Monday, January 29, 2007

Yo Ho!

For about a week now, I've had some sort of demon riding my emotions. Maybe it's the moon doing funny things, eh? Who knows. I have been a snarling, short tempered wench. I know I needed to do something to get rid of it, but the question was, what? So yesterday, Mr M and I went down to the Post, he played in a pool tournament and I went to the other end of the bar with a girlfriend and proceeded to get drunk on my arse. I killed the Kessler bottle at the bar and started on the Canadian Mist. All told, I believe the final count was 8 and all I had was popcorn for food the whole day. I did not make an idiot of myself, except for spilling a drink. I had not done something like this for about 13 years. I did not, much to my surprise, end up with a hangover this morning. I am beat and ready to hit the sack, but I actually got through today pretty damn well.

Daughter, Topper and Pookie, safely now moved in. Still have lots of work to do, but we're getting there.

Sprout and I had a bit of a tiff and it ended with Troll having a long conversation with Sprout over the phone and the end result, Sprout says he learned a few things about himself he isn't proud of. Sprout and I had a conversation and after I hung up, I cried. All is well.

I have been missing from all RP for the last two days, my writing on hold. I did manage to get the promised story for DM done. I had some inspiration. *smile* Now I need to get back to getting K&T worked on and up. I've got all week.

Reservations for Reno to be done this later this week.

Over and out.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

You Know...

There are PITAs and there are BUTTHEADs...

I hate ballons and I hate them even more when *glare* they're blown up and then popped! Hi yourself.

And those drive-bys... I'm investing in a modified staplegun! Yes, I am.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Oh My Goodness

It's been how long since I updated this thing? Where has the time flown by to?

Well, my 50th birthday is sneaking up on me. I've taken to calling it my 'unbirthday'. Don't snicker GQS, yours is just around the corner, bench. Btw, welcome home GQS. Glad to see you made it and are safe and sound.

Between getting the back room fixed up for Sprout to move into, dealing with Daughter's appointments and various stuff and my current manic writing phase, I really have become a mushroom.

Writing... my Camelot stuff seems to be on hold until I can figure out the ends and outs of how to get it to a certain place. Mostly my writing has been about fleshing out Lady T. I've had all kinds of thoughts rolling around and nothing down on paper, let alone fleshed out. Thanks to certain person, I've now have been able to work on her. It's been fun and it has brought me back into my writing again. Maxwell has also taken on quite a personality as well. It's a different genre for me, but that's okay. Maybe it's what I needed. I think it's been some of my best work yet. Now, if I can get it all down on paper, so to speak.

2006 was a bad year. I have never been so happy to see it go. This year has already shown so much promise, I think I'm still holding my breath. I still haven't had time to latch down reservations for Reno in March. I guess I really should get after that. Someone got an extra hour or so to spare me?

I am grateful for the sunshine and warmer weather lately but it's been bloody cold. Okay, okay, so I don't know what cold is. Well, I do, but I just don't happen to currently live in it.

Troll is still waiting to find out if the manager's position for the store is coming open and if so, if he got the job.

Sprout got all A's and one B for his grades last semester. Huzzah! He's so dang proud of himself and he should be. He never got these kind of grades in high school.

Crap still happening down at the Post and you-know-who is going to end up President of the Auxiliary next year. Can't help it. Things have got to change and it seems like I am the only one with big enough-- uh--yeah--those, to pull it off. Oh, I can't wait...*snort* yeah right. *eye roll*

That's it from the Grove.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Alrighty Then

I have finally succombed. Yes, I finally gave in and called the....PITA. That reminds me, he called me a TOADSTOOL! He will PAY for that at some later date,maybe not now, not next year or the year after that, but I promise, some day he wil get smacked on the backside of his head for it. The reason for the succombtion (ok, so that's not a word but I can make them up iffin' I want to)is that I have been his web site designer, except for the the move with Astra *growl* but needless to say, we have had a discussion about his new web site and it will be forthcoming when I get some material to work with. If it isn't and I find someone else has done it? See if I don't wash my hands of him. Humph. And that toadstool remark is unacceptable.

I could complain of how cold it is here, but it's hardly cold when compared to elsewhere in the states.

We're still working on the office, making half of it into a bedroom for Sprout, who, btw, starts back to college on Tuesday (huzzah). I have 2 1/2 weeks before Daughter and kids have to be installed here. *whimper* I love 'em, I do.

Still working on the story for Camelot and working on DM.

I've posted it other places on the net, so I might as well post it here:

The other day, I went shopping in one of my favorite stores. Now that is telling, because I HATE shopping in any form. But, yes, I do have one and it's Body and Bath. I was in there to see if any new products were out for my new favorite scent that I wear. A younger gentleman came to stand next to me as I was looking at the products of my scent. He was looking at a different scent next to mine, then out of the blue, he turned to me.

"Do you realize that a scent can tell you alot about a woman?"

"Does it?" I smiled.

He didn't elaborate and I really didn't want him to. He reached out and picked up the tester bottle of my scent and sniffed. Set it back down,smiled at me and walked out. I left the store with a smile of my own.

My scent: Sensual Amber.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Well, Hello

It just dawned on me that it's Friday night. Uh, where did my week go? What have I accomplished? Hm, hard to say. I started work on the 2nd part to my new Camelot story. It's mostly groundwork at the moment, so that makes it slow going. What has been moving right along like gang busters is my story for LT on DM. I am really pleased with the way it is going. I think there may be some people who will be surprised at the way it is, simply because of LT herself. Well, she is going to surprise some people that's for sure. In the past week or so, LT has been fleshing out, her history as well as what she is dong now. It's a bit of a twist, maybe. I'm enjoying it immensely.

Personally, my nerves are shot. I'm irritable as all get out, I'm snapping at family members. It's not about Mr M, he's been doing oretty good. No, this has to do with the fact that Daughter, Pookie and Topper are moving in and my lifestyle is aout change again. Although Daughter is doing everything she can to insure that our current lifestyle isn't too compromised, and while I appreciate that from her, the blunt part of it is that, things are going to change, that's all there is to it.

Puppy girl is doing well. She had a vet visit this past week, got her second set of shots. I am pleased with our bonding. Now if only she'll quit getting me up at 4:30 in the morning to go potty.

The weather here is cold. We've even managed a wind chill factor. I'm impressed. People in truly cold places will laugh. We're in the mid 20's but HEY, that's cold for us.

There's not much more to add for The Grove. Life just keeps on going and me with it.

Be Well.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Taking A Breather

Well, they're gone..back to the apartment but only temporarily. FB has finally given 30 days noticed and so, I receive Daughter and the grandkids at the end of the month. Would it be wrong of me to say that I am not looking forward to it? This house, according to Mr M, is about 1200 sq. feet. With 7 people in it, it seems even smaller, but it's not only that. I liked it when it was just the four of us and with Troll's schedule and Sprout's, it was more like just the two of us. Don't get me wrong, I love my Daughter and my grandkids, but damn, I love my space too and that's soon to be invaded. They just left after spending two weeks here, so I have a bit of space coming. There's so much we have yet to accomplish to get them settled in here and I just keep dragging my feet. I have to stop that, I do. I just don't wanna.

On a brighter note.. it looks like Reno is an in. Mr M and I can use the break. It's just for a couple of days, but worth it, I'm sure. I know the dates, I just have to figure out where to stay AND hope the weather behaves itself. Leaving my baby (the puppy) behind does not set well with me.

Speaking of puppy, Ki is doing well, the little sh--stinker. I caught her carrying off one of my boots last night. Of course she also wanted to play when it was time to sleep and gnawed on my arm because I kept using it to push her back from the edge of the bed. She also finds the most minute piece of paper or fluff and proceeds to shred it into the tiniest pieces of nothing, which I get to clean up. Ki is everything I could hope for and everything I need.

I am battling a cold. It's all Sprout's fault. He came up behind me, locked my arms down and smooched my cheek, when he had a cold. Brat. Now he's threatening to dye his hair blackwith red tips. *eye roll* and I simply refuse to react. He hates that. *evil grin*

My blood sugars have been up again. I have forced myself to make time to return to the stationary bike. This usually brings it back down. Of course *ahem* my diet hasn't been so well either.

Other than that, the Grove is the Grove.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Words of Wisdom

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.
Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.


A study conducted by UCLA's Department of Psychiatry has revealed that the kind of face a woman finds attractive on a man can differ depending on where she is in her menstrual cycle.
For example: If she is ovulating, she is attracted to men with rugged and masculine features.

However, if she is menstruating, or menopausal, she tends to be more attracted to a man with tape over his mouth and a spear lodged in his chest while he is on fire.

No further studies are expected.

Happy New Year!

Okay, so I'm a day late and probably a dollar short, but hey, it's still a relatively new year, dontcha think? I hope this finds everyone well,in good health and spirits. I hope the holidays have been good to you.

The Zoo has been rocking, what else is new? People in, people out and a puppy barking and making demands. I finally found the software I needed to download digital pictures into my computer. So, I'll finally be able to get hopping and upload a pic of Kiowa and other stuff shortly.

Mr M and I went down to the post for New Year's Eve and had a good time. He spent most of his time shooting pool with his new stick, which he loves. I spent my time talking with a few friends. Considering the undercurrents around that place of late, it was nice to simply be able to go in and have a good time.

New Year's Day was spent quietly and enjoyably. I did a little puttering around the house, just picking up and such when one has a lot of people around. I was able to enjoy sitting down at the computer and just write. It seems (hopefully) that my Muse may be finding her way back. I hope so, because I've missed her. I managed to start a new story for Camelot and my brain is whirling with the direction I want to go with it, several options there. I think I'll check in with my writing partner to see what he thinks about one certain idea. I also have been writing for DoubleMoon. I am a day late and a dime short getting in a new story for the DM site. The web mistress will forgive me since she is current pre-occupied with other matters more important. While this story is primarily for the DM group list, it may warrant going up on the DM site eventually. Currently it's an ongoing storyline and simply now getting put together. Either way, I've been writing. Huzzah!

I have several thoughts for the New Year:

-The Divine: I am humbled, respectful, and grateful for Your Grace that is my mantle. Without You, I am nothing.

-Mr M: There isn't a day that goes by that I am not thankful to have you in my life, I am more than grateful to the Divine for letting you grace it. I love you.

-My Children: You are my blessings and my life has more meaning and depth because of you all. Love you.

-My Grandchildren: All too soon you will be grown into young adults. It is my pleasure and honor to be your grandmother, helping you along the way. I love you.

-My Beloved Cheyenne: I don't why you had to leave me, I miss you and hopefully someday we'll see each other again.

-My Cuteness Kiowa: You have brought light to this old woman's heart and soul. You're a pain in the patootie, but I am grateful for it.

-My Writing Partner: I wish all the good things this life has to offer for you and your family. May your lives continue to be surrounded by Divine Love and Grace... and kick that Muse of yours in the backside, will ya?

-Sandy: You rock, Woman! I'm glad you are my friend.

-GQS: I am ever so humbled and grateful that you are on the road to recovery and good health again. It was good to talk with you. My thoughts and prayers continue to be yours.

-Joyous: You are a courageous woman embarking on a new chapter of your life. I am not only so proud of you, I stand in awe. There is nothing you can not achieve. Love ya and that's as sappy as it gets for the year.

-E: What to say? You are a delight and I thank you for your continuing input into my life. It means muchly. Thank you for your caring.

-Em: Woman, you are such a whirlwind through life. You are passionate, compassionate and caring. Never change.

-PoD: Damn,I never thought I'd say this.. but I miss you. Your wit has always kept me on my toes. Your passion has had us at crossroads more than once, yet, we always managed to see it through. I hope our paths cross again.

-Lunacy: I have but one wish, but I'll hold that one close and silent because I still hold out hopes it will come to fruitation one of these days. You have a good heart, good people who love you, what more do you need that I could wish for you? Not much. Oh...except one... GET PUBLISHED!!!

-Sir Poet, Quietus, Drake, et al: I miss you, all of you. Please find a way back to us all so that we also can enjoy your spirit. Be Well. Hang in there with the weight loss. It's a long road but worth it. I'm still holding after a 35lb loss.

-Kovus: Thank you.

-PITA: get your arse in gear and quit fiddle fooking around with time travel.

If I left anyone out, it is not intentional and I do apologize. They are the people that currently come to mind at this writing.

May This New Year be a growing one for all of you. May you come through the inevitable trials and tribulations with courage, growth, strength and wisdom. Most importantly, I hope you all continue to grace my life and for those of you that have been MIA, I hope we find our way back.

With Love, Hopes and Prayers.....