFORE Mr.M's procedure BUT write these down. I did. Instructions never arrived. Good thing I take notes. What the woman on the other side of the phone failed to tell me is that the same restrictions (mostly pertaining to diet) DID NOT apply for Monday's testing. Poor Mr M. He survived. We did have a good chuckle over the procedure on the way home though. He told that something was seriously wrong with this picture when they have to bring in the isotopes in a weird syringe, which has been carried in by the tech in a lead box.. and they're going to insert this stuff into his body? The isotopes are self contained in a vial which is then inserted into a hollow chambered syringe. So the tech does not handle or have direct contact with the vial of isotopes. At any rate, I joked about how I was going to turn off all the lights that night to see if he glowed in the dark. *smirk*.

Yesterday, I think I dehydrated myself. Stupid. I also think there was a bit of heat exhaustion thrown in as well. Again, stupid. I had to take Daughter to her doctor's appointment and had to borrow Sprout's car. The car has okay cooling, it needs charging I think. It didn't work too good yesterday in the high heat and I forgot to take water with me. Yeah, I told you, stupid. I came home and spent the rest of the evening stretched out, sucking up water and under the ceiling fan. I'm fine today, but since it's going to reach 100 degrees and I have to go out, I'll be more careful. Other than that bout of stupidity, things around this domain are quiet for the moment.

FB and The Slinky:

I shall refer to FB's ex as The Slinky because I swear, in reference to my last post, she's one of those people. You all would not believe this woman. She's a case alright. I've witnessed it myself. People never fail to amaze me. Here's the current situation:

FB's and the slinky's current legal visitation states that FB gets their daughter for 8 weeks out of the summer. FB has the local DA's office involved. DA was not willing to step in until it became absolutely clear that the slinky had violated those terms. Slinky has until 5:15 pm today to turn their daughter over to FB or there will be an arrest warrant issued for the slinky. There's a good chance that the slinky is on the run, we just don't know because she hasn't contacted anyone and no one can get a hold on her. The DA's office did speak with the slinky directly and told slinky exactly what she needed to do and the slinky's response? " Well, I'm in the process of getting my lawyer.." regardless, she is advised, under the current visitation, she has to turn over their daughter to FB. So, we'll see what happens today.

In the meantime, on the way to Sacramento on Monday I have Daughter calling me and basically asking us for money to hire an attorney to settle this matter of FB and his ex. FB wants physical custody of his daughter. Personally, I think the little girl would be better off with FB and Daughter, BUT both of them have a lot of work to do as a couple to insure the healthy growth and welfare of all their children.

I am not willing to shell out money for FB to achieve his goal, for several reasons. In four years FB has not shown me that he has made any effort on his own toward this goal. He blames it on the fact they don't have the money to do so. I am not buying into that. There are other people in this world who want custody of their children who can not afford a lawyer and roll up their sleeves to educate themselves and file the paperwork themselves. The bottom line is FB is too damn lazy to do so. Why should he if he can get someone to make it easy for him? Also, while my daughter is his wife, and should give him support, she must come to understand that she does not have a dog in this fight. This is FB's fight. This is HIS daughter. The reason I make this statement is because I have seen FB sit back, get damn lazy and let my daughter do all the leg work for him. He takes advantage of her big heart and her unwillingness to sit back and do nothing. When she needs him to step in and do something, he is all over her for nagging him and telling her to get off his back. When he starts to whine and complain because something isn't going his way or frustrating him and he vocalizes it to her, she doesn't want to hear it. Then he plays his trump card, guilt. He accuses her of not supporting him and if this is their relationship and they're in this together, shouldn't he be able to vocalize his complaints? Daughter and I have been over this more times than I can type and it's hard for her. My bottom line is, even if I had it to give, I wouldn't. I know this may sound harsh, but I am not willing to shell out money to help FB get his daughter. One, FB isn't helping himself, the little girl is not in any physical danger and she isn't my flesh and blood. Please don't get me wrong, I treat this little girl like one of my own grandchildren, she is included in everything the other kids are when they are all together. I have bought the child gifts for Valentine's Day and Christmas, whenever FB has had her. I probably would have continued to do so while the little one is with her mother too, but he hasn't kept track of his daughter so there was no way to even mail her a birthday card and I am not convinced slinky would let the little one keep anything I sent. Slinky is quite possessive.

My main feeling through all this is that FB has done nothing to achieve what he now perceives he wants and the biggest thing is that my household must come first. There are times when support is needed and I gave it by way of suggesting some ways he can try to achieve his purpose. The Bank of Mother and Father-in-law is closed. Too much money has already gone out at our expense and now it's time for him/them to roll up their sleeves and jump in the trenches and FIND their own ways to accomplish this. Nothing worthwhile in Life is easy and appreciation for anything is judged by how hard it has been to achieve.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Thought For The Day

Some people are like Slinkies...
Not really good for anything,
but they still bring a smile to your face
when you push them down a flight of stairs.

Weekend Goings On In The Grove

Let's start with the hottest topic around here, namely, Topper. Topper has decided it's his time to shine. Um, yeah. My phone rang off the hook last night, but I was laughing so hard I was in tears and thoroughly amused, so I didn't mind.

Apparently Topper decided it was his day to stay foremost in his parents' minds. Daughter uses spankings as last resort and it came to that, not once, not twice. The first time it happened he acted like nothing happened and he told his mom he didn't feel it. Well, there's one cure for that, she pulled down those shorts and put some loving on that bare hiney, hard enough to get his attention and it lasted all of, oh, ten minutes.

The second phone call from Daughter lasted all of 3 minutes, Pookie was crying and she went to investigate. Apparently Topper decided to haul off and smack his sister in the face with a sock. Knowing Topper, he was swinging the dang thing around and of course some small imp of mischief prompted him to swing at her. Those two clearly have that tv ad type of relationship, the one that goes, " Mom, he's touching me!" "I'm not touching you!" I'm sure we've all seen it. Needless to say Topper got sent to his room.

It must be some twisted little genetic DNA that when you ask anyone in my family to do something (be it sibling or offspring) you have to be explicit. I'll elaborate. Topper was told by FB to take the toys off his bed. Well, Topper didn't do it the first time. Daddy asked him a few moments later if he(Topper) took the toys off his bed. The answer was, " No, Daddy." Topper was banished to his room to do so. A few mintues later, Topper emerged and headed off to do something. Daughter looked at FB and said, " Did you tell him to put the toys in the box?" FB replies, "No," looking baffled and yells for for Topper.

FB says, " Topper, did you put your toys in the box?"

Topper " No, Daddy."

FB: "Boy, you better get in that room and put those toys in the box."

FB(looking at Daughter): "You know, if we had tried that with our mom, she would have beaten us because we know better."

Daughter: "Yeah, well, he's a ****** and a *******. You have to be explicit. My brother drove my mom(yours truly)crazy doing this sort of thing. "

She's right. It use to drive me out of my mind. All three of those kinds, they were just like their father and my siblings. They never assumed to know what you meant, they just literally did what you told them. In this case, Topper simply dumped the toys on the floor. After all, Daddy simply told him to take them off the bed. Kids.

The last phone call to me had me rolling.Phone rings.

Daughter: Mom. Please take the kids for the night. Please.

Me: Why? What are they doing now?

Daughter: Well it's more the boy than Pookie.

Me: Okay. What's Topper doing now?

Daughter: He got into truble again and I spanked that little hiney and then I asked him if he heard me and he said yes. I said he better had or I was going to hang him up by his toes from the ceiling and then put him in a garbage can. Topper steps back about three steps, looks at me, puts his hands over his ears and says, "I can't hear you!" I got ahold of that boy, flipped him over my knee, pulled down those shorts and put my hand to his bare hiney and said to him, " Can you hear me now?" Topper says, "Ow, ow, ow.. yes Momma." I asked him if wanted to come over to your house tomorrow and he said yes. I told him to behave or else he was grounded and wouldn't be coming over and I was still going to put him in a trash can.

Yeah. Like Topper is going to believe that last part. That boy has his mom wired for sound.

This morning I took my daughter and we went to get our nails done and have lunch. We do this twice a month and we both look forward to it. I usually let her choose the place and she chose The Olive Garden. So while having lunch I asked her how their meeting with the therapist went. It went good. They all figured out my daughter has OCD (obsessive, compulsive disorder). It's not so bad it takes complete control of her whole life, but it does cause strife within her relationship with FB. There are even some things I don't know about my daughter and that takes me by surprise. This is not something that showed itself while she was young. I can almost pinpoint when it started though and it's a control issue.

I dropped her off at her father-in-law's and picked up the kids. I felt sorry for the parents. Besides, Grandma has a swimming pool and I get to wear them out. The kiddos played in the pool for a good two solid hours, took showers and had pizza for dinner. Now they're playing video games with the their uncles in the other room while waiting for Mom and Dad to show up at 8:00 pm. They've worn me out, that's for sure, but I don't mind.

Oh yes.. and I had to yank Topper out of the pool for pinging his sister on the back of the head with the small rubber duckies and dolphins. That boy is a brat boy this weekend. Gotta love him.

Did Daughter and I resolve the dresser issue? No yet. You can bet I'm going to bring it up. In the meantime, I just gave her two days to cool her heels and then called her. She really does need her mommy, even if it is simply for a shoulder to cry on.Oh yes, and on Saturday, FB came for the dresser. After nagging FB to come get it, she then decides she's mad at me and doesn't want the damn thing. FB said he was getting it, regardless of how mad she was.

Tomorrow we don't have to leave for Sacramento so early, around 10:00 am. This is the second part of the testing and the one I am more concerned with. I am hoping for mpre definitive answers for the cause of his pain, but by the same token, I really don't want to hear anything bad or more surgery. Well, tomorrow will be here before we know it. Then I can deal with the unknown and be done with it, well the unknown that is. I'll post again on Tuesday and I'll post anything we've learned.

Until then... be good to each other. For those of you traveling, be safe and wind to thy wings on the return trip. You'll be missed.

PS.. I gotta check out this new blogger feature for posting pictures..

Friday, June 24, 2005

Home Again

*whew* what a trip. Long drive and I had to drive both ways. I can do it, just hate to. I hate dealing with the traffic load in Sacramento. I found my way around that though. I flipped through the radio channels, found a real great classical music station and just floated on through the traffic, didn't grit my teeth once. I did have to pull over in a rest station once though. I couldn't keep my eyes open. I rested for about 15 minutes and made it the rest of the way home. I am beat. I ate something then crashed and just woke up. The way I feel though, I could go back to bed now and still be able to sleep.

Mr M completed the first part of his test. We have to go back on Monday to get the last part done. That's the part that's going to see if we can find what is going on in there. While I was waiting for Mr M, there was a Code Blue in the catina, which was directly across from where we were. A man was feeling dizzy and fell down. Dang. If I'm going to code, I hope it's in this facility. As soon as the Code Blue came over the intercom, doctors and technicians swamped that place. They did good work and quickly. I was duly impressed.

I got my pretties back!!!! My jeweller sent them via parcel post and I go them last evening. They're so pretty, all shined up and all the gems have been restored. My jeweller is a darling. It cost me far less than I was expecting. I guess I'm just going to have to make it a point to take them down to him once a year. He's in the Bay Area and I just don't trust any of the local jewellers. Besides, he created and made my wedding ring set so I wouldn't thin of taking it anyone else. It is so good to have my wedding set back. The only time I have it off is when they're in the shop for cleaning or the prongs are being fixed. *sigh* They're back and I don't feel nekky any more.

No soapbox today. I'm too tired.

Good Morning!

Happy Friday to all of you out there that actually have jobs to attend to and the prospect of a weekend off is looming. Just a really short note since I'm out of here in a few to head down to Sacramento. I am not looking forward to this trip. I dislike immensely the commuter traffice *shudder*. It takes us from start to finish about 3 hours, one way. Poor Mr M doesn't even get coffee this morning or food and when his test is over (about an hour I think) his first thing to ingest will be a small bag of potato chips and a carton of milk. Ick. Then I'll take him and feed him good before heading back. I think I'll play Pokemon, Emerald Green, on my gameboy while I'm waiting.

It's a glorious day in The Grove. What's that I hear? It sounds like the faint tinkling of the Mr Roger's theme song. What can I say, the birds are out my back door chirping and singing, I'm olling out the door from my desk here and watching the sunrise. Something quite renewing in all that.

Daughter and I got into a snit over the phone last evening. I ended up hanging up on her because 1. I refused to listen to her yell at me and 2. I didn't like her disrespectful tone. It all came down to that she wanted to come pick up a dresser for her stepdaughter I told her she could have. She asked me if it was cleaned out and I said no, not really. She then went on this tirade about how 2 weeks ago she called me up and told me they were coming over to pick it up and I said it would cleaned out. They never came over. Well the dresser never got cleaned out either. Big deal. So now she's in a snit because it isn't cleaned out and she wants to come get it, now. Tough. She can't come get it now and why in sam hell is she taking me to task because it's not cleaned out when she said they were coming to get it originally and didn't. My point in all this is that okay, so it's not quite ready (that task won't take long to complete) and you said two weeks ago and you didn't come get it. So, you're upset with me why again? The girl just needs to get over herself. I don't work on her schedule, at her time. If you didn't come ovger when you siad you would, then she just needs to close her yap, haul her butt over here and do it herself when she's actually ready to take the damn thing. At least I'm giving her something she needs.

Okay Mr M is ready. We're out of here. See you all when I get back and keep a good thought that this stress test goes well, please?

Hugs to all.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Thursday Soapbox

Oh and boy do I have one today. The issue is eminent domain, Fifth Amendment and even more recently, a Supreme Court's ruling just handed down today.I have a hard time anytime the government feels the need to use eminent domain. I find that unless it's simply a vacant lot, unused for any reason, the government need just needs to leave people alone. These are people who have a home, who worked for and sacrificed for a lot of land to build on, to have something for themselves and the government, at their discretion, can come in and use this law to get what they want? And a monetary compensation is good enough to replace hard work and sacrifice, simply for urban growth? *snort* I don't think so. What has happened to this country's sense of values? When did the almighty dollar get so damn powerful that it can now bulldoze a man's right to pursuit of happiness? How far do we let the elected officials of our cities and towns determine our limits on urban growth? How much urban growth does a city need anyway? Do we just drive out all residents? If a city needs more urban growth, then let it find a way to do so without trodding on people who simply want to have their homes to live in. If there isn't any land available or a way to recycle what is already there, then maybe the city just needs to stop growing. What makes a city greedy is the officials who run it. A city doesn't necessarily need more economic growth, sometimes it just needs a more efficient way to run what's already there. If jobs run out, people can move. Bigger and larger cities bring bigger and larger problems, socially and ecologically to name a couple.

I am a homeowner and I would fight tooth and nail if anyone tried to take from me, what my mother sacrificed so much to provide. This is an issue that, for now, is not threatening, but it wasn't always so and it could very well become an issue again. For now the city council has drawn the line between city and agriculture and stops with a breathing space before it gets near my home. However, I can not deny that the city is growing. There is still much untouched land at every compass point without pushing east of the current city. But how long will that last is a question not far from my mind. There are also plenty of infrastructures around town that can be utilized without forcing someone out of their home. We're basically a retirement/tourist community. The city's politicians are always seeking new ways to bring business to our town. For now, most of the townspeople like the small town atmosphere we currently offer. We're no longer a town that can say, "Don't blink or you'll miss us". We like our wide open spaces with a quick 10 minute trip into town to get whatever we might need by way of food, entertainment and needs. No amount of money offered by the city could ever compensate what they would take from me.

Something is seriously wrong with our society when people can railroaded from their homes and their actions justified with monetary compensation. How do they sleep at night?

Curiosity Got Me... What kind of Kisser Are You?

Part Expert Kisser

You're a kissing pro, but it's all about quality and not quantity
You've perfected your kissing technique and can knock anyone's socks off
And you're adaptable, giving each partner what they crave
When it comes down to it, your kisses are truly unforgettable

Part Shy Kisser

You *do* love to kiss, once your comfortable with it
And that means knowing the person you're kissing pretty well
You usually don't make the first move when it comes to making out
But you've got plenty of intensity in return

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Hump Day

What no soapbox?! *grin* Nope, not today. Just a little filler from the Grove.

Pookie tried to drown herself yesterday. Hm. Maybe that's a little dramatic? I had gotten each of the kids one of those pool rings to play with in the pool. Well, Miss Pookie decided to sit in hers and it flipped over, taking her under the water. I was just one step away from being able to reach in and haul her little butt to the surface, but something compelled me to wait a second more. I know it doesn't take long for a panicked person to drown. In the next instant, Pookie was able to assert herself and came to the surface, then we had a little talk, her and I. First, I reminded her that in my pool she can touch the bottom. All she needs to do is pull her feet down and spring up. Second, don't panic. She swallowed a bit of water and I helped her clear that. She put the ring up for a bit and decided to mess with her mask and snorkel. It didn't take me long to teach her the basics. She took to it easily enough. She did eventually go back to sitting in her ring, she was just a bit more mindful of overtipping. Miss Pookie and I are going to have another little talk when she comes over again. I am going to be up front and straight up with that girl. She has got to understand that she does not know how to swim, no matter what she thinks otherwise and until she gets swimming lessons, she's to wear her life jacket at all times and NO jumping into the deep end of a pool thinking she's a fish or she can and more than likely die. It is only in my pool that her feet has the ability to touch the bottom, but she can still die IF she doesn't follow the rules and she doesn't listen.

I never turn my back on the kids or the pool, left over training from Child Development Services, curtsey of the Air Force Child development Center or more commonly known as the base Day Care Center. I spent a few years there with the various age groups from infants to the older kids and was responsible for the four year olds' room at one point. I learned a great deal in those years and one of them was that we never turned our backs on the kids. We were always careful how we positioned ourselves so we could see everything.

This morning while having coffee, my mind flashed back to the incident of yesterday afternoon, seeing her thrash about underwater for that heartbeat. Then I imagined about how it must have been when she went to the local public pool and had to be rescued by the lifeguard. I started hyperventilate. I had to snap myself out of it and scold myself. I am even more determined for those two to get swimming lessons. I am assuming the Daughter or FB are either not capable or have no ambition to teach their children to swim, which is fine, Mr M and I are going to get those babies lessons. I have several new white hairs in my head, I'm sure of it.

Yesterday, after the little joys of my heart left, I headed off to take a shower, decided to stretch out on the bed for a few and boy was that a mistake. If it was the shortest night of the year, you couldn't have proven it by me.

I'm signing myself out of here to go make some homemade cinnamon rolls. Yesterday I baked up a batch from a frozen lot I bought a couple of weeks ago. Those, I certainly didn't like but man, let me tell ya, I must have locusts because they all disappeared in the blink of an eye. Personally, I like my homemade ones better. I'm hiding some of those, I'm sure they're bound to vanish too. Sheesh. It could be worse, they could actually hate my cooking. *grin*

Ok, one last one for today

I couldn't resist this one... and hey, Frog Princess, I was thinking about how you would answer these while I was choosing my answers. it sure did make me grin.

I am the Master of the Universe!
Magister Mundi sum!

Which Weird Latin Phrase Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

A Test Thingy

Hmmm... this one seems to fit well *grin*

What is a good quote for you?
by grlinterupted
Say what??"Every time I go to the doctors I get a jacket, a straight one. It makes me feel special because I get to hug myself."
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Solstice Tuesday

The longest day and the shortest night... hmmm, good thing? I wonder. If I don't get my required sleep, well, it just gets u-g-l-y and I am not just whistling dixie, let me tell ya. ..earthy people going crazy, huh? humph.. jut what do they think we're doing? *grin* don't answer that, considering this solstice is known for fertility. No, no, bad thing, fertility, well, for me.. not to mention it would be a medical impossibility. I'll wait for lusty Beltane to roll around again, thankyouverymuch.

Mr M drove himself to his therapy group and came home, sober. Yes. There's another step forward. It was good meeting, mostly talk about the road trip the majority of the guys took. I feel bad that Mr M couldn't make it, but the invitation came up late and there was no extra cash for him to go, besides, the business is kicking up again and if he took off for two weeks, that could hurt us in the long run. Money never starts rolling in until August, it's the nature of the beast. Now and then a check or two will trickle in until then.

The kiddos are coming over today. I'm trying to get all the work done, business and housecleaning, so I can watch them while they play in the pool. Daughter and FB are going to their first counselling session together today so I am not sure what the fallout or should I be polite and say, result, is going to be. I'm sure I'll hear something about it at some point, especially if FB is going to get ugly. I noticed that in the past, he gets very defensive and goes on the attack when he feels threatened or vulnerable. I also get the kids tomorrow for a bit while their parents go see the medical doctor. If it's not one thing, it's another. Unfortunately Medi-Cal will not let them be seen in the hospital on the same day for two different things, ie the therapy session and the medical doctor. That's okay though. I don't get the babies this weekend because of Mr M's appointment on Friday and since it's summer time, we can all adjust as need be.

My writing partner and I have been having some email conversations about our channel and we've come to a mutual idea. So, changes are about to occur not only for the channel but for the webpages too. I'll be removing my story, " Children of Destiny" to accomodate the new direction and will be writing up something to replace it. The current, "The Price of The Tower" will remain up unless I decide that it doesn't really work with this new direction. For now, it seems to be okay. Dark Towers has always been shrouded in mystery. Its' new Lord and Lady are too.

Stay Tuned.

Tuesday's Soapbox

Justice has a long arm.

While I have compassion for an 80 year old man, who from all appearances, does not have that many days left here on earth, I can not and will not discard his responsibility in what happened to innocent men. Lives were lost and there are people to be held accountable, there's a state to be held accountable. While this elderly gentleman may not be the hand by which these three victims died, apparently he was found to be complicit in this deed, which, in the eyes of the law, makes him just as guilty. The time between then and now is 41 years. Why should anyone be excused or be vindicated by the passage of time if they are guilty? Even if someone is dead and found guilty of murder or involvement in the death of someone, it should be recorded as such. There is no closure for the loved ones of a murder victim until someone has been held accountable. Justice is not served without it.

Here is a man who at any point between then and now that could have stepped forward, accepted responsibility for his part in the situation, but chose not to. He claims to be innocent, but who doesn't. Do I feel sorry for him that he will spend time in prison after all this time? No. He's a frail old man, but at least he's had a life to lead. I can't say the same for three victims.

Journalists, news reporters, news networks, the whole parcel and bundle. While they have made sure to follow the war and our servicepersonnel, while they are a great deal responsible for the fact that people support the men not the agenda, they are biased. Oh, they claim otherwise, they need to stay neutral and tell a story because the people of this nation deserve to know. Well, what else we deserve to know is the good things that have come about because of this bloody war. From time to time, there is this wee bit of snippet about what good has been wrought but the majority of their theme is on the loss. Of course the loss of our servicepersonnel is important, no doubt about it. However, isn't there just one journalist, one network out there that will focus on in depth report on what the troops have accomplished by way of humanitarian works? Do they realize, I wonder, how upset our returning servicepersonnel are over the lack of reporting about what they have protected, built up, fixed or the lives they have touched? These servicepersonnel have put their lives on the line, even given their lives, not only for their belief and faith in their country and what it stands for but for humanitarian reasons as well. Maybe those of us here back home need to see more of these reasons. Maybe then the masses would not be as critical. Our armed forces aren't over there with a priority to take a life (even though this becomes a necessity for survival) but to save them. We all need to be reminded of that and more than a mere few minutes of air time.

President Bush needs to get over himself. Mr. Bolton may well not be the best candidate for this position to the UN. Maybe a steel hand wrapped in velvet glove would be ideal, but apparently from all I have read, that isn't Mr Bolton. Maybe the UN does need a major overhaul, in many ways, but bulldozing the way through like a bull in a china shop, isn't the way to do it, besides it won't work. Let's face it, politics is politics and sometimes never losing sight of your agenda while finding an approach that will get you what you want, will. From everything I have read, Mr Bolton strikes me as a man who has some serious anger issues and is in desperate need of anger management classes and toss in some more on self-esteem to round him out. The President needs to realize he is not always going to get his way and he shouldn't. That's not how this country works. The questions over Mr. Bolton's head is not about his political party and beliefs, but questions about the man himself and how he conducts himself. The U.S. needs more allies, we need to do something to repair the reputation we seem to have in other countries and I don't feel Mr. Bolton can do that. I feel he just justifies the current one.

Damn if this soapbox isn't starting to get a smooth surface. *grin*

Monday, June 20, 2005

Find Your Name In Hieroglyphs

My name using Egyptian Hieroglyphs!


Try your name


Usually I save this sort of stuff for my other blog, but a friend stopped by while I was online to let me know he and his wife included us in their prayers. I know that the majority of my friends know of my spiritual following, just how much of it they understand, I'm not sure. So, a really brief statement about how I see things. I know I create some confusion among my Christian friends and family. So, let's see if I can unconfuse them, hm?

My beliefs are simple really. I believe as many do, that there is an ultimate Divine Force. Where many see the Divine as a masculine one, I see the Divine as both, masculine and feminine. I believe that in order for the Divine to have created us, inside of Itself must be both male and female. Part of experiencing the Divine is when both of these come together to form the whole. Certain times of the year, there is male influence and the other part of the year there is female influence. Both work in harmony to give everything a sense of Universal Balance.

So, do I believe in prayers? Of course. Do I feel comfortable in a House of Worship that sees things differently than I do? Of course. Divine is Divine, no matter what form it takes or how it calls itself. Am I comfortable with various forms of spirituality that are so narrow minded as to believe they are the RIGHT path and any deviation from that is wrong? No. Do I believe in angels? Of course I do. I may not see them exactly the same way as others do, but I know they're there nonetheless. Do, I believe there is a Path of Light as well as a Path of Dark? You betcha. I have seen, witnessed and experienced both. Besides, one without the other invalidates the other.

In a nutshell, just as if I were a child and I have parents, Divine Ones at that, there are times I go to my Father and times I go to my Mother. I lean toward my Mother more than my Father. She has a bit more working influence on me. *grin* I see holidays differently. I acknowledge some that the world has chosen to forget or has lost through evolution.

As for the 'tools' or items of my beliefs, they are no more destructive or negative than what others hold their own to. I may not understand your reasoning for some of yours, as you may not understand mine. You see things your way, I respect that, allow me the same consideration.

Basically we are the same. We use these symbols to help our conscious selves to reach the Divine plateau inside of us, to help us come in contact more easily with the Divine part in each of us, as prayer does, as song does, as worshipping together with those of like minds and hearts do.

What does it matter how we do it, so long as there is goodness in our hearts, the directive to do good and charitable things and hold the ideal of harming none vindictively?

We are all of the same Universal Family, of one heart and mind in the Light of the Divine.

A Happy Solstice
Posted by Hello

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Happy Father's Day

To all the men out there who are dads, brothers or even those who influence the lives of others as a role model or simply a friend. I hope you had a good day and that you feel appreciated for all you do.

A Woman Should......


a set of screwdrivers,

a cordless drill,

and a black lace bra...


one friend who always makes her laugh...

and one who lets her cry...


a good piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone else in her family..


eight matching plates,

wine glasses with stems,

and a recipe for a meal that will make her guests feel honored..


a feeling of control over her destiny.


how to fall in love without losing herself...







when to try harder... and



that she can't change the length of her calves,

the width of her hips,

or the nature of her parents...


that her childhood may not have been perfect...

but its over...


what she would and wouldn't do for love or more...


how to live alone...

even if she doesn't like it...


whom she can trust,

whom she can't,

and why she shouldn't take it personally...


where to go...

be it to her best friend's kitchen table...

or a charming inn in the woods when her soul needs soothing...


what she can and can't accomplish in a day...

a month...and a year...

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Quote For The Day

Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort.

- Franklin D. Roosevelt

Friday, June 17, 2005

The Long and Short Of It

Got a call from Nuclear Medicine in Sacramento. Mr. M's appointment is in two parts, the first part next Friday morning. They are doing a stress test but instead of having him run on treadmill they're going to inject him with isotopes that will make his heart think he's running. We've done this one before. I learned something new. The nurse in charge said to bring a small carton of milk and a small bag of potato chips for him to have after the test. Apparently it flushes the isotopes from his body and cleanses his liver and pancreas(? I think that's what she said). Then the following Monday we have to be down there by 1:30 pm for him to be on the table so they can take pictures of his heart for one hour. Neither procedure requires an overnight stay. Okay, so now that I know what's going on exactly, I feel a bit better. I am still concerned that they may find something and that means immediate surgery. I won't borrow trouble until the S.O.B knocks on the door.

Had a conversation with FB this morning about what a Family Law Facilitator does. His ex-wife is making herself scarce in communication because by law she is required to turn over their daughter for 8 weeks. She is given 2 weeks in the summer and apparently she is using up her 2 weeks now, instead of saving some of it for the end of summer.

Troll is getting his car back today! Huzzah! We'll be leaving in about a half hour or so to go pick it up. Is he overjoyed? You betcha. He didn't have his vehicle so he could take off anywhere these past 10 days, but he got his room cleaned. Must be the numerous earthquakes having an affect on him. *grin*

We have further determined that Sprout does not have a dead animal in his room, it merely stinks from his own clothing. He's cleaning it this weekend. Speaking of Sprout, went to smog his car and it can't be done. His engine light is on. We were told by the seller that it's always been on.. yeah. I totally forgot it won't smog because of that or I would have advised the seller. Mr M and Sprout took it to the seller's mechanic, who recognized the car and the mechanic told her it wouldn't smog. The epg (?) the environmental switch in the car needs to be replaced. It will cost about $80.00 for part and labor and then it should smog. I told Sprout we'd pay for it since I feel it was my fault for not being on the ball and in accepting the sell "as is" for the car. Duh. Sprout declined. He said he would pay for it, his car, he'll do it. Sprout also put in his application for a job, hopefully the Universe is going to smile upon him. He's a good kid. He put up with getting a nail shot into his face, lack of safety practices in his old job. Some of the attitude is his, but by far, there are not many people who would put up with what the Sprout did and why did he? He didn't want to leave his ex-boss hanging. Good kid, good work ethic. His karma should be in his favor.

Next Monday Mr M returns to his therapy group. They've been on break for about two weeks as the guys went on a motorcycle run to Arizona.

After delivering Troll to pick up his beloved vehicle, I am being tortured into grocery shopping. *shudder* I would put this off since the weather is cold and stormy, but the natives are getting ugly and loud. Well fed natives mean peace and harmony around here. They kind of remind me of my shelties, very food oriented.

Before I scoot on out of here... I have a few words to say about all these earthquakes. It's been said that some authorities are saying that all the earthquakes in the Ring of Fire, are purely coincidence. Horse Pooh. Come one people, this Mother Earth we're talking about here. If something shifts in her depths, it's going to have that cause and effect. Something is up people and something is going give or rather, blow it's top and it won't only be in one place!

Ahhh, the grandbabies have popped in for a brief visit. Time for this shroom to sign out for now.

Friday's Soapbox

I am pondering today the actions taken by Gov. Jeb Bush. Who does it serve? Him? Her family? When an autopsy report comes back and concludes that basically Mr. Schiavo was right along, it it make it seem that the governor of Florida is on a witch hunt. Even if those times don't jive and no explanation can be given for it, what will it serve? What will it prove other than to cast doubt and feed those who believe that Mr. Schiavo is a vile creature, that it somehow vindicates Mr Bush and his stance for making his personal agenda a government one. Let's just say what if Mr Schiavo can't explain logically the lapse in time other than that he confuses dates and times so that his testimony is conflicting about the time lapse, given the autopsy report, there is no evidence of foul play. So, all there would be left is a question of why there was a time lapse IF such a lapse actually existed. If the call to 911 can be proved, which I assume it can be verified, that time would be about 5:40 am. Now, originally Mr Schiavo is said to claim he found his wife at 5:00 am (1992) and then in 2003 in an interview, he is said to claim he found her at 4:30 am. Come on, Governor, that's a half hour discrepancyin his recall and 11 years later, in regards to the times he found her. Why can't it be feasible that man simply got his times mixed up? I know that eleven years later if I had to recount something, I, too might be off a half hour.

Of course there is the fact the medical examiner(s) that did the autopsy could not pinpoint what did make Mrs. Schiavo's heart stop beating and lapsed her into a catatonic state. Gov. Bush seems to appear like a cat looking for any reason to pounce. Maybe he sees it as a reasonable request that needs some investigation. Oh yea, let's waste some more of the taxpayer's money, hm? To accomplish what, exactly?

To me, this has all the earmarkings of a witch hunt. All it has the appearance of doing is giving her family some sort of hope that really, Michael Schiavo is an evil and vile man, who didn't have his wife's best interest at heart. Get off it. Let the woman rest in peace and Michael get on with his life. What we have here is a family who can't believe, even under indisputable medical evidence, that their daughter had no hope of a better, more enriched life, that their could not and did not see them or try to communicate with them as they have stated. Again, a family who loves their daughter so deeply they can only see, only believe, what they want to. This is a family who is in deep denial, pain and loss. The governor isn't helping.

On small point for the other side of the coin. Having a bulldog is sometimes a good thing. Many a truth was unburied because someone refused to accept what was set before them. In this case it seems to me this is a matter of grieving parents, refusing to let go and a Gov. who has personally got involved in the crusade and is using his position to get some answers. Yes, of course her family deserves to know what caused their daughter's heart to stop, but the medical examiner says they just don't know. So, tell me, Gov. Bush, why are you looking for answers from Mr. Schiavo and how much of this is coming from the urging of Mrs. Schiavo's family and where do you, as an elected state official, draw a line?

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Quote For The Day

Happiness is like a cat. If you try to coax it or call it, it will avoid you. It will never come. But if you pay no attention to it and go about your business, you'll find it rubbing up against your legs and jumping into your lap.

- William Bennett

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Daily Grove Happenings

Well, not a whole lot to report on. After listening to FB argue with Daughter on my phone for over an hour, I took control, took the phone, shooed FB off with a " Do you have other things to see to?" (and by which he bowed down to me for. Far from worship, there IS hope for him yet), I talked to Daughter myself and and advised her that I didn't need to spend a whole hour listening to a one sided argument in my own home and that she and FB needed to find the time and place to hash things out that don't include children or mother-in-laws having to listen in. Geez.

Sprout is off in his new car, helping friends. Tomorrow he stays on task which includes setting an appointment to get his car smogged prior to registration, going to fill out his new application and finding out what that HORRIBLE stench is in his room. Coversation as follows:

Sprout: Hi Mom, like my hair cut? Ain't I the sexy bitch?
Me(on the computer) : Yeah, yeah..cute. When are you going to get the other stuff on your list done?
Sprout: Can I do it tomorrow? I need help (friend's name) out to today.
Me: No getting out of it tomorrow, dude.
Sprout: yeah, yeah, I know. I need to clean my room too (well duh) Something smells bad in there, like something died.
Me: *whine*Oh, go find Cat might have brought in a mouse through your window before we got the air conditioner up.
Sprout: Yeah maybe. She did bring me a dead bird one night.
Me: Oh gross. Go find the dead thing then you can go.
Sprout: Where would I look?
Me: Anywhere in your room, under the bed would be a good place to start.
Sprout: Naw. I'm gonna wait. The smell needs to get stronger so I can find it easier.
Me: *whine* SPROOOUT
Sprout: Bye Mom. I love you.

I'm gonna slap that boy silly. I AM NOT going in that room to find what is behind that smell. With his door shut, I can't smell a thing. Tomorrow when he comes home, he's gonna find it. I'm not sure how. The last time I peeked in there, it was trashed. It looks like a single red-neck's trailer, except there are pepsi cans stacked all over instead of beer cans (he has his own dorm frig) He gets me his dirty clothes but I'm willing to bet I don't get all of them. Now, Sprout can do his own laundry, despite what Troll thinks, but I don't mind doing it with ours so long as I have it to wash. I don't get the clothing, you do without or you wash yourself.

Speaking of Troll, his car isn't ready yet. They found a bit ore damage then on first inspection but they're still hoping to have it ready by this week. Troll has to work on Saturday (the boss man needs him) so I may have to take him in. No worries. it should be ready soon enough and there is always Sprout to drive him around until it is.

Pretty warm around here at the moment.. so I'm off to go sit under a fan for a bit. I am not on KP duty tonight. Mr. M is grilling steaks. So some online time will be available.. yea.. if I don't zone it..shrooms zone *nodnodnod*

Soapbox Wednesday

Mrs. Schiavo. I kind of figured that her parents would still be in denial once the report was made public. It's tragic that her parents can't let go and that's what it amounts to. However, I have my doubts that they will ever be able to move on and let this rest.

What I do hope is that now, all the others who jumped on this bandwagon, for whatever their agenda was, they will simply give a moment's thought that MAYBE just MAYBE they need to get the whole story and info before they simply jump on someone else's bandwagon, even though it suits their criteria. If anything this just supports my theory that the politicians up on the Hill have simply used their power to forward their own agenda. Of course, I shouldn't be surprised, yes? The President isn't backing off his stance on the issue. I really didn't expect him to, I mean, have you seen him ever back off anything? I still stand by my convictions that government interfered were they had no business of going, regardless of personal stance, personal appeals or clout.

MJ: Well if you are a pedophile, I hope this scared some reality into you. Though, a pedophile is a pedophile and the power lies in the secrets they manage to create. If you are, you'll just do it again only this time... you'll be far more secretive about it.

If you aren't, then I hope you truly do go about changing how you view the world and how the world can and will view you. The things we wish for, we sometimes can not achieve. There isn't just you to consider anymore. You have children and you can't shield them from the world forever. There will come a time when they will want to venture from Neverland and how will they cope?

Personally, you won't get any sympathy from me. You made your bed.

And that about does it for Wednesday's soapbox

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

What's In A Heart Beat?

I feel....disrespectful.... disloyal... unloving, even for what I am about to say. I adore Mr. M, I do. There is nothing or anyone who would have the ability to remove me from his side, ever. Everytime I learn that there is something else we have to go down to Sacramento to have done, I cringe and I feel like there is this giant weight settling on my shoulders, pushing me down. Sometimes, my knees do buckle under me, but I simply refuse to go down for the count.

Today Mr. M had an appointment with his cardio doctor. The gist of it is, the doc is not happy with 1) the test results from Ft. Miley that doesn't add up to what the cardio doc at Mercy Hospital found. 2) Doc is concerned about the severity of the the last couple chest pain attacks Mr. M has had, even though the nitro seems to be taking care of it.

Henceforth, Doc has put in an urgent request for some sort of heart test to be done, maybe as soon as next week. We should hear this week about the appointment and Doc warned Mr. M, if there is anything in that test the doctors don't like, they aren't wasting time, they're going in to correct it right then and there. Okay now scare the hell out of me some more.

So, on a moment's notice, sorry Em no meeting in Reno or even half way this week I fear, we have to be ready to scoot on down to Sacramento. Doc has doubled the dosage of one of Mr. M's heart meds. I hope that helps. Mr. M and I were speculating. We're wondering, because of the infrequency of the pains if maybe little flecks of plaque are breaking off and plugging up blood passage. Once he takes a nitro or two, he seems to be okay. It seems like these pains are acting up about once in a month and not always every month. Now Mr. M does have a history here. He had a mitro valve leakage repaired and a hole in his heart sewn up. His mitro valve still has a small amount of leakage and the doctors say it could cause him a wee bit of discomfort now and then. But the one attack he had (the one at the cemetary) was pretty severe. The next day I hauled him down to the clinic and the tests couldn't find anything. It just frustrates the hell out of us both. His last attack was in May I think or earlier this month. I woke up suddenly and just knew something was wrong. Fortunately, one nitro did the trick.

Yesterday Mr. M went to visit the next door neighbor. I couldn't find him anywhere when I went looking for him. I sent Sprout over there and sure enough, Mr M was visiting. Now Sprout didn't rat his dad out, but the words Sprout said to me, I caught on and gave Mr. M HELL for smoking. After the last incident, the doctor said he just could not smoke, period. Damn it to hell. I get so dang angry because he seems to care so little what he puts me through. I know that isn't right, but sometimes, it feels that way. I know old habits are hard to break, tell me about it but the one thing I've learned is that you just don't put yourself in the position to be tempted, avoid the trigger.

Last night I didn't sleep well. I got to bed around three because I was updating my Dark Towers web pages. I even managed to start a new storyline to go with the current events. I surprised me. Ha! I finished up the graphics and links for today. I'm not all that happy with the directional links on the front page but for now, I'm leaving them be. Back to why I didn't sleep well. When Cheyenne, Cherokee and I finally got to bed, Mr. M was awake, unusual but I kept an eye on him, he seemed fine though. He just could not get to sleep or stay alseep last night. This stuff happens. It happens to me now and then as well. With him, I'm alert because of the health issues.

He's at a meeting tonight, which I hope he chooses to come home right after. We've been busy today. We found the kid, Sprout, a new car and went for a test drive today. The family was really nice and very respectable. Sprout had enough cash in his account to buy it outright, which he did. Since his boss fired him last Friday, we're going to put the car in our name, under our coverage until Sprout gets another job and can get his own insurance then it's simply a matter of transfer and it won't cost him anything since it's a transfer from parent to son. He's got a lead on a new job. This one has benefits I believe and also offers health insurance, which he needs since he doesn't qualify for his father's Tri-Care any more. ( ret. military insurance).

I am currently debating myself whether or not I want to turn the oven on and cook up some lasagna or eat some of the leftovers from Mexican Monday. I made chicken enchiladas, spanish rice and refried beans. Damn, I did good. Both Mr. M and myself love Mexican food.

It is HOT here today and the weather is suppose to again change later in the week to something milder, go figure. ugh. I think a cool shower, some dinner and an early bedtime for this shroom tonight.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Happiness Is...

when you can find the time to enjoy something you love doing. I managed tonight to catch the channel with people in it. I need to try harder. My sleep pattern has been broken up terribly the last few months, too much worry I guess, nothing I can put an exact finger on. I have been dealing with more anxiety attacks. I never had them, let alone known what they were until my Mom passed away. They're a bitch to deal with and I hate it that I go through it. I just wish I could get rid of them completely. Normally I get them about once a year, lately I've had two of them in the past month. Sitting on my mantel is a gift certificate from Mr M for a massage. I really should use it, probably could use it but I can't bring myself to use it. Why? Just the thought of some stranger lying their hands on me, bothers me. Maybe it's the intimacy of the act I can't handle. I don't know. I am going to have to break down and use the darn thing, it was a present for Christmas last year from the hubby. I can not simply not use it. *sigh* Tonight I realized how much I have missed rping, how much it energizes me and my brain...

I'm going gently into insanity I think, thank you Mr RP partner wherever you are. Would I have it any other way? Nope. I think I gave him way too much time to think about things, to hatch things. A creative mind, an active mind, can be a dangerous thing, especially in an armed man hehehe. Now I need to catch up on the channel happenings to see what I've missed. What did he throw me while I wasn't around, I wonder? And where does Raven fit into this whole mix? How does she fit? I think I am still trying to carve out her niche and I haven't fully fleshed her out yet either, let alone defined her. What I had in mind for her, her background, I had to rethink. I'm not sure that using one of my partner's npc's was/is the way to go. I thought it might have been interesting IF Hawke had turned out to be who I thought he was(could have been).. now I'm sure he isn't, which means there's a whole new spin out there I need to discover. Damn. There are times I just wish I could crawl around inside his brain and take notes.

Okay, so now, I am distracted. This could be a good thing.

Good Night.

Michael Jackson Verdict

So, my hunches were wrong, good or bad? Eh. Since this is not about me or my hunches, who cares. Personally, I still believe he is a smoking gun. All this means to me is that the State could not put forth a compelling enough case for the jurors to go anywhere else than not guilty. Listening to the snippets of testimony, I have to admit that if I had to base my decision on just what I could ascertain, I too, would have had to say, not guilty. The defense managed to shoot enough doubt into the prosecution's case. Do I personally believe he is innocent, no way.

Be what may, here's what I hope. I hope that MJ has come away from this experience with some newly found wisdom and consciousness. He truly needs to reevaluate how he thinks and how he acts. There are many people in this world who love children and dedicate their lives to them, but you do not see these people making poor choices that could lead to misinterpretations. They safeguard their reputations and those of the children by not allowing there to be anything that could lead anyone to believe their actions are less than noble. MJ, without a doubt, dodged a bullet. Peter Pan may never want to grow nor have to, but MJ, I have a surprise for you, you're not a Disney character, you do have to grow up and conform to some degree to society's dictates.
Even if I did feel he was innocent, I would still say he was/is irresponsible. Aside from MJ's case, whether or not we like the outcome, the judicial system is all we have and justice may be at times blind, her sword, double-edged, it is the best we have.

I hope he will spend the next days in solemn contemplation as to what he has put himself and his family through and for what? I hope he will evaluate his personal perceptions about some things and come to truly realize just how much he could have lost.

What I truly hope is that in the future, there never comes to be a situation that rears its ugly head to prove that the state was right along.

Soapbox Monday

Oh my, dear reader, it seems I have a couple of things to speak on so here we go:

I was reading an article this morning on this subject, timetables for removal of our troops. I have to wonder if the President and his people had given clear and in depth thought to what would happen after we ousted Saddam. How much thought went into understanding the minds and belief system of the people over there. While there is no doubt in my mind that the people living over there were oppressed, used and abused and definitely needed their freedom, I wonder how much of a hard look was given to how the diverse culture not to mention religion(s) would factor in and to what extent. I'm sure considerable attention was given to it, but how much of an opposition we would have to overcome played into it versus the need to take action.

There comes a time when the oppressed people must stand up to pursue and defend their own right to freedom. There are fractions and splinter groups all over the country. This is understandable, but somehow and not at the overwhelming cost of lives from other countries, they must stand up and become a united front for freedom. Their blood has been shed in the past by a despot, now they must be willing to voluntarily shed it for freedom, not only for themselves but for the lives of their children and the future of their country. There must be a point at which the United States, Britain and the host of other countries participating, must step back and allow these people to, for the most part, do for themselves. You can coax a child to walk, but ultimately it is up to that child to do so.

I am all in favor of a timeline for our troops to come home. If we don't, those in the process of securing their national government will continue to bicker amongst themselves and why not? They have other nations lying down lives for their freedom. Yes, acknowledged, that their own men are fighting also, but the nation as a whole must now come together, fight together, to achieve what they want. If we can create a free and democratic world for ourselves out of blood, guts and faith, there is no reason why others should not be held to the same standards.

My other soapbox item for today:

Since when is a judge allowed to place himself above the law? What right has he and he alone to determine the religious upbringing of a child? Unless it is detrimental to the health and welfare of a child, get off your egotisical high horse. You can read the situation here. I am not concerned over this issue merely because I am Wiccan. This, to me, is a matter of rights. I could understand a concern for the child if the parents were at odds over the issue, but from what I can ascertain, they aren't. This judge merely took it upon himself to put this in their divorce degree. I also can't see this order left to stand. An official of our government has powers that should not be abused and clearly, this judge has abused his.

That's it for my soapbox today.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

What Classic Pin-Up Are You?

You are Betty Grable!
You're Betty Grable!

What Classic Pin-Up Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

The Morning After

*blink* Well, I survived.... I think. I'm still on my second cup of coffee. Topper was very good for us yesterday. I think it helped that we wore him and Pookie out by letting them play in the pool for a couple of hours yesterday. Topper actually put himself to bed before the alloted time. He slept well until 3:30 am, that's when the alien ugly puppy aka ozone or oz, Troll's half breed, decided he wan'ted to get up on the sofa bed and wake up Topper. I heard Topper and got up, yelled at the pup and got Topper to lie back down. It took about an hour and half before Topper went back to sleep. That means I managed to crawl back into bed around, oh, 5:30 am. Needless to say, I'm just a wee bit shy of energy this morning. Thank heavens for Troll who got up and fixed them breakfast this morning. Here in about an hour, I'm loading them up to return them home. Then it's off to the grocery store so Troll can buy the stuff I need to fix him a dessert to take to a BBQ at a co-worker's/friend's home. Troll's car is still at the shop. At least Mr M and I will have the house to ourselves until Sprout comes trudging in sometime this afternoon.

Tomorrow, Daughter and I have our usual two week lunch after gettting our nails done. I'm glad we're able to currently resume this custom for now. Mr M I leave blissfully behind to turn up his surround sound while his Nascar is on *eye roll*. At least I am now out of the house instead of being awakened by the loud sound of cars and the words: " Gentlemen, start your engines," blaring in my ears. He has that damn thing turned up so loud, I swear I think I'm actually there at the racetrack.

Hm, I have to refigure something out. Not far from the pool (my first mistake) I placed an outdoor table. This is so I can watch the babies while they're in the pool and I was hoping to be able to take out my laptop and get some stuff done at the same time... I miscalculated how far those kids can splash. Even though I am reminding them not to splash so hard, still, I don't want to take any chances where my laptop is concerned. All it's going to take is one good accidental or I forgot splash. *sizzle* *pop* *fry* No thank you. I think I am going to have to get the guys to get all that crap that's stacked up on part of the porch into the trailer for hauling off so I can have my porch back. It's beginning to look like a run down trailer park around here. Maybe I can put the table there once I have it cleaned off.

I've also got some accounting work to catch up on so hubby can finally get the taxes done. We don't owe so we filed for an extension. There's a chance we may get a big contract with a prime, it would mean purchasing 2 big items for resale to the prime contractor to the tune of a $6000.00 profit x 2. Yeah. Maybe I could get out from under some of this debt. The contractor who got awarded the this contract bid way too low for CALTRANS comfort level and we don't think he used a DVBE, which is required. Some try to use a good faith effort instead and that practice is getting clamped down on. Many contracts awarded for our company, we just haven't started any yet so that means the $$ aren't rolling in yet. Ugh. Good news is, through my diligent efforts, some of these credit cards are paid off and the 5th wheel will be paid off in 2 months and that monster truck of ours in 8 1/2. I will breathe easier once that's done. Since we can claim the interest on the mortgage, I'll be using the money from the paid off credit cards and loans to pay off the other credit cards first before I get cracking after that 30 year mortgage. My goal is to pay that off in 5 years. it's less than 30 now. We're actually starting to pay on the principle by $30.00. gee, I'm giddy *insert sacastic tone*.

Okay, enough lolly-gagging. I got things to do. Be good. Be safe. Have fun.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Puzzle Pieces

You know, puzzles intrigue, challenge and frustrate the hell out of me. So, why do I do them? Because I can't help myself. Anything that gets the wheels of my mind whirling is like dangling a piece of string in front of a kitten, just can't resist it. I bought myself 3 700 piece puzzles the other day from Target. The finished product should look like a wizard holding a globe, inside this globe is a scene, dragon, maiden, knight, you get the idea. My plan is to construct them and then turn them into mounted pictures for Sprout's room..maybe. I might put them on the office walls since that's where all my medieval weapons will be displayed along with my showcased dolls of Camelot. Anywho, back to the puzzles. My frustration comes into play when I can't make a frickin, frackin piece fit. It looks like it should fit, but no matter which way I turn it, no matter how long I study it, the damn thing just doesn't fit!

I have a writing partner I've had for years now, who happens to constantly surprise me. I consider us to be good friends, as good as one can be for living at different ends of the states. We see eye to eye on many things, but now and then, we don't. If I get into an argument with him it's because I feel that strongly about something and I think both are worth arguing over. I rather get along, given the stress as it may be in the reality of our own private lives. And that being said, there are times when I want to wring his neck in frustration... LOL. Not over some issue we disagree on but because the man continues to frustrate me in trying to unravel whatever it is he has cooking by way of creative writing. SOME THINGS JUST DON'T COMPUTE!!!!!!!! I find myself hoarding clues, or preceived ones, running them through my head against things already written, known and a given and IT STILL DOESN'T ADD UP!!!!!!!! Grandpas and granddaughters, aunties and knights... Mister, and I know you're out there, the line between grandpas, granddaughters, and auntie is not computing... and I'm going shopping today and at the head of my list? A bigger bottle of Excedrin. Arrrrrrrrrrruuuuuuuugh. ...WAIT! *her mind whispers something* *blink* Could it really be so dang simple? Everything comes in twos... one possibility is not possible, given what I know of the writer... so that leaves the other side... hmmm, I still wonder where this is leading, how does it fit in with Dark Towers and who is the girl and where does she fit in? Am I on the right track even... only time will tell.

You know... it's a dang good thing I have babies to see to today... my mind needs the distraction...

Stay tuned for as the mind of a shroom turns...

Thursday, June 09, 2005

You Know.....

The reason I don't live on the East Coast or in The South is because I don't do so well in the humidity. Curtesey of Uncle Sam I did live in those places for a time. He is welcome to them. I mean no offense to the people who live in these places, I just mean to say I don't do well in them, much like a tropical flower wouldn't thrive in Alaska. I could blame it on pre-menopausal crap but I've come to a conclusion. There is no such thing as pre-menopausal, it's all MENOPAUSAL, baby. I mean, if I'm going through all this crap now, what in sam hell is in store for me once I get into full blown menopause? Yeah... and you know what else? Men have determined this crap and what do they know anyway, huh? Do their bodies go through this torture? Hell no. At any rate I have further determined it is not menopause that is making me feel icky these last few days, it has been the weather aka humidity. If I could run amok naked, I would. However, a whiny 'shroom that is fast approaching her 50's is not a pretty sight. Gravity is NOT my best friend. Nope, that sight would not be pretty, not by a broomstick.

They tell me there is the other side of menopause. Okay. Have we ever heard from a sane woman who has made it there? I also guess there is the other side of this humidity. Yeah. 100 plus temps of dry heat. I'll take the dry heat, a fan and a bucket of ice, thankyouverymuch, just get rid of this %^$#@! humid crap. My next avenue of survival is living in the kids swimming pool which is set up in the front of the garage. Yeah. My neighbors will love that. Not. Screw 'em. When they get menopausal I'll buy 'em an inflatible pool.

So, am I MIA? You betcha. Don't feel bad, that MIA field covers life too. I'm a fast wilting shroom in the Grove. Hopefully, the heat will set in soon. A toasted shroom is much prettier than a wilting one... at least a toasted shroom can be enjoyed with butter.

You can take that any way you choose or not at all *nod* *thid*

Wednesday, June 08, 2005


Now whoever decided we needed more rain in June, is full of something and I am hoping it's just not a case of a full Divine bladder. Yeah, I know, ew. Hehe. I've been thinking kinda of warped lately. In any case, I am not sure if this late rain is a good thing or a bad thing. It could mean a later summer with higher temps to deal with OR it could mean we'll have a mild summer for a change. I should have known it was going to rain today. Troll and I set up the swimming pool for the kids. This icky weather also influences me with the blechies.. lack of inspiration and the get up and go.

LOL.. part of my horoscope today reads:
Listen to your body. It knows a lot more than you give it credit for. Feeling any aches and pains? Sluggish after eating certain types of foods? Maybe these are signs and signals you should be paying a lot more attention to. Your body, like any other finely tuned and complex piece of engineering, needs regular TLC and lots of conscientious maintenance. So what are you waiting for? Take better care of yourself.

Guess 'someone' is trying to tell me something, hm? Can't help it. I grew up in a family where there was always something that needed done and the same is true now. I feel lazy and feel like I have accomplished nothing (and I should, no matter how small) for the day. It's a hard thing to say that it's ok not to do a damn thing, accomplish nothing constructive, once in a while.

I'm begining to feel like Winnie the Pooh... you know... think think think... where the clues from my role-playing partner are coming from. The mystery gets deeper. I wonder if Pooh ever subscribed to Excedrin? This all blends into Dark Towers... but how? who? why? Aruuuuugh.*thud*

Tuesday, June 07, 2005


Posted by Hello
Yep.... yep... this says it all....

Now if someone will bring me a brick of cheese to go with this whine and maybe some crackers, I'll feel justified. It's just one of those days when I can't seem to get it in gear, I'm whining to myself and I feel like I should really be out there doing something. The weather is not a big help either. It's rather cool again and if the weatherman is to be believed, it's going to get hot for one day and then step back down. I think I am coming down with a cold again and I am fighting it. I don't seem to have a great deal of energy either.

I get the grandbabies on Friday with both of them spending the night, it's Daughter and FB's wedding anniversary. Yeah, how about that... they're still married and haven't driven each other nuts. Luckily Troll is home on vacation so he gets to help me with the monste--er--darlings... *grin*

Oh yeah... and my sister-in-law got the job with the FBI she has been wanting. Did I mention that before? *frown* They say the mind is the first to go.

Number One son's mother-in-law should be home. It depended on if the hole in her lung where they inserted the breathing tube closed over or not. It looked like a go though and I haven't heard otherwise.

I just having this feeling about the MJ trial.... maybe it's just my own personal feelings on the matter, but nonetheless, I can't shake this feeling... we might all be surprised... I don't know.. wait and see, I guess.

To My Role Playing Partner: Pass me the Excedrin, will ya? I'm developing a headache trying to figure this out. *grin*

Now to go out and see if I can do something constructive.. uh.. yeah.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Think You're Good?

Do you know your states and where they're located? Try this and see how you do.I could have done better. heaven only knows how many trips across country I've made, but I didn't do so well in geography in high school. My teacher was boring.


I know it is only a moment in time and I will pass out of it just as I passed into it. For the journey let it be said that I am off balance. I am not sure where these feelings came from, maybe since the moment today when Mr. M told me he found our old beloved barn cat dead. CB curled up in the dark under a workbench and left this world.

So, why do I feel off balanced? In the last two days we have lost two animals that have been part of our lives for so many years. We have been caring for them. They have been an integrial part of our daily routine. I have gotten use to seeing them, hearing them. CB always came when I called. First came the soft meow followed by a rustling as he made his way through the jungle known as the garage until he was before me and right up until he died, he wanted to be petted, arched his tired aching body for it and I obliged. I'm going to miss that silly old cat throwing himself in my path, belly up as his express desire to be petted. He developed some balls even though he had lost his own for the sake of birth control. He became the cat no others wanted to mess with. He was king. He never started a fight but he finished it. He was a lover not a fighter. He was the very first pure white cat I have ever owned. CB was short for.. are you ready for this.... are you sure? Cornelius Burp and Fart, compliments of my ex and I shortened it to CB or fondly, CBBERS (cee-bers) and then there was Chief. During this past year we have also lost Windsong, she came along just a month or two before CB.

I feel abandoned. I feel like everything around me is dying and it's bothering me. Instead of fighting it, I'm letting it flow through me, acknowledging it and I know in a wee bit of time, it was go on its way. There's always something around here that demands my attention.

Funny how hard the ground has gotten so quickly. It took a shovel and a strong bar to chisel out the dirt from in front of an oak tree deep enough to lie CB in. When I had finished I asked Mr. M to get CB out of his dying spot so I could wrap him in a square of an old soft blanket and then I carried him to his eternal resting place and Mr. M covered him up. On the morrow I will line the grave and cover it with stones so the coyotes will not dig him up. I glance out at the pasture and sigh, because I miss seeing Chief out there trying to nibble up every green shoot of grass he could. Around here he was fondly called, " the big dog". It was an accident, I called him a dog once when I meant to say horse, it stuck. That horse use to tell me if someone didn't feed him on time and you could tell how annoyed he was. With big people he could be skittish, but with kids, he was gentle as a lamb. He loved them. A few years back he got to be in the Rose Parade with the Shriners. He loved being in the limelight. It was a whole new side of his personality.

They were all more than mere animals or pets, they were part of the family. This is what life does. This is where we're all headed toward. There a small empty part of me now. I'll deal with it. I just need a few days.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

MJ and Reality TV

Okay People...

So whatcha all think? Is MJ going to get off the molestation charges?

I was talking with Mr. M this morning about it. The one thing I can't get over is that if this had been any other (non-famous) 40 something man, a man who publicly admitted that sharing a bed as a loving, non sexual thing to do with children, he would have been drilled to the wall. MJ seems so harmless, acts like a victim (which he has been I'm sure) that people have a tendency to lean toward believing him, especially when the accuser's mother is not the most upstanding citizen in the world. Another piece of evidence allowed in that I can't get around is the past accusations. What are the odds of these being merely for money? Not impossible, but the odds.. where's there's smoke, there surely is a fire... just because they settled doesn't make it untrue. I suppose that MJ's people can be very persuasive. I'm sure we've heard it all at some time or another.

I think it's going to come down to the lawyers and who does the best job, not only at presenting their case but also who can read the jury the best. We shall see.


Okay, I'm guilty on this one. I admit there are some I like to watch. Why? Human dynamics. Two of my favorites are " Survivor" and " Big Brother". I'll share why. Taking a human being out of their familiar environment and taking away their ability to make contact with anything but each other, is interesting to watch. One can see the changes to the human psyche. Each of their worlds becomes smaller, more intense and their emotions and perceptions become quite different without the stimuli they are use to having in their usual everyday world before they entered the game. Fascinating.

There are some reality shows that are just plain stupid. All they plainly show is the networks desperate attempt to cash in on the reality craze. I also hate the ones that quite blatantly show a disrespect for a fellow human being by being rude, obnoxious and disrespectful. To showcase someone's short comings is of no interest to me. I rather watch human drama draw its own self out.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Getting Older By The Minute

You know, sometimes I often wonder not if the glass is half full or half empty but why in the sam hell does it runneth over? Posted by Hello

All in the last 15 minutes, this has happened:

Mr. M went out to feed the horse, only to discover our horse passed away sometime last night. Neither of us are surprised, saddened of course, but not surprised. He has been ailing for a while now and just this past Monday, when I went to help Mr. M change Chief's bandages, I told Mr. M we needed to make a vet's appointment for Chief. The horse has not left his stall for the past three weeks.

I have also discovered the need to put to sleep our old barn cat. Tough old boy that he is. He is about 13 years old. Hard decision to make, but I don't want him to suffer.

I just got a phone call from Daughter not all that long ago. Pookie went on a reward field trip today. She is in an accelerated reading program and as a reward they went to the local pool. Apparently Pookie was trying to do a swimming test and was floundering and needed rescuing. Thank the Lady for a good life guard. She's shaken up, but okay. She wouldn't talk to me. I think she's scared I'm going to mad, which I'm not, just eternally grateful that she's okay.

My number one son called me today, his mother-in-law is still in the hospital, Stanford. She has been battling something that has to do with her lungs. Mother-in-law is a nice person. I like her. They have run tests after tests and still can't determine what is causing the problems. They have discovered she has some sort of muscle disease, but it accenuates the problem, it's not the cause. They recently tried to do a lung biopsy and her vitals fell so they had to stop. She's in ICU, sedated, with a tube down her to help her breathe. So now that they have her where they want her, they're going to try to attempt the biopsy again. They also took some bone marrow to test. While they can give her something for the bone marrow procedure pain, there is nothing they can do for the actual pain in her bone. We're all praying for her.

FB is being... well... a PITA and in my current state of mind, I'll club him with my shovel if he shows up around here mouthing off just one thing I don't like. His ex-wife has moved back into town with their daughter. The ex-wife is a looney tune. She calls him up all the time to 'chat'. When she brought their daughter to town so FB and family could have the daughter for the weekend, the ex wanted to go home with them so she could change before going out to party. Daughter said no damn way. FB can't understand why Daughter doesn't want the ex-wife in their house. Let me add here real quick like, the ex is trying like hell to get back into FB's shorts. She keeps telling him things like.. " you know I'm the best lay you ever had." FB is trying like hell not to aggavate her because he wants his daughter. HOWEVER, FB needs a bit of an education where boundries are concerned. He can't see why Daughter has a problem with the ex. He thinks Daughter is just trying to keep him at home, by her side all the time.. yadayadyada. Daughter is fully aware that FB wouldn't climb into the sheets with his ex again.. with as many men as the ex has been with lately, he would catch something. He's not unaware of the fact that the ex will just about pull her pants down for just about any man she thinks would love her. Piece of work, ain't she? Yeah and FB was married to her. So, FB is in a snit because Daughter keeps saying it's their house but he has no say over who or who can't come over.. that's not strictly true.. she doesn't want the ex in her house, I don't blame her, and there is a select few she won't let in. The boy needs a wake up call and if he keeps making my radar blip, by George, he's gonna get one.

Right this moment... a convent retreat is looking mighty fine... *sigh*

No Respect Among Men? *grin*

"What A Wonderful Husband"

Several men are in the locker room of a golf club. A cell phone on a bench rings and a man engages the hands-free speaker- function and begins to talk. Everyone else in the room stops to listen.

MAN: "Hello"

WOMAN: "Honey, it's me. Are you at the club?"

MAN: "Yes"

WOMAN: "I'm at the mall now and found this beautiful leather coat. It's only $1,000. Is it OK if I buy it?"

MAN: "Sure, go ahead if you like it that much."

WOMAN: "I also stopped by the Mercedes dealership and saw the new 2005 models. I saw one I really liked."

MAN: "How much?"

WOMAN: "$65,000."

MAN: "OK, but for that price I want it with all the options."

WOMAN: "Great! Oh, and one more thing . The house we wanted last year is back on the market. They're asking 950,000."

MAN: "Well, then go ahead and give them an offer, but just offer $900,000."

WOMAN: "OK. I'll see you later! I love you!"

MAN: "Bye, I love you, too." The man hangs up. The other men in the locker room are looking at him in astonishment. Then he smiles and asks: "Anyone know whose phone this is?"