Friday, September 28, 2007

Head 'Em Up, Move 'Em Out

Okay people, I'm all packed and we're off to Oregon. Have a safe and good weekend. I'll catch ya on the flip side and as a side note? -smacks PITA along side his head- Don't ever call me at 06:45hrs. I haven't even had a cup of coffee yet, think I'm answering my phone? -arched brow-

Thursday, September 27, 2007


Quite a few years ago, when I first back to the mainland and got my divorce, a neighbor at the top of my road took me under her wing and befriended me. It was, at best, an up and down relationship. She is one of those people who needs to mother other people. She NEEDS to be needed. Well, at the time, I needed someone to help me get out of my shell and back into a single's life. She and her husband did that for me. A couple of years later, she was diagnosed as a diabetic, Type II and one that needs insulin. She never truly took it seriously. She doesn't take her insulin like she needs to, she continues to eat all the stuff she shouldn't and to great quanities, I might add. After I married Mr M she got pissy. It just floored me. You see, I didn't NEED her like I use to. Eventually, she and her husband moved back to Oregon, where they are from. I haven't spoken with her in years. I see a kid of hers now and then. I just found out that two weeks ago, she had a stroke. This does not surprise me. Given how she ignores the things she shouldn't, like I said, I am not surprised. She has about 30% of her legs. Her mental state is deteriorating. She threw a cup of hot coffee at her oldest stepdaughter. They have never gotten along, but that is unexcuseable.

Diabetes is a chronic illness that can be dealt with successfully if you pay attention and take care of yourself. Yes, it requires some work and sacrifice but the alternative is not acceptable. A person can die from this disease if you don't take care of yourself. A person can go blind from this disease if you don't take care of yourself.

Choices. We all have to make them.

Sunday, September 23, 2007


Well, brother-in-law is coming out of the coma and starting to respond to stimuli. I'm thankful. I don't know if I could handle another not so good ending. I don't know who the heck I ticked off, but is it time to GIVE ME A BREAK, yet? I'm not asking for alot, just some time off for good behavior. I have been a good girl, I swear. You can ask any of my friends.

It rained yesterday. That was nice. It cleared the valley of any smoke and this morning the air smells so clean and fresh. We got all of Daughter's stuff put up so now I need to get outside and work on the front of the house so it doesn't look so junky. I'm still working on gettting all of Sprout's stuff out of his old bedroom. We're almost there. I even managed to get some stuff done in the livingroom.

Yesterday I went out shopping. Yep, you read that right, S-H-O-P-P-I-N-G. Troll asked for a few things so I went out and got them. Daughter isn't too happy that I went out without her, but oh, well. I did forget that blow-up mattress I want to get and leave at Troll's house. We'll go get that this week. I also want to go to the meat store and bring some stuff back for him too.

I took Mr M to the movies last night. We went to go see 3:10 to Yuma. Good movie. we both really enjoyed it. If you like westerns, I reccomend it. There's a couple of others I want to go see as well. For Christmas Eve, I want to go see The Golden Compass.

Today is pretty much a gentle day, a bit of puttering here and there.

Friday, September 21, 2007


Already??? Where did the week go? I am a bit concerned with Mr M this morning. Last night he was in the kitchen retrieving a snack and I found him standing at the stove,swaying. I also could see that he wasn't 'right'. His manner of speech, his eyes, his focus was minimal at best. He said around 5pm he was feeling dizzy. We have gone through this before, although it is has been awhile since it last happened. It's his blood pressure and they told him he just needs to get up a bit slower instead of standing upright right away. Usually, a few hours later he is okay. We'll see how he is when he wakes up. Still, I am concerned.

Now that the weather is cooling off I can get outside and start working on stuff again. I did make a small start yesterday. We got (with the exception of two) all of Daughter's boxes in the storage trailer. Yes, that trailer has become storage instead of Mr. M's new workshop, at least for the moment. We need to convert the barn into storage space before he gets his trailer back. Mr M will be working on getting Topper's bunk bed up today.

Brother-in-law still in coma. The doctors don't understand it. There's no reason why he should be. All his other medical problems are being treated successfully enough. I suppose it is a just wait and see thing. They still can't find the source of the infection. They do know it's not in his brain or his spinal cord however. They have him on massive doses of antibiotics.

I still have two more trips to make before winter sets in: Oregon and Fresno. Hopefully, I can get both done soon. I have this desire to hear the joyous one, sing. -grin-

Troll called the other day, "Is it too late to quit?" He was having a very bad day. Poor thing. He called to vent.

Sprout is still in school. He hates his early morning class today. School he enjoys, I believe. Currently seeing a 27 yr old. He's 23. Not a problem as far as I am concerned. He says, just friends. Uh-uh. Heard THAT one before.

Daughter still getting on my last frayed nerve. That woman needs a job and something to do with her time. All she seems to do is sleep.

Topper is a little chatter box. I swear that boy doesn't stop until he's in bed, asleep. I think I should invest in a muzzle. lol.

Pookie joined band this year. She's playing the drums. Heaven help us all. But that's my girl. Just got to be different.

My cup runneth over. Um...yeah.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

*&^%$%^ People!

Talk about roasting my chesnuts! -growl- Some people need to stay off their bleeping cellphones while they're driving. I had some IDIOT almost take out my car because he wasn't paying attention but yakking on his cell.

God save me from IDIOTS before I have to kill them myself.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Just Color Me Purple

Sometimes, people just confuse the hell out of me. I try not to read someone. I try to take them at their words. Sometimes... people throw words out there and they can only mean one thing, there's no mistaking that, not by a long or short shot. Yet, I come to find out, it's not what they really mean. So what the HELL do they mean? -sigh- Can someone buy me a friggin' clue, please? If I'm batting my head against a brick wall, can someone just point that out to me so I can stop? I really do not care to sport a flat forehead. It really isn't a fashion statement. I thought I knew this person like the back of my hand. Now, I'm not so sure.

I'm tired, people. So unbelievable tired. Cut me some slack here. Tell me what you truly mean. I'm not going anywhere, but I'd like to know where I stand. Tell me I'm one thing then define it. Because apparently, my idea of that word is something different than yours.

When you figure it out, let me know, okay? In the meantime, I'm going into hibernation.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

It's Not Over Yet

Well, just when I think things are going to settle down, I findout it isn't. I got a phone call form my sister-in-law today. Apparently her brother, the one who has alienated everyone, was found in the back of his taxi cab, unconscious. His blood sugar was read at 1300. Doctors have been trying to find a relative for a week now. They finally phone my sister -in-law's phone number in his address book, although it had Mom's name. He's been unconscious and on a respirator. It doesn't look good for him. My sister in law hasn't reported back yet. The doctors need family tomake some decisions and only she and Mr M are close by. My sister in law and Michael are full-bloodied relatives, the other two are halves, Mr M and Pooh. I don't think it looks good at any rate. Time will tell.

Troll just called to vent. He asked me, "Is it too late to quit?" LOL. That poor man. He'll have a better day tomorrow. Hopefully. I still plan on going up to see him at the end of the month.

Life will get better. -nodnod-

Saturday, September 15, 2007

A New Day, A New Start

Well, I got up kinda late for me, but I guess I can be excused for it. I went into town and deposited Troll's check. We got Sprout's essential stuff into Troll's old room and got Daughter's bed set up. There's still a lot of Sprout's stuff to move over but he can start with what he has. We still have the bunk beds to set up. One will go in the bedroom with Daughter, for Pookie and the other one will go into the office for Topper. Daughter isn't all that sure Topper will sleep in the office but I think he will. We called it quits for the day. Tomorrow is a new one. After we get everyone moved into the rooms they need to be in, MAYBE I can start cleaning up my house and getting my living space back. Huzzah!

The trip to Vegas is just what I needed. I am, if nothing else, okay. I still have to make plans with Joyous to pick up a small package that she hand carried back for me. I probably won't be able to get down there until October some time. I have so much on my plate for the rest of this month, it isn't funny. Mr M is in the process of being re-evaluated for his disability percentage. So, he's off to take tests. I still need to make my own doctor's appointment for October or so. Ick. Necessary, but ick.

In the meantime, the world turns. Drama is the thing that holds this world together it seems like. Wonderful place, isn't it?

Friday, September 14, 2007

The Flip Side

Home again. Got here around 7:30pm, PDT... wish I was gone again. -grin- More later

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Home Again

I spoke briefly with Em, E and Marty on MSN Messenger last night. I sorta heard Joy by proxie -grin- I truly wish I had been able to go but if there was anything Di understood, it was family. Besides, Troll was her "Polynesian God", she wouldn't have wanted me to forsake him for her. Gotta love that woman.

We got Troll all settled in. I put out a few bucks but he was pretty poor. he had to lay out cash himself first although he is awaiting reimbursment. I'm going to get part of that, but for the moment, we had some money and we helped Troll get on his feet. I put groceries/supplies in his house, bought him a diningroom table w/chairs and a small microwave. The money he gave to me last week? Well, I'm dropping that into his checking account so he has a few bucks until Friday, his payday. I told him he could mail me a check if he didn't use it.

I had my down moments all the way home, tears filling my eyes, my lip trembling, my stomach in knots but I got through it. Troll did too. We've been together, he and I for 19 years now. This is the first time we've been apart since Mom died and that was hard. I love him to pieces and I know the feeling is mutual. I want what's best for him and he felt this was it. I just wish he wasn't so far away. I know he's not, not really. He can be home in 5 hours on any given day. Once winter sets in, that's it until the spring thaw.

Now it's a rush to get laundry done, shopping done, and things done so we can leave on Tuesday for Vegas. It's only three days, but I plan to spend them in the jacquzzi.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Welcome To Friday In The Grove

Friday? -blink blink- -groans- It is Friday, isn't it? Man, oh Man. This is one weekend I am not looking forward to. We decided to wait and bring Sprout's car in for windows on Monday. Troll and Mr M went to go get the moving truck. I have to make a trip in town to cash a check and gas up the red little hot rod. I'll be doing some grocery shopping for Troll too once we get there. After that, he's on his own.

I'll catch you all on the flip side. Have a good weekend.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Good Morning, People

Yeah, I know. It's been awhile. Don't shoot me. I've been trying, I really have. Let's see... what's going on in my mundane every day life...

I've gone out and got another set of ear piercings done so now I sport three holes in each ear. This last one kinda stung a bit. Ouch. Looks good though.

I didn't have jury duty today but I need to check back tonight to see if they need me tomorrow.

My little red car is going in for her first oil change tomorrow.

Troll is coming home tomorrow night. Oh man, does he have stories. LOL. He's working hard but he is so looking forward to having a couple of days off. He has Friday and Saturday this week and Sunday and Monday next week. His employees are pretty much new people who need to be taught how to do things. He hasn't fired anyone yet, but he won'thave aproblem if a couple of them quit. We're moving his stuff to Oregon this weekend.

Next weekend, Mr M is suppose to book us three days for Vegas. We're looking at the middle of the week. More than likely Tuesday through Thursday. It's about the only free time we have open this month. We go to relax, the only problem is, I like to get out and Mr M likes to lounge around. I might simply enjoy lounging for those three days except to fit in going to Medieval Times at the Excalibur. Always have to do that one.

I noticed it's getting cooler out. I hope that means that fall is just over the horizon. I am so ready for it. It'll be time to order another cord of wood soon. I still have quite a bit from last year. But I think I'm going to need at least two cords this year. I think I'll have them deliver two cords. Then I rent a splitter and have almost double of what I ordered.

For those of you going to Lexington, Ky this weekend. I hope you know you carry my love with you. I wish I could be with you all. Full report due when you all get back. Maybe we could all schedule some sort of get together next year or the year next, maybe when Em goes to Reno. -grin- I can't wait to meet Em, that's for sure. Then there will be only three I haven't met and I'd love the chance to see Joy again. Give her and E a hug for me,will ya Em? Oh yeah and one for Sir Rex as well.